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Volunteering “Making an impact in Manchester” Alex Fairweather Greater Manchester Youth Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteering “Making an impact in Manchester” Alex Fairweather Greater Manchester Youth Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteering “Making an impact in Manchester” Alex Fairweather Greater Manchester Youth Network

2 About GMYN A not-for-profit organisation working to enable young people and organisations to participate, develop and achieve. Delivers a variety of projects and services Involved with various volunteering delivery projects - vinvolved in Manchester, Bolton, Bury and Oldham - Millennium Volunteers - PAYP - European Voluntary Service - National Citizens Service - VCN/Manchester Volunteering Task Group Supported over 5000 people to volunteer and created over 9000 volunteering opportunities.

3 What is volunteering? Although definitions can vary, we think of volunteering as when someone gives up their time for the benefit of other people, the community or the environment, in a way that doesn’t directly replace the work of paid staff or result in an organisation making a profit.

4 Why are we passionate about volunteering? Volunteering has the power… Wider community impact & positive change Creates opportunities for individuals and organisations “I am capable of changing the way something is through volunteering” Young Volunteer (2010)

5 Economic impacts of volunteering Employability – Tackling unemployment and progression across the City Skills and personal development Proactive approach towards helping young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) Value of volunteering in the city equated to £232,380 (based on minimum wage CLES 2010) Support for organisations and social enterprise through volunteers

6 Social impacts of volunteering Volunteering improved a lot of things in me....confidence and speaking, sharing my ideas with other people Increases confidence and working as a team Support for people during a period of transition Socialising – meeting new people, tackling feelings of isolation Volunteering and enhanced wellbeing, including raising levels of self esteem and physical health

7 Wider community impact Supporting organisations and social enterprise in Manchester Encouraging cross sector relationships and discussions between the voluntary sector and the public sector in Manchester Wider economic benefits of this work in terms of building capacity, strengthening the labour market and building a sense of civic responsibility Improving community relations

8 How can I get involved? Experience volunteering yourself See what's available. Taster sessions – Full time volunteering Pick something suitable Don’t worry!

9 Support volunteers within your organisation Utilise people’s talents, skills & enthusiasm to make a positive change to -Your organisation - Your community Challenge the mis-conceptions surrounding volunteering Promote your successes How can I get involved?

10 What support can I get? Free volunteering toolkits available from GMYN’s website Various online resources Local organisations

11 The Future! Changes since the spending review -No national youth volunteering programme -Cuts in local authority funding -Changes in priorities -Losing the experience and expertise in the area The Bad

12 The Future! The Good National Citizens Service Volunteering now part of MCC framework for infrastructural support A time of transition, a chance to change/develop services Big Society?

13 Contact us… Alex Fairweather- Managing Director Greater Manchester Youth Network 27 Ardwick Green North Manchester M12 6FZ 0161 274 3377

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