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PhD/EdD.  Prepares scholar-practitioners for leadership, research, and policy positions in higher education  Students are early- to mid-career professionals.

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1 PhD/EdD

2  Prepares scholar-practitioners for leadership, research, and policy positions in higher education  Students are early- to mid-career professionals who work in a variety of administrative roles  Graduates of the program obtain senior leadership positions in colleges and universities  Other graduates pursue careers as researchers, faculty members, or policy analysts

3  Largest doctoral program at UMass Boston: more than 60 active students  Highly accomplished faculty: 6.5 full-time, tenure-stream faculty  In AY 2011-12, produced more doctoral graduates (8) than any other program at UMass Boston; Graduation rate = 70%  Students have published in the field’s leading journals and have won national dissertation awards from several scholarly associations

4  Among the 125 Higher Education doctoral programs in the U.S., 70% provide students the opportunity to earn the PhD  PhD accommodates a wider range of career options  administrative, faculty, policy, research  Student survey (April 2011): 86% of current student respondents expressed an interest in the PhD  PhD fosters internationalization

5  Continue to provide the EdD to serve students who seek administrative leadership positions  Provide the PhD to serve students who seek administrative, research, policy, or faculty positions  Common required curriculum for all students  Advanced coursework in theory and methods for PhD students  Elective courses in leadership and administration for EdD students

6 PhD plan of study Core curriculum  8 required content courses  4 required research courses  1 capstone course Electives and dissertation seminars  2 dissertation seminars  6 elective courses, which include: a three- course interdisciplinary cognate, and at least one advanced research methods course Dissertation research (9 credits) Total credits: 72 (21 courses & 9 research credits) EdD plan of study Core curriculum  8 required content courses  4 required research courses  1 capstone course Electives and dissertation seminars  2 dissertation seminars  2 elective courses Dissertation research (9 credits) Total credits: 60 (17 courses & 9 research credits)

7  Additional full-time administrative assistant for the Department of Leadership in Education  Department served by only one full-time classified staff member  Department includes two doctoral programs (120 to 140 students), master’s program, CAGS program  Budget line for the new administrative assistant will be split between the two doctoral programs  Additional graduate assistantships (GA)

8 Funding SourceYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Current allocation of university- supported GA stipends 3.25 New university-supported GA stipends 2.004.00 GA stipends funded by revenues from master’s/certificate program 1.753.75 GA stipends funded by external grants obtained by faculty 1.002.00 Total GA stipends from all funding sources 6.2511.0013.00

9  New budget requirements  50% of a full-time administrative assistant for Department  2 new GA positions in year one, 4 new GA positions in year two and subsequent years  New revenues  Master’s program in Higher Education with specialization in Institutional Research  Collaboration with College of Advancing and Professional Studies (CAPS): marketing study has already confirmed feasibility of the program

10  Modified program will better meet student expectations for wider range of career opportunities  Modified program will enable a greater degree of internationalization  Modified program will remain competitive with similar programs regionally (Boston College, Harvard) and nationally

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