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Reflections and Emerging Themes from Seminar 3 Paul Latreille Richard Saundry.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflections and Emerging Themes from Seminar 3 Paul Latreille Richard Saundry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflections and Emerging Themes from Seminar 3 Paul Latreille Richard Saundry

2 Innovation and mediation Innovation in conflict management in the UK centred on mediation Direct benefits – business case for mediation Broader impact – ‘mediation has the potential to lead to a major and dramatic shift in the culture of employment relations’ (BIS, 2011:13) Extent of mediation use in UK – mixed picture – Generally limited to larger, public sector organisations – WERS 2011 – mediation used in 7% of workplaces in the previous 12 months – Rhetorical volume outweighing uptake

3 Evidence Organisations claim high rates of success and satisfaction – Less evidence of sustainability of outcomes – ‘Success’ in mediation difficult to define – Positive outcomes possible even where resolutions not reached Evidence of broader impacts – Positive effect on attitudes and skills of mediators and participants – Less evidence of wider organisational effects – Success appear to be context specific and dependent on involvement of key actors Growing consensus that mediation more cost efficient than conventional procedures – Lack of robust evidence

4 Challenges and barriers Mediation – ‘just another tool in the box’ Mediation perceived by many as a formal process of last resort Managerial resistance to mediation Deficit in managerial capability and confidence Wider organisational perception of conflict as a transactional as opposed to a strategic issue Lack of authoritative evidence

5 Key questions Is there evidence of organisations developing innovative responses to workplace conflict? What is the role of mediation and ADR within such approaches? To what extent is conflict a strategic issue for organisations? What are the prospects for more integrated approaches to conflict management? What can policy-makers and organisational stakeholders do to improve workplace conflict management?

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