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ELA organisation Longterm & sustainable projects in East Africa.

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1 ELA organisation Longterm & sustainable projects in East Africa

2 Longterm and sustainable projects ran by Jana Dular since october 2008 until date: 1.Orphanage in Arusha (Tanzania) 9 weeks of volunteering (teaching and taking care of 30 orphans) Signing 15 of them into a Private English Primary School for 7 years cooperation with Rotary Club Dolenjske Toplice, Slovenia and other donators.

3 2. Building a school for Maasai children FACT: Maasai society is neglected by the Tanzanian government because of their nomadic lifestyle Co-financing the construcion and furnishing of 4 classrooms and 2 dormitories in cooperation with Rotary Club Novo mesto, Slovenia and other donators

4 3. Project with Batwa/Pygmy society in Uganda FACT: Batwa/Pygmy society has been forced out of their primary lands and are treated a sub-human race. Going back to their original lands is prosecuted by law. FACT: Government has declared their primary lands as a natural habitat for gorillas and is making huge amounts of money due to tourist interrest. FACT: Only Batwa/Pygmy people are prohibited from entering the natural habitat, since they are hunters, nevetheless they do not hunt gorillas.

5 Project with Batwa/Pygmy society in Uganda Buying hens and building chicken coops, so every kid (500 kids in 5 societies) gets an egg a day, to statisfy the daily protein needs. Inflated stomach is a sign of protein defficiency. Chicken coop Planting 1.500 kg of potatoes and beans for 5 societies. Building bamboo houses for families.

6 4. Edirisa Smiles Learning leading skills Manager of Ugandan organisation for nine months. Planning and conducting of workshops for primary school children at three rural schools. Overseeing the work at Edirisa Nursery School. Administration, accounting and organizing work Human resource management of local staff and international volunteers

7 5. Special Needs Education Centre FACT: Children with special needs are excepted as a „devil seeds“ in Uganda. Parents believe that they were cursed for their past sins. FACT: They are hidden from the society, neglected and emotionally banned. FACT: In south-eastern part of Uganda are 3000 known cases, but there is only one center with 75 children where Jana has assisted.

8 Special Needs Education Centre Primary goal was to improve the poor standards of the centre. Installing windows,planting seeds, coloring the classrooms and dormitories. Before After

9 ELA‘s current projects in Malawi Running newly built educational centre for children with special needs Running newly built educational centre for children with special needs Running a program which assist children with special needs (learning disabilities ) in rural primary schools Running a program which assist children with special needs (learning disabilities ) in rural primary schools Daily feeding of 342 pupils in rural primary school since January 2012 Daily feeding of 342 pupils in rural primary school since January 2012


11 Malawi is a small country in south-eastern Africa. Lake Malawi represents almost one third of the teritory. It’s the 10th poorest country in the world.

12 Fishing and farming are main activities for survival of many families, especially in rural areas. The lake as well as soil are almost drained up. The future of Malawian people is uncertain.

13 Roles of men and women in society are traditionaly divided. Women of coutryside are taking care of home and family…

14 … while men are breadwinners. The jobs are often tiresome, manual labour jobs and craftwork. The small income has to be enough for an average familiy of seven children. … while men are breadwinners. The jobs are often tiresome, manual labour jobs and craftwork. The small income has to be enough for an average familiy of seven children.

15 Children are thought to help with all domestic chores. After dishes are done, clothes are washed, childhood under warm sun and near the crystal lake is carefree and joyful.

16 . Malawian public schools are free-of –charge, accessible to all children, but classrooms are overcrowded (ratio 80 to 100 students to one teacher)

17 Due to too many students, teachers can not offer more attention to children who can not follow the lessons. That has bigger negative consequences for children with learning dissabilities.

18 GOALS OF ELA‘S PROJECTS:  To enrich the teaching methods in PS of children with special needs and make similar opportunities for their advancement in primary education.  To equip PS teachers with additional expertise in working with children with special needs, which could be passed on to beginners teachers.  To reduce the dropout rate of children in primary schools.  To improve the results of the final examinations/tests in rural schools in Nkhata Bay district.  Raise awareness among parents and the wider community about the problems that children with special needs have and ways to overcome these problems.  To ran literacy courses for women in the villages and other programs to assist them.  To ran art workshops, promote local culture, organise concerts

19 Since August 2011 ELA org. has been running various workshops for 342 pupils of rural primary school SEKA in Nkhata Bay district. Program for children with special needs has been created and implemented to support existing curriculum.

20 Pupils of SEKA school do not have sufficient school material to be able to study properly, they even write in the sand of the floor, not having pens, pencils and notebooks. ELA organisation donated school supplies for all 340 of them.

21 Since January 2012 ELA org. has been feeding 340 children of SEKA school. To daily feed 1 child for 1 month we need only 1 Euro! Before feeding program supported by ELA org. children did not visit school, because they have been too hungry to do so. Now they come to school on daily basis because they know there will be morning meal for them all.

22 We have completed our EDUCATIONAL CENTRE which is used as: ☼ Educational day centre for nursery, primary and secondary children, ☼ Place for additional study help for children with special needs, ☼ Educational centre for teachers, ☼ Educational centre for adults ☼ Accommodation for volunteers




26 Now we need assistance with completion of our centre with: Now we need assistance with completion of our centre with: Colouring the inside and outside walls(1000Eur) Colouring the inside and outside walls(1000Eur) Purchase of inside furniture(900Eur) Purchase of inside furniture(900Eur) Assistance to ELA‘s projects (project for children with special needs, literacy project, art projects, computer courses&purchase of equipment) Assistance to ELA‘s projects (project for children with special needs, literacy project, art projects, computer courses&purchase of equipment)

27 For thier brighter future, heartfelt thanks to all of you! ELA organistaion

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