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GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Green Infrastructure: Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin:

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Presentation on theme: "GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Green Infrastructure: Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Green Infrastructure: Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects ECOTEC Key Test Menu (for Natural Economy NorthWest Programme 2008) within wider contextual framework, applied to the socio-economic parameters surrounding and integral to a market driven project

2 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects

3 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects “We love the open spaces, but we don’t get any direct financial benefit from them”

4 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Lower home insurance ££

5 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects “It saves on travel costs and also increase the amount of off-site activity because you can literally go out of the front door and be in a field or by the lake... We have a field just round the back of us - we call it the 'nature reserve' but it is literally just a field. Taking children there is like taking them into a different world and they love it...we have picked kilos of blackberries over the years and then baked crumbles and muffins with the fruit. We know that several pupils have revisited with their families to show them this special space.” Lower travel costs ££ Lower costs More activities Better education ££ Increased fitness + Good health “more rounded people - and therefore more able to deal with learning challenges” Improved academic potential = Improved wealth potential ££ 75% of year 6 Walk/cycle to school (NA 47%)

6 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Lower travel costs ££ Better fitness + health = Improved performance = Improved wealth potential ££ Increased staff fitness + health Improved performance = Reduced staffing costs ££

7 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Reduced clean-up costs Per head of population Reduced Community Charge or more services ££ Better job security ££

8 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Reduced Food costs ££ Reduced food miles ££ Reduced Food costs ££ Reduced food miles ££ Health + fitness = wealth potential

9 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Office building ££ Increased membership (4x higher than other villages) ££ Exemplary project to ‘sell on’ ££ Training and courses – reduced costs ££ Full time reserve warden + 2 volunteers (1 warden 1 water bailiff) Increased local employment ££

10 GI. Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Income from open spaces Events ££ Allotments ££ Sport pitches ££ % Community Charge ££ Agency work: Developers ££ County Highways ££ (other Parish Councils) Commuted sums ££ = Improved services for residents

11 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects 4 Landscape Operatives (3 full time, 1 part time) Increased local employment ££

12 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects “Cambourne’s greatest success are its open spaces, they enhance our human well being. On Pentecost we go up to Crow Hill, have a thanksgiving service and fly kites. There are Muntjac deer that come right into the centre of the village, they’re a bit of a pest around the church but its that engagement with the wider world that keeps us spiritually healthy. My favourite place is the bike ride from the Vicarage through Oaks Wood, past the lakes, to Caxton.”

13 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Sports club pitch fees subsidised by Parish Council Improved heath + fitness, enhanced community Low travel costs ££ Low membership costs ££ Improved health + fitness ££

14 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Access to wider range of facilities Support local business ££ 25 + sports groups Enhanced heath + fitness, enhanced community More financially viable facilities

15 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects Reduced leisure travel costs ££ Subsidised Rides for Harry ££ Small charge to fair Income for Parish ££

16 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects What’s the best thing about living in Cambourne?

17 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects What’s the best thing about living in Cambourne? “THE ENVIRONMENT!!” Enhanced sales = ££ Higher house prices = Higher land values ££ Enhanced capital ££ 50% new house sales to existing residents = Buoyant house prices

18 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects What’s the best thing about living in Cambourne? ECOTEC Key Test Menu (for Natural Economy NorthWest Programme 2008) within wider contextual framework, applied to the socio-economic parameters surrounding and integral to a market driven project

19 Valuation & Evaluation CAMBOURNE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Valuation & Evaluation Cambourne new settlement, Cambridgeshire Dick Longdin: Randall Thorp Landscape Architects What’s the best thing about living in Cambourne?

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