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FEMA Promising Practices: Closing Gaps in Local Emergency Plans and Grassroots Emergency Planning The MA Active Planning Project Susan Wolf-Fordham, JD.

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1 FEMA Promising Practices: Closing Gaps in Local Emergency Plans and Grassroots Emergency Planning The MA Active Planning Project Susan Wolf-Fordham, JD Nancy Shea, JD, MPA E.K. Shriver Center, University of MA Medical School May 14, 2015


3 | | The Active Planning Project Objectives  Responder Training: 3 hour in-person course  Community Stakeholder Meeting (CSM): Inclusive local planning meeting  Disability community awareness raising: Self- preparedness and community emergency planning 3 Phases Phases 1 and 2: In-person Phase 3: Online + new name

4 | | The Active Planning Project Audience: Responders + disability community Stakeholder involvement Advisory Committee Review by expert with a disability + local emergency manager Field test and feedback session The Numbers Training in 29 localities CSM in 21 localities (overlap) Over 1000 MA people participated IRB determination not human subject research

5 | | Responder Training Photographs: J. Gleason, E.K. Shriver Center Equity & Efficiency?

6 | | Responder Training Demographics Disaster experiences 1:1 interactions (OARS steps) Functional and access needs ADA issues Community Stakeholder Meeting (CSM) process and Active Planning Workbook guide

7 | | Community Stakeholder Meeting (CSM) Review local emergency plan/response practices Identify gaps Develop strategies Create an action plan for improvement Lively discussion Tailored to local community Participant selection Roles: Community facilitator, plan “expert”, time keeper, recorder Define critical issues

8 | | Active Planning Workbook Guides the CSM process Sparks discussion! Records decisions and accomplishments Step 1 - Where are we now?  Tool 1 - Needs Assessment/Gap Analysis Checklist Step 2 - Where do we want to be?  Tool 2 - Priority Setting Form Step 3 - How will we get there?  Tool 3 - Action Plan Form to record strategies, timeline

9 | |

10 | | Tool #1: Where Are We Now? Extensive topical checklist ✔

11 | | Tool #2: Where Do We Want To Be? o Set priorities o Areas for quick and inexpensive solutions o Areas of greatest need

12 | | Tool #3: How Do We Get There?  Summarize gaps and record strategies  Name responsible person(s)  Timeline

13 CSM Outcomes: Understanding Disability Community Needs Gaps Develop more accurate picture of local disability community Understand specific needs Strategies Meet with provider agencies to learn about people served US Census (American Community Survey) Share aggregate local data Outreach re PAS Inclusive drills

14 CSM Outcomes: Sharing Resources Gaps Hoyer lift needed Extra wheelchairs needed American Sign Language interpreters needed Individuals who are blind/low vision unable to see registration forms Strategies Borrow from local special ed. class Borrow from Council on Aging Local hospital to loan ASL interpreters Borrow CCTV video magnifier from local library

15 CSM Outcomes: Sharing Expertise Gaps Community website down during emergencies City website has no emergency info for PWD Children with autism afraid of uniformed authority figures Strategies Local computer company to be asked for help City disability commission volunteers to develop website info First responders planned program to visit school to desensitize children

16 | | Identify a “champion” –Often public health personnel in MA Invite diverse participants –Balance of roles, views –“Worker bees” –Ideally 5-30 people Address potential barriers –Scheduling –Local politics Develop an “elevator story” for buy-in Secrets to Success

17 | | Training: Increased responder knowledge and self- confidence CSM: 100% of localities found at least 5 gaps 100% of localities found gap closing strategies 95% of disability community participants reported increased motivation to self-prepare 8 localities reported continuing plan revision after project end Common gaps and priorities: communication; needs assessment; inadequate resources/services Results

18 | | Closing the Gap: CSM “How To” Online Pilot course--in development Ongoing storyline; interactive role play Accessible Learners: Local emergency planners Field testers will receive Workbook and resource list

19 | | Want to field test? Contact:

20 | | Acknowledgements Jennifer Brooks, BA Patrick Gleason, MA Charles D. Hamad, PhD Anne Hunt, PHD Andrew Milsten, MD, MS, FACP Nancy Shea, JD, MPA David Stowe, MEM Susan Wolf-Fordham, JD The Active Planning Project was originally funded through a grant from FEMA through the MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. Active Planning project materials were originally prepared under a grant from FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Points of view expressed in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Closing the Gap in Local Emergency Planning is funded by a University of MA Medical School Commonwealth Medicine Mini Grant.

21 For more information about our projects: Visit our website:

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