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1 Key Skills Professional Development Planning and Delivering Key skills The wider key skills.

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1 1 Key Skills Professional Development Planning and Delivering Key skills The wider key skills

2 2  Working with Others  Improving Own Learning and Performance  Problem Solving

3 3 Pilot qualifications  Until 2004, the wider key skills were available only as certificates, assessed by portfolio  Piloted as qualifications from September 2004  Require external assessment as well as portfolio

4 4 Tomlinson report – England’s proposed 14-19 policy  Recommended a system of diplomas at four levels from Entry to Advanced  Core of 'functional mathematics', 'functional literacy and communication' and 'functional ICT'  All 14 – 19 programmes to develop common knowledge, skills and attributes (CKSA), such as personal awareness, problem solving, creativity, team working, and moral and ethical awareness

5 5 How are the standards presented? Introduction to the standard. What candidates will need to know how to do. They may need to learn and practice some new skills before they are ready to be assessed. Details of what candidates must show they can do. Everything in this Part will be assessed. Evidence must cover all the criteria. Further guidance and examples of the techniques and knowledge in Part A.

6 6 Note: The assessment criteria for a component must always be treated as a group. WO2.2 Work cooperatively towards achieving the identified objectives. 2.2.1 organise and carry out tasks safely using appropriate methods, to meet your responsibilities 2.2.2 support cooperative ways of working to help achieve the objectives for working together 2.2.3 check progress, seeking advice from an appropriate person when needed Working with Others

7 7 Assessment  Assessment is by portfolio, as for the first three key skills.  There are no written tests but, where candidates’ knowledge and understanding of Part A cannot be inferred from the portfolio, assessors will ask questions to 'fill the gaps‘.

8 8 WHAT LEARNERS NEED TO DO Practise and build skills WHAT LEARNERS MUST BE ABLE TO DEMONSTRATE The ability to apply skills in different contexts WHAT LEARNERS NEED TO KNOW Basic techniques and underpinning knowledge Teacher-led Assessed by questioning Relates to Part A of the key skills standards Independent learner Portfolio evidence: internally assessed; internally verified; externally moderated Teacher-guided Internal formative assessment Relates to Part B of the key skills standards A continuum of key skills development

9 9 Teaching and learning the wider key skills  All three wider key skills require students to demonstrate 'process skills' and 'interpersonal skills‘.  These skills are best developed through active learning that takes account of students’ varied learning styles.

10 10 Teaching and learning the wider key skills Centres have delivered the wider key skills in the contexts of:  main programmes  tutorials  enrichment programmes  work experience  students’ part-time jobs  students’ leisure activities.

11 11 The learning cycle Emerging learner Increasing knowledge and ‘know- how’ Independent learner Increasing responsibility for managing own development Reflect and apply Review Plan Do

12 12  The emphasis should be on evidence of the process rather than the product.  Process evidence: action plans, minutes, notes, learning logs, diaries, recordings, assessor observation, peer assessment, witness statements, records of questioning  All evidence must be authenticated.  Product evidence: documents, artefacts, videos, presentations, photographs Portfolio evidence

13 13 Working with Others: Overview confidence, empathy, persistence, reliability Take care Assessment is not a judgement of worth, personality or value of the individual teamwork, listening, supporting others, asking for help, assertiveness, handling conflict Focus of assessment plan, set targets, organise tasks, review progress Process skills Interpersonal skills Personal qualities Focus of assessment

14 14 Level 1 Evidence must show you can: WO1.1 Confirm you understand the given objectives, and plan for working together. WO1.2 Work with others towards achieving the given objectives. WO1.3 Identify ways you helped to achieve things and how to improve your work with others. Level 2 Evidence must show you can: WO2.1 Plan work with others. WO2.2 Work cooperatively towards achieving the identified objectives. WO2.3 Review your contributions and agree ways to improve work with others. Level 3 Evidence must show you can: WO3.1 Plan work with others. WO3.2 Seek to develop cooperation and check progress towards your agreed objectives. WO3.3 Review work with others and agree ways of improving collaborative work in the future. Working with Others: Progression

15 15 You must:  provide at least two examples of meeting the standard for WO1.1, WO1.2 and WO1.3. One example must show you can work in a one-to-one situation and one example must show you can work in a group or team situation. Working with Others Level 1 – Part B

16 16 WO1.1 Confirm you understand the given objectives, and plan for working together. Amplification Eg must understand meaning of ‘objectives’ which are given and checked; identify tasks, resources, deadlines, responsibilities, working arrangements (where, when, with whom, etc) Working with Others Level 1 – Part B

17 17 WO1.2 Work with others towards achieving the given objectives. Amplification Eg get materials, tools, resources; work safely and cooperatively; follow correct techniques and approaches; ask for help/support when needed (candidate makes the judgment); offer help/support to others Working with Others Level 1 – Part B

18 18 WO1.3 Identify ways you helped to achieve things and how to improve your work with others. Amplification Eg identify what’s gone well/less well; understand why; think about what to do to improve; identify own contributions; understand basic team roles and group dynamics; suggest improvements for future Working with Others Level 1 – Part B

19 19 You must:  provide at least two examples of meeting the standard for WO2.1, WO2.2 and WO2.3. One example must show you can work in a group or team situation. Working with Others Level 2 – Part B

20 20 WO2.1 Plan work with others. Amplification Eg understand how groups/teams work effectively; objectives may be suggested by candidate, or others; planning techniques; share information/ suggestions; roles and accountability; know who to consult; confirm arrangements, timescales, etc Working with Others Level 2 – Part B

21 21 WO2.2 Work cooperatively towards achieving the identified objectives. Amplification Eg meet responsibilities in group; safety; techniques and approaches for the work; support co-operative working; learn about discrimination; rights and feelings of others; assertiveness; protect own rights; check progress; decide when necessary to seek advice Working with Others Level 2 – Part B

22 22 WO2.3 Review your contributions and agree ways to improve work with others. Amplification Eg assess the quality of the work; give balanced account of what happened; identify own role; give and accept constructive feedback; make and listen to suggestions for improvement Working with Others Level 2 – Part B

23 23 You must:  provide at least one example of meeting the standard for WO3.1, WO3.2 and WO3.3, to include work in a group or team situation. You must check progress on two occasions (for WO3.2). Working with Others Level 3 – Part B

24 24 WO3.1 Plan work with others. Amplification Eg understand need for different roles; importance of interpersonal skills; link roles to individual skills; active listening; make suggestions; be realistic; use planning techniques; agree timescales, etc; safety Working with Others Level 3 – Part B

25 25 WO3.2 Seek to develop cooperation and check progress towards your agreed objectives. Amplification Eg obtain and make best use of resources; organise and pace the work; quality and schedule; know where to get support; health and safety; techniques and approaches to task; actively support cooperative working; understand effect of individual behaviour; methods of resolving conflict; motivation, assertiveness; discrimination, harassment; rights and feelings of self and others; inform others of progress, show initiative; be alert to need to change plans Working with Others Level 3 – Part B

26 26 WO3.3 Review work with others and agree ways of improving collaborative work in the future. Amplification Eg give and receive constructive feedback; provide a balanced account of own contribution; identify factors that influenced the outcome; agree ways of improving work in future (both interpersonal and work related) Working with Others Level 3 – Part B

27 27 Working with Others – some key issues Identifying individual contributions to the work of the group.  Individual logs and diaries  Careful observation  Willingness to differentiate

28 28 Working with Others – some key issues 'Care needs to be taken that the assessment is not a judgement of worth, personality or value of an individual, or to imply that candidates are failing as people if they do not yet possess certain qualities.' QCA Guidance page 20

29 29 Working with Others – some key issues The wider key skills as qualifications:  External assessment and questioning

30 30 IOLP: Overview Take care Assessment is not a judgement of worth, personality or value of the individual Focus of assessment set targets, plan learning, review progress Process skills communicate own needs, accept constructive feedback, negotiate opportunities for learning and support confidence, motivation, persistence Personal qualities Interpersonal skills

31 31 Level 1 Evidence must show you can: LP1.1 Confirm your targets and plan how to meet these with the person setting them. LP1.2 Follow your plan, to help meet targets and improve your performance. LP1.3 Review your progress and achievements in meeting targets, with an appropriate person. Level 2 Evidence must show you can: LP2.1 Help set targets with an appropriate person and plan how these will be met. LP2.2 Take responsibility for some decisions about your learning, using your plan to help meet targets and improve your performance. LP2.3 Review progress with an appropriate person and provide evidence of your achievements. Level 3 Evidence must show you can: LP3.1 Set targets using information from appropriate people and plan how these will be met. LP3.2 Take responsibility for your learning, using your plan to help meet targets and improve your performance. LP3.3 Review progress and establish evidence of your achievements. IOLP: Progression

32 32 You must:  provide at least two examples of meeting the standard for LP1.1, LP1.2 and LP1.3 (each example should cover at least two targets). Overall, show you can use at least two different ways of learning to improve your performance. IOLP Level 1 – Part B

33 33 LP1.1 Confirm your targets and plan how to meet these with the person setting them. Amplification Eg understand what is meant by SMART targets, action points, deadlines, reviews, different ways of learning; develop an ILP, with targets etc; know how/when/where to get help and support, and from whom IOLP Level 1 – Part B

34 34 Targets S M A R T Targets should be: pecific easurable chievable ealistic ime-bound E R njoyable ewarding

35 35 LP1.2 Follow your plan, to help meet targets and improve your performance. Amplification Eg work through the action plan; use different ways of learning (eg visual, verbal, aural, physical); make changes suggested by tutor/supervisor; use support IOLP Level 1 – Part B

36 36 LP1.3 Review your progress and achievements in meeting targets, with an appropriate person. Amplification Eg reflect on and review progress; identify knowledge and skills learned; identify targets met and achievements; accept constructive feedback; clarify what needs to be done to improve IOLP Level 1 – Part B

37 37 You must:  provide at least two examples of meeting the standard for LP2.1, LP2.2 and LP2.3 (each example should cover at least two targets). Overall, show you can use at least two different ways of learning to improve your performance. IOLP Level 2 – Part B

38 38 LP2.1 Help set targets with an appropriate person and plan how these will be met. Amplification Eg understand how planning and reviewing can improve performance; different learning styles; develop an ILP; provide information to help set SMART targets; 'a few weeks or less’; identify/write action points; plan time; know when/where to seek help, and from whom IOLP Level 2 – Part B

39 39 LP2.2 Take responsibility for some decisions about your learning, using your plan to help meet targets and improve your performance. Amplification Eg use action points to manage time; revise plan if necessary; choose and try different ways of learning (visual, verbal, aural, physical); identify who/when/where to ask for help/support; work for short periods without supervision IOLP Level 2 – Part B

40 40 LP2.3 Review progress with an appropriate person and provide evidence of your achievements. Amplification Eg identify knowledge and skills learned; check that targets have been met; identify and provide evidence of achievement; identify preferred ways of learning; accept constructive feedback; ask questions for clarification IOLP Level 2 – Part B

41 41 You must:  provide at least one example of meeting the standard for LP3.1, LP3.2 and LP3.3 (the example should cover at least three targets). Overall, show you can use at least two different ways of learning to improve your performance. IOLP Level 3 – Part B

42 42 LP3.1 Set targets using information from appropriate people and plan how these will be met. Amplification Eg develop ILP; write action points and timescales; set own targets; seek information from appropriate people; use variety of sources; plan use of support and reviews; be aware of factors that might affect outcome IOLP Level 3 – Part B

43 43 LP3.2 Take responsibility for your learning, using your plan to help meet targets and improve your performance. Amplification Eg identify priorities; manage time; choose ways of learning (visual, aural, verbal, etc); health and safety; work at times independently; reflect on progress; seek feedback and support IOLP Level 3 – Part B

44 44 LP3.3 Review progress and establish evidence of your achievements. Amplification Eg focus on quality of own learning and performance; use learning to meet new demands; identify targets met and gather evidence of achievements from at least two different ways of learning; present own views on how to improve, take advice, and agree with others IOLP Level 3 – Part B

45 45 IOLP – some key issues IOLP can provide structure for:  a tutorial programme of any length  building a portfolio for one or more of the first three key skills  completing a project or coursework in any subject in a learner’s main programme.

46 46 IOLP – some key issues  It is essential that an IOLP action plan is started at the beginning of a programme. It cannot be completed in retrospect.

47 47 IOLP – some key issues  As with all the wider key skills, candidates’ portfolio evidence will need to be authenticated, internally assessed and internally verified.  Where complete coverage of Part A cannot be inferred from the portfolio, candidates must be asked questions from the list supplied by the awarding body.

48 48 Problem Solving: Overview Process skills exploring, planning, implementing, checking and reviewing Focus of assessment Interpersonal skills consulting and collaborating Take care Assessment is not a judgement of worth, personality or value of the individual persistence and reliability Personal qualities

49 49 What is a problem (1)? A problem exists 'where there is a need to bridge a gap between a current situation and a desired situation'.  Diagnostic problems  Design problems  Contingency problems

50 50 What is a problem (2)? For the purposes of the Problem Solving key skill, a problem should:  be relevant to the student’s work or study programme  be within the student’s experience  have an identifiable goal  represent a challenge to the student  be solvable by the student  not have a ready-made solution.

51 51 What is not a problem? For the purposes of the Problem Solving key skill, problems do not include:  problems with personal or emotional relationships  problems on a scale beyond a student’s experience or scope eg ‘world poverty’ or ‘global warming’.

52 52 Level 1 Evidence must show you can: PS1.1 Confirm with an appropriate person that you understand the given problem and identify different ways of tackling it. PS1.2 Confirm with an appropriate person what you will do and follow your plan for solving the problem. PS1.3 Check with an appropriate person if the problem has been solved and how to improve your problem solving skills. Level 2 Evidence must show you can: PS2.1 Identify a problem, with help from an appropriate person, and identify different ways of tackling it. PS2.2 Plan and try out at least one way of solving the problem. PS2.3 Check if the problem has been solved and identify ways to improve problem solving skills. Level 3 Evidence must show you can: PS3.1 Explore a problem and identify different ways of tackling it. PS3.2 Plan and implement at least one way of solving the problem. PS3.3 Check if the problem has been solved and review your approach to problem solving. Problem Solving: Progression

53 53 You must:  provide at least two examples of meeting the standard for PS1.1, PS1.2 and PS1.3. Each example should cover a different problem and identify at least two different ways of tackling it (for PS1.1). Problem Solving Level 1 – Part B

54 54 PS1.1 Confirm with an appropriate person that you understand the given problem and identify different ways of tackling it. Amplification Eg must describe/demonstrate the problem; can be helped/prompted/given suggestions; must know how to show success; small number of possible solutions; who to ask, what to ask Problem Solving Level 1 – Part B

55 55 PS1.2 Confirm with an appropriate person what you will do and follow your plan for solving the problem. Amplification Eg help decide what to do; confirm plan, with steps and timescales; identify limits; know what resources are needed; follow plan safely, using support; know who to ask for help/support Problem Solving Level 1 – Part B

56 56 PS1.3 Check with an appropriate person if the problem has been solved and how to improve your problem solving skills. Amplification Eg use given methods to carry out checks; discuss and practice methods; describe results; identify what went well and what went less well; problem does not need to be solved; check how to improve problem solving skills at each stage Problem Solving Level 1 – Part B

57 57 You must:  provide at least two examples of meeting the standard for PS2.1, PS2.2 and PS2.3. Each example should cover a different problem and identify at least two different ways of tackling it (for PS2.1). Problem Solving Level 2 – Part B

58 58 PS2.1 Identify a problem, with help from an appropriate person, and identify different ways of tackling it. Amplification Eg provide information to help identify a problem; accurately describe main features; describe impact; identify how will know that problem has been solved; come up with different ways of tackling; discuss similar problems with others; risks and other relevant factors Problem Solving Level 2 – Part B

59 59 PS2.2 Plan and try out at least one way of solving the problem. Amplification Eg confirm how they will tackle the problem; plan using, eg timelines, to-do lists; draw on own knowledge; identify methods and resources; be aware of risk factors; health and safety; use plan effectively; get support when necessary; keep track and revise plan when necessary Problem Solving Level 2 – Part B

60 60 PS2.3 Check if the problem has been solved and identify ways to improve problem solving skills. Amplification Eg use given methods (eg test, observe, measure, inspect, ask others) to carry out checks; describe results, including strengths and weaknesses of how they tackled the problem; review, reflect and identify ways of improving problem solving skills Problem Solving Level 2 – Part B

61 61 You must:  provide at least one example of meeting the standard for PS3.1, PS3.2 and PS3.3. The example should include exploring at least three different ways of tackling a problem (for PS3.1). Problem Solving Level 3 – Part B

62 62 PS3.1 Explore a problem and identify different ways of tackling it. Amplification Eg identify, analyse and accurately describe the problem; agree with others how will know it has been solved; select and use a variety of methods; compare main features and risks; justify chosen method Problem Solving Level 3 – Part B

63 63 PS3.2 Plan and implement at least one way of solving the problem. Amplification Eg plan, using timelines, etc; anticipate difficulties; health and safety; get go-ahead from appropriate person; implement plan; judge when to seek and use support and feedback; check progress regularly; revise approach as necessary Problem Solving Level 3 – Part B

64 64 PS3.3 Check if the problem has been solved and review your approach to problem solving. Amplification Eg apply agreed checking methods systematically (eg sampling, impact on others); describe results fully; draw conclusions on success (or not) of methods; review problem solving approaches, including consideration of alternatives Problem Solving Level 3 – Part B

65 65 Problem Solving – some key issues It is important that the candidate tackles a problem that is suitable for the Problem Solving key skill at the appropriate level.

66 66 Problem Solving – some key issues Throughout the Problem Solving standards, the words 'tackles' and 'tackling' are often used. This adds emphasis to the point that the problem does not have to be solved. What matters is the process of tackling problems systematically, learning and using problem solving skills and techniques, and reflecting on and reviewing approaches.

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