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Published byDenis Lee Modified over 9 years ago
P12 occurred in the presence of (was present at) P11 had participant P16 used specific object P25 moved P31 has modified P92 brought into existence P33 used specific technique P94 has created P93 took out of existence P142 used constituent P96 by mother P99 dissolved P143 joined P144 joined with P145 separated P146 separated from P14 carried out by P13 destroyed P100 was death of P124 transformed P110 augmented P108 has produced P112 diminished P95 has formed P98 brought into life P123 resulted in P22 transferred title to P23 transferred title from P29 custody received by P28 custody surrendered by P135 created type ens:hasMet P12i was present at ens:wasPresentAt ore:aggregates ore:proxyIn ore:proxyFor ens:aggregatedCHO ens:hasView ens:isAnnotationOf P2 has type ens:hasType P7 took place at ens:happenedAt ens:isNextInSequence ens:isRelatedTo ens:isRepresentationOf ens:landingPage P55 has current location dc:relation P74 has current or former residence P128 carries ens:realizes P4 has time-span ens:occurredAt dcterms:hasPart P137 exemplifies P65 shows visual item P129 is about P71 lists P138 represents P70 documents P26 moved to P26 moved from P53 has former or current location P51 has former or current ownerP52 has current owner P49 has former or current keeperP50 has current keeper P148i has component R14 incorporates ens:incorporates ens:isDerivativeOf P130 shows features of ens:isSimilarTo ens:isSuccessorOf P73 has translation R3i realises R2 is derivative of R1 is logical successor of R9i realises R12i realises R13i realises R40i is representative expression of P128 carries + P55 has current location P12i was present at + P12 occurred in the presence of P12i was present at + P4 has time-span P12i was present at + P7 took place at P8i witnessed dc:description P15 was influenced by P16 used specific object P142 used constituent P17 was motivated by P134 continued P136 was based on P19i was made for P21 had general purpose P20 had specific purpose P24 transferred title of P30 transferredcustody of P44 has condition P45 consists of P46 is composed of P56 bears feature P54 has current permanent location ens:currentLocation P57 has number of parts P58 has section definition P59 has section + P7i witnessed P59 has section + P53 has former or current location P62 depicts P68 foresees use of P69 is associated with P72 has language dc:language P3 has note dc:subjectP67 refers to P75 possesses P76 has contact point NO MAP for CRM P37,38,81,82,83,84,86,88,89, 113-122,132,133,139: because out of scope of EDM and DC. P127 maps to SKOS P90 has value P91 has unit P97 from father P101 had as general use P103 was intended for P104 is subject to dc:rights P106 is composed of P107 has current or former member P109 has current or former curator P126 employed P111 added P113 removed P125 used object of type P32 used general technique P147i was curated by P140i was attributed by P34i was assessed by P39i was measured by P41i was classified by P35 has identified P43 has dimension P40 observed dimension P42 assigned Pxx property : CRM property ens: property : EDM property ens: property : CRM&EDM property : FRBRoo property dc:property : Dublin Core property ens:property : FRBRoo&EDM property : has subroperty, not present in CRM,EDM,DC,ORE,FRBRoo (TRIG file) : has subroperty, present in CRM, FRBRoo, DC or ORE Harmonized EDM-CRM-FRBRoo Martin Doerr 2011 P59 has section + P7i witnessed : joined CRM property path P105 right held by ore:property : ORE property : has subroperty, present in EDM
E2 Temporal Entity E4 Period ens:Event E3 Condition State E67 Birth E66 Formation E65 Creation E5 Event E64 End of Existence E63 Beginning of Existence E7 Activity E68 Dissolution E69 Death E6 Destruction E81 Transformation E11 Modification E9 Move E10 Transfer of Custody E8 Acquisition E87 Curation Activity E855 Joining E83 Type Creation E13 Attribute Assignment E86 Leaving E12 Production E80 Part Removal E 79 Part Addition E17 Type Assignment E14 Condition Assessment E15 Identifier Assignment E16 Measurement E37 Mark E70 Thing E72 Legal Object E71 Man-Made Thing E18 Physical Thing ens:Pysical Thing E26 Physical Feature E19Physical Object E24 Physical M-M Thing E28 Conceptual Object E89 Propositional Object ens:InformationResource E27 Site E25 Man-Made Feature E20 Biological Object E22 Man-Made Object E78 Collection E58 Measurement Unit E57 Material E56 Language E41 Appellation E73 Information Object E30 Right E90 Symbolic Object E84 Information Carrier E82 Actor Appellation E42 Identifier E49 Time Appellation E44 Place Appellation E33 Linguistic Object E36 Visual Item E50 Date E45 Address E32 Authority Document E48 Place Name 47 Spatial Coordinates E46 Section Definition E35 Title E38 Image E31 Document E29 Design or Procedure E75 Conceptual Object Appellation E51 Contact Point E34 Inscription E55 Type SKOS:Concept material immaterial E39 Actor ens:Agent E40 Legal BodyE74 Group E21 Person ens:NonInformationResource E52 Time-Span ens:Time-Span E53 Place ens:Place ens:WebResource E1 CRM Entity ens:EuropeanaObject E77 Persistent Item ens:EuropeanaAggregation ore:Aggregationdcmitype:Collection Exx Class : abstract CRM class ens:Class : abstract EDM class Exx Class : concrete CRM class ens:Class : concrete EDM class Exx Class ens:Class : concrete CRM&EDM class Harmonized EDM-CRM-FRBRoo Martin Doerr 2011 F1 Work F2 Expression F27 Work Conception F22 Self Contained Expression F28 Expression Creation F29 Recording Event F26 Recording F21 Recording Work F24 Publication Expression F16 Container Work F14 Individual Work F25 Performance Plan F19 Publication Work F30 Publication Event F15 Complex Work F20 Performance Work F18 Serial Work F17 Aggregation Work F23 Expression Fragment F3 Manifestation Product Type F4 Manifestation Singleton F5 Item F31 Performance F33 Reproduction Event F32 Carrier Production Event Fxx Class : concrete FRBRoo class ore:Proxy ore:Class : concrete ORE class dc…:Class : concrete Dublin Core class : has subclass, not present in CRM,EDM,DC,OR,or FRBRoo (TRIG file) : has subclass, present in CRM, FRBRoo, DC or ORE : has subclass, present in EDM ore:AggregatedResource rdf:Resource
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