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An Expert You Can Rely On DC-8 Exp

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2 An Expert You Can Rely On DC-8 Exp
Difficult patients are big challenges, we need the power to easily image patients of various sizes and ages with more confidence.

3 DC-8 Exp Amazing imaging performance
Comprehensive clinical application Extraordinary user experience

4 Amazing imaging performance
Powerful processing capability mQuadro Innovative Mindray patent technology ART Flow™ Advanced Echo Boost™ Advanced transducer family for difficult patients Single Crystal technology Wide band transducer Complete imaging solution for TDP

5 mQuadro Benefits: Advanced TX/RX Better SNR, Faster acquisition
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience mQuadro RX/TX 1 RX/TX 2 Drawbacks: Clutter and Lower SNR, Slower acquisition Traditional TX/RX RX/TX N RX/TX 1 RX/TX 2 Benefits: Better SNR, Faster acquisition Advanced TX/RX (powered by mQuadro) RX/TX i RX/TX N

6 mQuadro Parallel Processing Benefits: Accurate and effective signal
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience mQuadro Drawbacks: Slow processing and low efficiency Traditional Serial Processing …… Parallel Processing (powered by mQuadro) Benefits: Accurate and effective signal

7 Based on image analysis (gray scale and color)
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience mQuadro Traditional Post optimization Based on image analysis (gray scale and color) Intelligent algorithm (powered by mQuadro) Based on Image segmentation analysis and anatomical structure database RX/TX N

8 ART Flow ™(Automatic Recognition Transcient Flow)
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience ART Flow ™(Automatic Recognition Transcient Flow) Mindray exclusive technology for deep vascular scanning, acquiring hard-to-detect blood flow with superb color sensitivity Specific designed TX / RX algorithm to improve visualization of deep vessel flow Greatly improve the diagnostic confidence for vascular exam HSFlow:应用于L12-3和L10-3; Displays hard-to-detect lower extremely blood flow 基于迈瑞新一代mQuadro平台,采用高级智能算法对超声回波信号进行分析,有效辨识出潜在血流信号和组织信号,以确定最佳发射方案。采取平台最新的精确控制发射技术,以获取难以检测到的血流信号,大大提高血流灵敏度。 对深部血管如下肢深动静脉,HS Flow可以显著的提高彩色血流显示的穿透力;同时对于浅表的微细血流,采用HS Flow可以更有效的探测到微弱的血流信号,提高微细血流的充盈度和连续性。 Built on Mindray’s new generation ultrasound platform mQuadro, integrating advanced algorithm to analyze echo property, thereby differentiating blood flow signal from tissue signal, HS Flow, with the capability to set the optimum transmission scheme allows for the acquisition of hard to detect ‘blood flow’ images with optimized color sensitivity. Essential during difficult-patient scanning, HS Flow, greatly improves the color flow penetration for deep vessel diagnosis such as deep vein or artery , and provides better visualization of micro vascular perfusion for superficial organs or lesions. *Available on L10-3E and L12-3E

9 ART Flow™ Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application
Extraordinary user experience ART Flow™ Clinical Benefits: Greatly improve penetration and sensitivity for deep vessels exam Accurate differentiation of vessel lumen and tissue echo Provide more diagnostic information for difficult DVT , artery stenosis and occlusion

10 Advanced Echo Boost™ Amazing Imaging performance Versatile
clinical application Extraordinary user experience Advanced Echo Boost™ Mindray’s consecutive breakthrough for best ultrasound image visualization Extend Mindray patent intelligent image fusion from phased array to linear array transducers Precise recognition by zones on RF level based on Mindray unique echo detection technology Adaptive image optimization especially for difficult patients Precise recognition by zones on RF level: Firstly divide whole acoustic data into numerous small sized zones; then based on Mindray unique echo technology and received massive raw RF signal to precisely detect, differentiate and recognize different tissue structure(such as myocardium, chamber) and clutter noise in each zone. Adaptive image optimization: Adaptively optimize different tissue structure’s display in different zones (such as reduce noise in cardiac chamber, enhance weak myocardium signal, suppress saturated myocardium signal, and improve contrast resolution of myocardium tissue layers). Intelligent image fusion: Naturally fuse optimized images in different zones to achieve and perfectly display the homogeneous image in whole field of view. * Available on all linear and phased array transducers

11 Advanced Echo Boost™ Amazing Imaging performance Versatile
clinical application Extraordinary user experience Advanced Echo Boost™ Clinical Benefits: Improve homogeneity of image throughout the entire field of view Better contrast resolution for near field tissue layers on linear transducers Better signal to noise control in cardiac chambers and myocardium tissue Echo Boost OFF Echo Boost ON 60 –year-old female, BMI37.5 SP5-1的效果好。特别是在主动脉瓣,二尖瓣显示和心腔内噪声控制 为60岁左右女性困难病人体型(约144cm,75kg), BMI37.5,属非常肥胖 心尖部的内膜显示 室间隔的肌层显示 心腔内的噪声控制 正常图像的均匀性 Echo Boost OFF Echo Boost ON

12 Advanced transducer technology
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience Advanced transducer technology New single crystal technology combined with 3T technology for better penetration Matrix technology for high resolution and excellent image uniformity New broadband linear transducer for a wider coverage of applications

13 Single crystal transducer technology with 3T™
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience Single crystal transducer technology with 3T™ Frequency dB SC5-1E 3T with single crystal SP5-1E 50% 3T 40% Traditional Single crystal technology: Improve acoustic transmission efficiency 3T technology: better acoustic energy conversion/reduce prove “cross talk”/thermal control Clinical Benefit: Better penetration Better resolution

14 Matrix technology for linear probe
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience Matrix technology for linear probe New 1.5D matrix array transducer ( LM14-6E) Use multiple rows of crystal to achieve uniform resolution throughout the entire ultrasound beam Better resolution from near to far field Better endocardial definition and texture, and crisper valves across a wider range of frequencies than traditional transducers PureWave crystal technology with extended transducer bandwidth and sensitivity offers significant performance advantages, particularly in penetration and imaging resolution. The ability to gather, process and display more diagnostic information results in images of remarkable clarity and fine detail with greater uniformity throughout the entire image field.

15 New broadband linear transducer
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience New broadband linear transducer Frequency/MHz dB L10-3E Deep vascular Superficial -6 -20 One-probe solution with wider frequency coverage Wide frequency range from 2.7MHz to10.5MHz Extraordinary balance of penetration and resolution Deliver remarkable performance for a wider coverage of applications, including deep vascular and superficial structures Better endocardial definition and texture, and crisper valves across a wider range of frequencies than traditional transducers

16 Extraordinary user experience Efficient work flow Easy data management
iWorks iTouch Smart doppler Auto measurement Raw data Easy data management iStation MedSight Built-in DVR DICOM Excellent ergonomic design 19” high resolution LCD 10.4” touch screen Flexible control panel Four active sockets Gel warmer

17 iWorks Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application
Extraordinary user experience iWorks Sections Measurements preset Standardize and simplify the workflow, let you be more focused on the patient and diagnosis Complete protocols for abdomen, vascular and other 38 applications Reduce up to 50% exam time and 80% keystrokes Very flexible with powerful user-define capability

18 Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience Smart Doppler Automatically positioning color box and doppler gate placement inside vessel to ensure quick color and spectral doppler imaging Automatically detect best optimal Color box position and angle Perfect alignment of PW sample volume position and angle Assisting the sonographer by minimizing operational work, allowing focus on the patients diagnosis *Available on L10-3E and L12-3E

19 MedSight Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application
Extraordinary user experience MedSight Interactive App that could transfer clinical images/cines and reports from DC8 Exp to IOS smart devices via WiFi Specially designed for patients to transmit images Enable maternal mother to easily share the lovely unborn baby images with her family or friends

20 User-friendly ergonomic design
Amazing Imaging performance Versatile clinical application Extraordinary user experience User-friendly ergonomic design 19’ high resolution LCD Monitor Dedicated EC transducer holder Articulating arm 10.4’ anti-glare touch panel Gel warmer Convinient cable hook HandyUSB ports Castor lock Kidney-shaped control panel

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