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NW Core Skills Programme Programme Board 14 th February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "NW Core Skills Programme Programme Board 14 th February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 NW Core Skills Programme Programme Board 14 th February 2013

2 Agenda Actions from Previous Meeting Work-stream Update: NW Core Skills Framework Skills Passport Junior Doctors Future Workforce Programme Initiation Doc: Board to Review Amend / Sign off Skills Register Update: Privacy Impact Assessment Information Sharing Protocol Amend / Sign off

3 Programme Position CSF & Skills Passport Future Workforce NW Programme Board Programme Team Junior Doctors Both Deaneries Aligned Wider Stakeholders 50 % of Programmes Adopting 90 % of Trusts Adopting

4 Core Skills Alignment Typical HEI SubjectAHP ProgsNursing ProgsHealthcare Science Progs Fire Safety Bespoke Package - Mapped 15/01/13 - Delivered by Trust - Face to Face Bespoke Package - Mapped 15/01/13 - Delivered by Trust - Face to Face  Health & Safety Core Skills eLite - Updated 01/10/12 - Delivered by HEI - Blackboard Trust Package - Mapped 01/10/12 - Delivered by Trust - Workbook Core Skills eLite - Updated 01/10/12 - Delivered by HEI - Blackboard Manual Handling Core Skills eLite - Updated 01/10/12 - Delivered by HEI - Blackboard Part of HEI Module - Mapped 01/10/12 - Delivered by HEI - Face to Face 

5 Core Skills Alignment Typical NHS Trust SubjectL&DPractice EdMedical Ed Fire Safety Local Package - Mapped 15/01/13 - Delivered by Trust - Face to Face Local Package - Mapped 15/01/13 - Delivered by Trust - Face to Face  Health & Safety Core Skills eLite - Updated 01/10/12 - Delivered by Trust - NLMS  NW Deanery Package - Mapped to CSF 01/10/12 - Deanery VLE Manual Handling Core Skills eLite - Updated 01/10/12 - Delivered by Trust - NLMS Core Skills eLite - Updated 01/10/12 - Delivered by HEI - Blackboard NW Deanery Package - Mapped to CSF 01/10/12 - Deanery VLE

6 Education Materials  All content updated late last year  Additional materials developed - Readers / Workbooks - Voting Button Sessions  eLite eLearning increasingly used - NHS / HEIs / GPs  Access materials on CM tPCT website  Working with organisations who own material or a third party to align & map to the CSF

7 Skills Register  System fully tested  Went live in January  CM tPCT team providing front line support  Training developed and in place  Organisations need to complete a number of steps to access the Skills register  Being used in Junior Doctor pilot

8 National Framework  2 nd phase of consultation completed last autumn  Approval from national bodies  Being piloted in London  Link to National Competences and Naming Conventions  Mapping NW CSF to National Framework  Other regions interested in similar developments  Core Skills  e-Assessment

9 Junior Doctor Project Mersey Deanery CSF Aligned Data transfer processes being formalised (March 2013) All Doctors in Training have access to CSF learning North Western Deanery CSF Aligned Data transfer processes agreed Pilot Project: August 2013 Pilot Project (Feb) Testing the process of sharing core skill aligned learning records UHSM, Salford Royal & Central Manchester

10 Pilot Organisations August 2013: pending formal approval Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust University Hospital South Manchester University Hospitals Morecombe Bay East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust All Mental Health trusts East Cheshire

11 Junior Doctor Project Remaining host education providers fully integrated by February 2014 Lead Employer organisations fully integrated by February 2014 Complete North West Core Skills Passport in operation by February 2014 (Junior Doctors)

12  Wider Adoption  Trust Recognition  Skills Register  Further Education  Clinical Skills Future Workforce Next Steps  Approx 50% of healthcare programmes committed to adopt Core Skills  Determine what this means in reality:  How / When / Where  Target for Sept 2013: 75 % (58) of healthcare programmes to be delivering or committed to deliver Core Skills

13  Wider Adoption  Trust Recognition  Skills Register  Further Education  Clinical Skills Future Workforce Next Steps  Build on examples of best practice in place  Develop clear procedures and processes for organisations  Demonstrate benefits achieved  Target for Jan 2014: 75 % of NHS Trusts to recognise Core Skills training done by students and don’t repeat it

14  Wider Adoption  Trust Recognition  Skills Register  Further Education  Clinical Skills Future Workforce Next Steps  Identify a Skills Register lead & admin support for each HEI  Confirm existing data is compatible with the Skills Register  Develop clear procedures for each HEI for uploading data onto the Skills Register  Target for Sept 2014: 50 % of healthcare programmes to be able to input Core Skills training on to the Skills Register

15  Wider Adoption  Trust Recognition  Skills Register  Further Education  Clinical Skills Future Workforce Next Steps  Build on work done with HEIs  Roll out the Core Skills to FE colleges  Aimed at cadets, apprentices and pre-employment programmes  Target: Initial scoping to be undertaken to determine targets and deliverables

16  Wider Adoption  Trust Recognition  Skills Register  Further Education  Clinical Skills Future Workforce Next Steps  Initial scoping underway  Identify additional subjects to Core Skills that are common across programmes, for example in clinical areas  Develop a framework based on the Core Skills model  Link with work in other regions  Target June 2013: Identify a short list of subjects to develop into a framework

17 Nick Stafford Implementation and Product Lead Skills for Health

18 Contents Information Governance Update Privacy Impact Assessment (Initial Screening) Privacy Impact Assessment Information Sharing Protocol

19 Privacy Impact Assessments Purpose Process Findings Conclusion

20 Information Sharing Background Purpose Relevant points Piloting

21 Contents Skills Passport for Health Programmes Clinical Skills Agency & Locum General Practice Third and Private Sectors Skills Efficiency opportunities Compliance reporting Benchmarking and benefits

22 Skills Efficiency Programmes Live: London Emerging: South West, East of England Opportunities not currently in NW activities: Core Skills Framework Clinical Skills Framework Pre-employment Framework Compliance Reporting

23 Core Skills Framework Objectives go beyond adoption. How to implement given a backdrop of increasing compliance targets and financial pressures: Need for flexibility, efficiency and empowerment = elearning Need for assurance and efficiency = assessments Need for compliance culture = zero tolerance and empowerment

24 Clinical Skills Framework SfH received request to develop clinical skills framework Build on existing work – need to identify any other efforts in this area Need to gather intelligence to develop outline business case Initial scope: Blood Transfusion Consent Medicines Management etc

25 Agency and Locum Agencies contracted through National (Buying Solutions) or Regional (NW) procurement agreements Vague requirement for Core Skills training in SLA/contract NHS Organisations typically rely on this requirement Some organisations are conducting audits in response to increasing regulatory attention Initial investigations show high risk area Purpose: Conduct initial phase to scope, identify high level business case, and feasibility

26 Pre-Employment Framework Engagement with NHS Employers re. review/update the 6 pre-employment standards – positive response Engagement with Recruitment Leads and Managers – positive response Development of outline business case Reduction in time to hire Efficiencies in pre-employment admin Increase in Assurance

27 Compliance Reporting (1) Identification and recognition of best practise Key requirements: Define Workforce Capture Workforce on information systems Define Training Needs Capture Training Needs on information systems Provide access to Training to Workforce Capture Training Activity on information systems Develop capability to run necessary compliance reports

28 Compliance Reporting (2) Methods/levels of reporting capability: 1.LMS only 2.Basic – Excel 3.Medium - Access 4.Advanced – SQL Recognition that SQL type reporting capability is required to support effective compliance reporting WIRED – interim compliance reporting module of Skills Passport

29 WIRED [go to WIRED slides]

30 Benchmarking & Benefits Updating Benefits Calculators to support the various strands of the Skills Passport Programme Feeding in lessons learned and data from different regions Broadening engagement with NW organisations; Skills Passport WIRED Outcomes from workshops with Liverpool locality & others

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