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“Battery hens or free range chickens? What kind of education for what kind of world?” John Abbott, 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "“Battery hens or free range chickens? What kind of education for what kind of world?” John Abbott, 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Battery hens or free range chickens? What kind of education for what kind of world?” John Abbott, 1999

2 Bowland Maths

3 New KS3 PoS

4 Creativity and Critical Thinking “ Creativity can be an individual or collaborative activity. By engaging in creative activities young people can develop the capacity to influence and shape their own lives and wider society. Everyone has the potential for creative activity and it can have a positive impact on self- esteem, emotional wellbeing and overall achievement.” QCA, 2008

5 Creativity and Critical Thinking “Creativity can be an individual or collaborative activity. By engaging in creative activities young people can develop the capacity to influence and shape their own lives and wider society. Everyone has the potential for creative activity and it can have a positive impact on self- esteem, emotional wellbeing and overall achievement.” QCA, 2008 Skills “There is a widespread consensus that skills such as self management, problem solving, team work and effective communication are important components in a curriculum that seeks to prepare young people for the future” QCA, 2008

6 Bowland Maths New KS3 PoS Functional Skills

7 “It is in the interests of young people themselves, of businesses and of the wider economy that as many young people as possible should emerge from education with a sound grasp of functional skills – the key launch platform for work and life.” Working on the Three Rs, CBI, 2006

8 “It is in the interests of young people themselves, of businesses and of the wider economy that as many young people as possible should emerge from education with a sound grasp of functional skills – the key launch platform for work and life.” Working on the Three Rs, CBI, 2006 “ Real skills, real audience, real purpose….” Sue Horner, QCA Secondary Curriculum Review

9 Bowland Maths New KS3 PoS Functional Skills Pedagogy T & L

10 Secondary mathematics guidance papers, DCSF, 2008

11 I I taught my dog to whistle I don’t hear him whistling I said I taught him. I didn’t say he learnt it!

12 “For these learners, mathematics is something that is ‘done to them’, rather than being a creative, stimulating subject to explore. It has become a collection of isolated procedures and techniques to learn by rote, rather than an interconnected network of interesting and powerful ideas to actively explore, discuss and debate and gradually come to under” Improving learning in mathematics: challenges and strategies, Malcolm Swan, 2005 I taught my dog to whistle I don’t hear him whistling I said I taught him. I didn’t say he learnt it!

13 Bowland Maths New KS3 PoS Functional Skills Pedagogy T & L Ofsted

14 “…despite technological advances, the potential of ICT to enhance the learning of mathematics is too rarely realised.” Mathematics: Understanding the Score, Ofsted 2008

15 “…despite technological advances, the potential of ICT to enhance the learning of mathematics is too rarely realised.” Mathematics: Understanding the Score, Ofsted 2008 “…inspection evidence confirms that pupils have little experience of applying their mathematics to a variety of open-ended, novel or complex tasks, and without such opportunities to investigate and extend their reasoning skills, standards in this crucial aspect remain lower than other areas of the mathematics curriculum.” Mathematics: Understanding the Score, Ofsted 2008

16 Bowland Maths New KS3 PoS Functional Skills Pedagogy T & L Ofsted

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