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COOPERATIVE LEARNING Name: Date:. Objectives Rational for cooperative learning. Understand the difference from cooperative learning and group learning.

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Presentation on theme: "COOPERATIVE LEARNING Name: Date:. Objectives Rational for cooperative learning. Understand the difference from cooperative learning and group learning."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives Rational for cooperative learning. Understand the difference from cooperative learning and group learning. Structures of cooperative learning. Understand the importance of and the need for direct teaching of social skills. Grouping strategies.

3 Objectives continued The teacher’s role when using cooperative learning in the classroom. Understand the use of assigning roles as a means of avoiding problems. Importance of team trust.

4 Grouping Groups of 4. Two groups of 2: –Shoulder to shoulder. –Knee to knee.

5 Groups become teams through trust and team building. When new groups are formed it is important to give the group time to form trust and develop a “team identity”.

6 TEAM Acquainted. Team develops an identity, name, and cheer. The team learns to trust Team learns to respect and value differences in the group. The team learns that the product of the group is better than any individual.

7 Three Types of Learning Cooperative Small heterogeneous groups of students working together to achieve a common goal.

8 Three types of Learning Competitive Students working individually and/or homogeneous groups engaged in a win/lose struggle.

9 Three Types of Learning Individual Students working independently on their own goals at their own pace in their own space.

10 “What children can do together today, they can do alone tomorrow.” Vygotsky

11 William Glasser We learn 10% of what we read 20 % of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we both see and hear 70% of what is discussed with others 80% of what we experience personally 95% of what we teach to someone else

12 Components of Cooperative Learning Positive interdependence. Individual accountability. Participation. Division of labor among students in the group. Face to face interaction. Assignment of roles to students. Group processing of an activity.

13 Johnson and Johnson - Positive interdependence. - Individual Accountability. - Group processing. - Social skills. - Face to face interaction. PIGSPIGS FACE

14 Kagan P-positive interdependence “is my gain your gain?” “Is help necessary?” I- individual accountability “is individual public performance required? E- equal participation how equal is the participation? S- simultaneous interaction what percent are overtly active at once?

15 Social Skills when groups are forming

16 Social Skills during group

17 Social Skills during discussions

18 Social Skills when wrapping up discussions

19 Social Skills when reporting

20 Roundtable Activity What do you think are the greatest concerns/obstacles that hinder learning in the classroom?

21 Grouping

22 Who’s Not Telling the Truth?

23 GROUP ROLES Secretary Time Keeper Cheer Leader Summarizer Facilitator Noise Monitor Materials Controller Historian Equalizer

24 Inside Outside Circle

25 Two by Two

26 ACTIVITY Four Jobs: –Secretary. –Cheer Leader. –Time Keeper. –Summarizer.

27 WHAT ARE SOME THINGS THAT NEED CLARIFYING? 20 minutes. Discuss. Answer. Clarify. List anything group could not clarify.




31 PROCESSING What were you supposed to do? What did you do well? What would you do differently next time? Do you need any help?

32 TEACHER’S ROLE Before class: Objectives: Academic. Group Participation. Social Skills.

33 TEACHER’S ROLE Start of Class: –Assign roles. –Explain objectives. –Explain criteria for success. –Specify desired behaviors.

34 TEACHER’S ROLE During Activity: –Reinforce positive interactions. –“Notice”. –Avoid giving answers. –Re-teach as necessary. –Assess.

35 TEACHER’S ROLE At completion: –Provide closure. –Direct processing activity. –Provide feedback.

36 TEACHER’S ROLE After class: –Evaluate learning. –Recognize achievement. –Plan for future teaching.


38 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Incorporate one cooperative group activity into classroom. –Write up objectives (academic and social). –Evaluate activity – what worked, what needed to be different. –Send summary to instructor within 2 weeks.

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