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Streamlining Local Plans (LDFs) NPF June 2008. 2 LDF Issues 1. implementation schedule wildly optimistic – but still too slow 2. First plans found unsound.

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1 Streamlining Local Plans (LDFs) NPF June 2008

2 2 LDF Issues 1. implementation schedule wildly optimistic – but still too slow 2. First plans found unsound – led to a loss of confidence and recognition that these are not UDPs with a new name

3 3 Planning White Paper Key elements fundamentally sound - where it has worked it works well Introduction of spatial planning Concept of a flexible system Front loading the process Binding reports based on tests of soundness However problems identified Too complex and process heavy Lack of clarity on what was expected Lack of understanding and buy-in Proposed Changes to regs and legislation Changes to guidance Capacity building and support

4 4 Changes to the Regulations Improved consultation arrangements Single Regulation requiring authority to a) consider who should be involved in the preparation of DPD b) take steps they consider appropriate to involve them Reversal of Order of Representations and Submission Final 6-week representation period will be pre-submission, but local authority expected to publish the plan at this stage which they intend to submit (ie they think it is sound) Consultation on representations No automatic requirement to consult on representations on site allocations Changes in planning bill No more inspections of SCI No SA required on SPDs where higher policy already has SA and there are no new impacts

5 5 New PPS12 Revised PPS12 published on 4 June Focuses on outcomes – not detailed process Accompanied by manual – on PAS web site, based on best practice examples, updated regularly. Letter to all LA leaders and chief executives from Caroline Flint and Sir Simon Milton highlighting the importance of LDFs

6 6 LDF in context Sets out a clear picture of where the LDF must sit At the heart of the LA – not in a planning Silo Alongside and integrated with the SCS Recognised as a key delivery mechanism for LAAs

7 7 New PPS12 Key issues / changes Questions whether a DPD is really needed Will the RSS + core strategy do ? Does development plan status add value ? Is clear that strategic sites are allowed / expected to be in core strategies Re casts the tests of soundness Is the plan justified – robust evidence, most appropriate strategy Is the plan effective – deliverable, flexible Greater focus on infrastructure planning – underpins CIL Emphasis on timeliness – requirement to keep stakeholders updated on progress

8 8 Capacity building / support Resources – Fees / HPDG Comms strategy with chief execs PAS programme – seminars, tailored support, peer support PINS support

9 9 Conclusions Where they have been done LDFs are both quicker and more flexible than the old system Revised policy (PPS12) provides sharper focus on the key messages, in particular the importance of the core strategy and of making key decisions early The revised regs will help streamline the process Next challenge is around confidence, understanding and buy-in.

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