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UNESCO International Values Education Project Terry Lovat The University of Newcastle.

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1 UNESCO International Values Education Project Terry Lovat The University of Newcastle

2 Learning to Live Together and Learning to Be: A Values Education Approach to Enhance the Personal and Social Development that Leads to Sustainability (A UniTwin project)

3 Research Sites University of Johannesburg, SA (Lead Site) University of California, Berkeley, USA Utrecht University, The Netherlands Universidad Maior, Chile Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Colombia The Institute of Psychology, Hanoi, Vietnam The University of Newcastle, Australia Plus sites in Oxford, Cambridge and Ghana

4 Principal Objective To research the effects of Values Education implementation - with specific reference to the UNESCO sponsored Living Values: An Educational Program (LVEP) on the personal and social development of students, teacher- student interactions, the educational site community, and academic achievement - in several developed and developing countries around the world.

5 Potential Relationship with DEST Values Education Program (VEP) Interested in Values Education internationally as it is rolling out in different places VEP has potential to inform international developments In turn, UNESCO sponsorship has potential to strengthen the cause of VEP What role for the UNESCO program, LVEP?

6 Features of LVEP 1. Creating a Values-based environment 2. Implementing a Values curriculum 3. Putting Values into action

7 LVEP and VEP Adelaide Declaration (1999) on National Schooling Goals for 21C Schooling provides a foundation for young Australians' intellectual, physical, social, moral, spiritual and aesthetic development. Values Education Study (2003) Values education is … an explicit goal … aimed at promoting care, respect and cooperation. National Framework (2005) Values Education reflects good practice pedagogy/ quality teaching

8 VALUES EDUCATION and QUALITY TEACHING US Learning Task Force 1994 Development of Whole Person: Intellectual Depth Communicative Capacity Empathic Character Reflective Powers Self-management Self-knowing Integrity

9 Holistic role for teachers and school agency ACER Student satisfaction Rowe Linking achievement with teacher trust & care Bryk Relational trust as an organizational property Dewey Reflectivity, inquiry and capacity for moral judgment

10 UNESCO and DEST Both pursuing a theme of the wider agendas for teacher and school roles: Whole development Fortified intellectual development Personal and moral development Development of citizenship Issue for systems and teacher education is in preparing, inducting and supporting teachers and schools for these wider roles?

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