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Collaboration between Works Departments and Innovation and Technology Commission Collaboration between Works Departments and Innovation and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration between Works Departments and Innovation and Technology Commission Collaboration between Works Departments and Innovation and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration between Works Departments and Innovation and Technology Commission Collaboration between Works Departments and Innovation and Technology Commission Mr C S Wai Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

2 2 Collaboration Mechanism Problem Expertise R & D Sector Works Departments ITC

3 3 Current R & D Projects Trial use of R & D Products : LED lamps Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Mobile technologies for use in construction works attendance management Ground receiving station for gathering environmental change data Galvanized steel with enhanced corrosion- resistance performance

4 4 Current R & D Projects Central Geo-Data Hub for Government-wide Geographic Information Systems Central Geo-Data Hub for Government-wide Geographic Information Systems Slope Movement Monitoring System Slope Movement Monitoring System Building Information Modeling Enhancing efficiency of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems for electricity generation Enhancing efficiency of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems for electricity generation Use of algae tubes to improve air quality Use of algae tubes to improve air quality Identification of water seepage in buildings Identification of water seepage in buildings Solution for odour problem of drainage system Solution for odour problem of drainage system New materials of temporary road markings New materials of temporary road markings Ground penetrating Rader (GPR) for detecting and diagnosing tree roots Ground penetrating Rader (GPR) for detecting and diagnosing tree roots Joint undertaking of R & D Projects

5 5 Challenges Ahead Sustainable Built Environment Building Safety Shortage of Construction Manpower Resources Better Asset Management Research Opportunities New Infrastructure Development

6 6 Let’s work together to make HK to become an “ I I”

7 7 Thank you

8 8 New Infrastructure Development Challenge: Increasing constraints on infrastructure development Solution: Innovative design Relevant research areas: Advanced technologies to support the innovative design process. New materials and construction methods to support design innovation.

9 9 Shortage of Construction Manpower Resources Challenge: Tremendous pressure on construction manpower resources in the near future Solution: Less labour-intensive construction mode Relevant research areas: Wider use of precast fabrication technology in construction works. Adopt less labour-intensive methods in construction works.

10 10 Sustainable Built Environment Challenge:Build a sustainable future Solution:Promote uses of green materials/technologies in public works Relevant research areas: Wider use of green products/technologies in government buildings/installations. Use of green products/technologies in public works to alleviate environmental pollution and community nuisance during construction.

11 11 Better Asset Management Challenge:To ensure vast amount of public assets are in good conditions Solution:Effective management and maintenance of the public assets Some research areas interested by Works Departments: Topographic and terrain mapping using state- of-the-art mapping technology Detection of water leakage in the salt water distribution system. Satellite infra-red remote sensing for surveillance of diseased trees.

12 12 Building Safety Challenge:To inspect 4 000 private buildings aged 50 years and over within tight timeframe Solution:Effective ways to identify building safety problems Some research areas interested by Building Department: Non-destructive examination methods for building structures Detection of new unauthorized building works by means of satellite remote sensing

13 13 Identification of water seepage in buildings To study the existing methods of water seepage detection being used currently by Building Department in order to identify rooms for improvement. (BD, FEHD and ASTRI)

14 14 Solution for odour problem of drainage system To develop means to solve odour problem of storm drainage system with inadequate hydraulic gradient, particularly in reclamation areas. (DSD, EPD and various local universities)

15 15 New materials of temporary road markings To explore the possibility of improving the performance of the temporary road marking tapes currently used in road works by the use of advanced technologies. (HyD and NAMI)

16 16 Ground penetrating Radar (GPR) for detecting and diagnosing tree roots To help study select suitable vendor and develop a project proposal. (TMO/DEVB & ASTRI)

17 17 Central Geo-Data Hub for Government-wide Geographic Information Systems To develop an information system for handling Planning, Lands, Buildings and Works Related Information (ArchSD and ASTRI)

18 18 Slope Movement Monitoring System To explore the use of ground-based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique for real-time, continuous slope movement monitoring (CEDD and ASTRI). T5 T6 Moveable Targets at Anderson Road Quarry Site

19 19 Building Information Modeling To develop an information system to facilitate exchange of building information within Housing Department (HD and ASTRI) Domestic block design Feasibility Study Commercial Center design

20 20 Enhancing efficiency of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems for electricity generation To investigate the possibility to enhance the efficiency of solar photovoltaic systems for electricity generation in buildings. (EMSD and ASTRI) Sun Tracking PV Installation

21 21 Use of algae tubes to improve air quality To investigate the practicality of installing algae tubes on the roof of Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Boundary Crossing Facilities to help relief air pollution generated by the traffic. (HyD and NAMI)

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