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NW LETB Investment and Workforce Planning Process 2014/15 Mike Burgess, Associate Head of Workforce Planning

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1 NW LETB Investment and Workforce Planning Process 2014/15 Mike Burgess, Associate Head of Workforce Planning Jenny Cavalot, Head of Education Commissioning and Workforce Strategy Calum Pallister, Head of Finance LETB Update

2 Financial planning Process - first cut due 25 September. National allocation unknown - no commitments until new year Process - first cut due 25 September. National allocation unknown - no commitments until new year Investment variables: GP activity numbers Non medical activity Tariff changes? Benchmark price Investment variables: GP activity numbers Non medical activity Tariff changes? Benchmark price No change? Workforce development – extra £m income Secondary care post funding, UG medical numbers No change? Workforce development – extra £m income Secondary care post funding, UG medical numbers Reduced income? -2%, +1% £13m challenge Reduced income? -2%, +1% £13m challenge

3 2014/15 Process – Story So Far Submission of secondary care provider workforce plans signed off at Executive level (numbers, and narrative including risks and issues) Assimilation of range of intelligence: –relevant context for secondary care plans –wider health and care intelligence to inform planning Confirm and challenge process to check numbers Moderation process to check numbers against narrative, and other context intelligence (eg CCG 2 and 5 yr plans, transformation programmes)

4 2014/15 Process – Next Steps (1) Internal – HENW/ HEE Complete confirm and challenge, and moderation processes for accuracy of individual provider plans Use intelligence from process and wider intelligence including stakeholder engagement to analyse plans at range of levels (‘demand’), and devise education commissioning and wider investment plans (covering future workforce, workforce development, education support) (‘supply’) Submit demand and supply forecast, first cut investment plan, financial model and education commissioning plan to HEE by 25 September 2014 Further submission of documents end October 2014 NW Workforce Plan prepared to be published after national Plan National Workforce Plan 2015/16 published 6 December 2014

5 2014/15 Process - Next Steps (2) External – Stakeholder Engagement to Inform Investment 29 August 2014 – LETB: update on 2014/15 Investment and Workforce Planning Process 3 September 2014 – Stakeholder Forum: focus on education commissioning. Update on process and implications for commissioning, workshops comprise innovation in education delivery, learner, user and carer involvement in quality/ education management, collaboration/ partnership to support education delivery 9, 12 September (C&M, GM) and 1 October (C&L) LWEGs –Process overview –Key themes and associated evidence (at individual organisation, organisation type/sector, sub/region level as appropriate) –Commissioning/ wider investment decisions arising from those themes – support and challenge Wider stakeholder engagement Post submission updates

6 Key workforce themes identified to date Existing nursing workforce shortages across the NW (primary and secondary, including paediatric and MH nursing) Significant vacancies in the medical workforce across a range of specialties and levels Emergency Medicine / AED / Critical Care / Theatres workforce demand at all levels and types GP recruitment Clinical Radiology / Interventional Radiology – demand for workforce and training pathways

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