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NCETM CPD Standard Holders Event Leeds 18th May A Headteacher Perspective Alan Yellup - Executive Head Wakefield City Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "NCETM CPD Standard Holders Event Leeds 18th May A Headteacher Perspective Alan Yellup - Executive Head Wakefield City Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCETM CPD Standard Holders Event Leeds 18th May A Headteacher Perspective Alan Yellup - Executive Head Wakefield City Academy

2 It’s All About ME! Maths & English Usually More About Maths! Alan Yellup - Headteacher

3 A Little Bit About Me And Our Academy  Head of Wakefield City Academy  Specialist Maths + Computing College  Consecutive Outstanding Ofsted reports  Leading Edge lead School + HPSS  Approved academy sponsor  Consultant Head/school -Inspirational Schools Partnership – SSAT  SIP + National Challenge Adviser  Norwich City Supporter!  Inner City School  Amongst lowest ability intake at 11+ in England  Maths a very popular subject Alan Yellup - Headteacher

4 Sustained Upward Trajectory In Maths From To 2003 2010 A*-C 18% 74% A*-A3% 15% L5+ 45% 76% L6+ 20% 50% C.Rate L5 KS3 to A*-C18% 85% [Nat average 30%] C.Rate L6 KS3 to A*- C 72% 100% 3 levels progress KS2-4 89%

5 Some Context Maths Results 2010 Attainment FFT D JVA % Est Diff Est Diff L5 Maths 76 70 +6 A*-C Maths 74 46 +28 42 +32 A*-C Statistics 96 3 Levels Progress 89 44 +45 3 year average CVA maths1005.1 CVA Girls1005.8 CVA Boys1005.0 CVA Non FSM1005.7 CVA FSM1006.0 Maths CVA ranked in top 1% in each of last 3 years Alan Yellup - Headteacher

6 But Actually It’s All About Us In our combined drive to further develop knowledge and engagement in maths Also about him! Alan Yellup - Headteacher

7 Help For Headteachers  Respond to diverse needs  Exploit fully the power of the NCETM portal  Make the excellent resources in: o Department workshops o Mathemapedia o Secondary magazine more accessible o Personal learning space  Easy /quick access to information  CPT for range of schools Alan Yellup - Headteacher

8 Help For Headteachers  Benchmarks for school/department  How to move maths to the next stage  Latest research/innovations  Publicise key events  Overview of new qualifications  Good CPD support for all involved in teaching maths: o Heads of depts. o Maths teachers o HLTAS’s o TA’s Alan Yellup - Headteacher

9 Help For Departments.  Practical advice support and exemplars of excellent practice  Motivational and inspirational materials  Functionality  Sharing ideas  Constant updating of portal  Engaging activities  ‘Fun back in to maths  Wider contribution to the communities site  Encouraged to share and be innovative Alan Yellup - Headteacher

10 Help For Departments  Cater for a wider range of students  More resources/research for middle to less able students  Stimulate wider use of the forum  Remove the dry information elements  Review of software availability and where to find it  It would be useful if the archived material from the standards site could be made available directly to the NECTM portal  CPD support to include: o Case studies o Videos o Resources Alan Yellup - Headteacher

11 Some Final Thoughts  Improve the search engine  The profile of NCETM needs to be raised with Heads thereby reducing significant ignorance of NCETM and its work.  Schools often have very different Maths’ agendas  Respond to the changing forms of support required in the new educational landscape  There is great potential for NCETM in the new educational world if placed centrally as a means to raising Maths achievement  Supporting leadership in Maths departments is crucial  A strong role from NCETM could be significant Alan Yellup - Headteacher

12 Some Final Thoughts  There should be greater encouragement for schools to engage with the communities site  Consideration should be given to encourage more sharing of the creative and innovative work of teachers, which has engaged students  There is a clearly expressed demand for more exemplar lesson materials and resources which are accessible and easy to use Alan Yellup - Headteacher

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