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WP2: Development of the Policy Background Dr. Peter Connor 21 st October, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "WP2: Development of the Policy Background Dr. Peter Connor 21 st October, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP2: Development of the Policy Background Dr. Peter Connor 21 st October, 2008

2 WP2 aims to: Amass national policy data Provide overviews of chosen national situations re RES-H/C policy and regulation Detail and assess policy options Case Study of Swedish DH success

3 Amass National Policy Data Current application of RES-H/C policy instruments Where possible, current assessment of RES-H/C potential and current installed capacity Likely future changes in policy

4 Current Application of RES- H/C Policy Instruments Number of Recent Sources IEA Renewables for Heating and Cooling: Untapped Potential (2007) MVV consulting: Heating and Cooling from RE (DG TREN, 2007) K4RES-H There may be national equivalents

5 Current Capacity and Potential Number of Recent Sources K4RES-H and associated reports breakdown by technology IEA Renewables for Heating and Cooling: Untapped Potential (2007) There may be national equivalents

6 Likely Changes in Policy What is currently on the horizon? This seems likely to be a challenge for the project. Potential for rapid change in short time in multiple Member States. To what extent do we need to address this?

7 Overviews of national RES- H/C Policy and Regulation How has policy applied in practice? What is the nature of the heat/cooling market and how does RES-H/C relate to this? How is current regulation likely to impact on RES-H/C deployment?

8 How has Policy Applied in Practice? I.e. Assessment of appropriateness of applied policies in the experience of stakeholders. Problems? Lessons learned?

9 Nature of the Current Market To what extent does this need to be considered, if any? Relate policy instrument use to different heat/cooling/fuel delivery?

10 The Regulatory Regime How will policy instruments fit with different national regulatory regimes? Key lesson of RES-E Policy: the need to consider the wider picture. How can the project account for this? Do we need to assess regulatory architecture regarding heat/cooling provision?

11 Detail and Assess Policy Options Range of policy options Appropriateness of instruments to different RES-H/C technologies, taking into account; Maturity Potential Scale Regulatory and Institutional framework Others? Must be grounded in innovation theory

12 Range of Policy Options Mature Technologies Quota Tariff/Bonus Use Obligation Soft Loans Building Regulations Taxation Auction?

13 Range of Policy Options Less Mature Technologies Grants Use Obligation Building Regulations Taxation Auction? Quota/Tariff/Bonus?

14 Policy Options: Methodology Draw on Experience with RES-E Account for differences in nature of RES-H/C Where possible, assess RES-H/C experience with instruments Seek out stakeholder opinion General Discussion amongst partners

15 Experience with RES-E Large amount of literature: Haas et al; IEA; Lipp; Mallon, plus many national studies, some of which are likely to be vital. Large volume of assessment of relative merits, not just financial.

16 Differing natures of RES- H/C and RES-E Absence of network and impact on: Delivery Complexity Trading Application of Policy Policy Instrument Design

17 Previous experience with RES-H/C Limited beyond grants, Some Use Obligations (Spain, Germany, UK) Some, mostly theoretical literature; Bürger et al, various national documents

18 Discussion Stakeholder interaction Amongst and between partners

19 Case Study of Swedish DH Success To be presented by the University of Lund

20 Potential Problems Potential for rapid change in policy in some countries over the course of the project. Nature of heat/cooling markets may not be readily apparent. Understanding of regulation much less developed than in regard of electricity markets. Considerable differences between Member States. Others?

21 Type in Slide Heading Type in slide subhead one Type in slide subhead two Type in slide subhead three Type in slide subhead four Type in slide subhead five Type in slide subhead six

22 Type in Slide Heading Type in slide subhead one Type in slide subhead two Type in slide subhead three Type in slide subhead four Type in slide subhead five Type in slide subhead six

23 Deadlines Country Reports: February 2009 Policy Options: March 2009 Swedish DH Case Study: March 2009

24 Country Reports: Schedule Guideline to Contents Document (UNEXE): Nov. 3 rd 2008 First Drafts: Dec. 23 th 2008 Feedback to partners: Jan 16 th 2009 Final Reports submitted: 13 th Feb 2009

25 Policy Options: Schedule Issue of Structure Document (UNEXE): Nov 17 th 2008 Feedback from WP2 partners: Dec 5 th 2008 Draft: Jan 26 th 2009 Partner feedback: By Feb 27 th 2009 Final Report submitted: 30th March 2009

26 Case Study: Swedish DH Experience Initial Draft? Feedback required? Final Submission: March 2009

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