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Preparing Emerging Leaders Stacey Girdner January 28, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Emerging Leaders Stacey Girdner January 28, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Emerging Leaders Stacey Girdner January 28, 2015

2 2

3 ‘Tis not too late... Courage my friends; ‘tis not too late to build a better world. ~ Tommy Douglas 3

4 What is a leader? 4 Leadership is not magnetic personality — that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not making friends and influencing people — that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. ~ Peter F. Drucker, American Management Consultant

5 What is a leader? The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly. ~ Jim Rohn, American business philosopher 5

6 What is a leader? The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, “We did it ourselves.” ~ Lao-Tzu, founder of Taoism 6

7 What is leader development? 7

8 8 Developing emerging leaders means you have a culture within your Mission that identifies, develops, and promotes individuals who have the desire and capability to lead others toward a sustainable future.

9 What is leader development? What do you already have in place at your Mission that promotes the development of emerging leaders? 9

10 What kind of leader does your Mission need now? 10 It depends on two things...

11 What kind of leader does your Mission need now? 11 It depends on two things... Your Mission’s phase of growth

12 What kind of leader does your Mission need now? 12 It depends on two things... Your Mission’s phase of growth The general knowledge, experience, competencies, and character required to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission

13 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 13

14 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 14 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial

15 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 15 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial

16 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 16 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive

17 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 17 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive

18 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 18 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive Leader style: delegative

19 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 19 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive Leader style: delegative

20 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 20 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive Leader style: delegative Leader style: watch dog

21 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 21 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive Leader style: delegative Leader style: watch dog

22 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 22 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive Leader style: delegative Leader style: watch dog Leader style: participative/ empowering

23 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 23 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive Leader style: delegative Leader style: watch dog Leader style: participative/ empowering

24 What leader style is needed for your Mission’s phase of growth? 24 Leader style: individualistic and entrepreneurial Leader style: directive Leader style: delegative Leader style: watch dog Leader style: participative/ empowering In what phase of growth is your Mission?

25 25 What knowledge, experience, competencies, and character is needed to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission?

26 26 What do our successful leaders know? What knowledge, experience, competencies, and character is needed to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission?

27 27 What do our successful leaders know? What have our successful leaders done? What knowledge, experience, competencies, and character is needed to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission?

28 28 What do our successful leaders know? What competencies do our successful leaders have? What have our successful leaders done? What knowledge, experience, competencies, and character is needed to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission?

29 29 What do our successful leaders know? What kind of people are our successful leaders? What have our successful leaders done? What knowledge, experience, competencies, and character is needed to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission? What competencies do our successful leaders have?

30 30 What can our successful leaders do? What knowledge, experience, competencies, and character is needed to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission? Managing relationships Guiding interactions Coaching for success Coaching for improvement Influencing Delegation/empowerment Judgment Problem/opportunity analysis Planning and organizing

31 31 What can our successful leaders do? What knowledge, experience, competencies and character is needed to successfully lead within the culture of your Mission? Managing relationships Guiding interactions Coaching for success Coaching for improvement Influencing Delegation/empowerment Judgment Problem/opportunity analysis Planning and organizing What leader competencies are important to your Mission’s culture?

32 Creating a leader success profile 32 Leader Success Profile for My Mission Phase of Growth  Creativity  Direction  Delegation  Coordination  Collaboration Leader style needed: Key knowledge areas: Key experience: Core competencies: Vital character traits:

33 Which employees match your success profile? 33

34 Which employees match your success profile? 34

35 Which employees match your success profile? 35

36 Which employees match your success profile? 36

37 Which employees match your success profile? Don’t confuse performance with potential and potential with readiness. 37

38 Rough Diamond Poor Performance High Potential WAIT AND SEE Future Star Good Performance High Potential GROW SECOND Consistent Star Outstanding Performance High Potential GROW NOW Inconsistent Poor Performance Mod Potential WAIT AND SEE Utility Player Good Performance Mod Potential KEY PERFORMER GROW THIRD Utility Pro Outstanding Performance Mod Potential GROW SECOND Take Action Poor Performance Limited Potential MOVER Solid Performer Good Performance Limited Potential WELL PLACED KEEPER High Pro Outstanding Performance Limited Potential WELL PLACED KEEPER Long Term Leadership Potential Demonstrated Performance High/Highest Potential: potential to move up 2 – 3 levels Moderate/Growth Potential: potential to move up 1 level Limited/Plateaued: well placed in current role, needs development in current role, not acceptable in current role Poor/Inconsistently Achieves: received lower rating on last performance review Good/Achieves: received average rating on last performance review Outstanding/ Achieves with Distinction: received highest rating on last performance review Needs DevelopmentMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations

39 Which employees match your success profile? 39 CONSISTENT STARS: These are your high performers and have potential for an excellent fit with your leadership success profile. These are the best there is and the best you have. They are typically in short supply but in high demand. Consistent Star Outstanding Performance High Potential GROW NOW

40 Which employees match your success profile? 40 How to identify Consistent Stars: Consistently perform above and beyond the current scope of their job and excel when given additional assignments Integrate behaviors associated with the Mission’s values and demonstrate the core competencies of a successful leader at the Mission Regularly seek new opportunities for learning, leadership development, and advanced experience Independently research solutions to problems and make recommendations for improvement Place the Mission’s success above personal achievement

41 Which employees match your success profile? 41 How to develop Consistent Stars: Let them know they are a consistent star. Regularly discuss their career aspirations and goals. Together, design a development plan and continue to challenge with diverse assignments. Make sure they have easy access and regular exposure to the Mission’s best leaders. Teach them the business of the Mission. Help them know themselves through assessments and regular feedback.

42 Which employees match your success profile? 42 UTILITY PRO: These are high performers and have potential for a moderate fit with your leadership success profile. They consistently produce exceptional results and receive high performance ratings. Can adapt to new situations and learn new areas. Utility Pro Outstanding Performance Mod Potential GROW SECOND

43 Which employees match your success profile? 43 How to identify Utility Pros: Perform above expectations; however, their manager is not certain about their capability to handle increased scope and complexity Demonstrate capability to take on more work or additional projects; willingly accept new assignments of increasing difficulty level Seek opportunities to improve both self and Mission Show understanding of the Mission’s cause, values, and core leadership competencies through demonstrated behaviours; seek to integrate them into daily work

44 Which employees match your success profile? 44 How to develop Utility Pros: Affirm their consistent high performance. Put them in a mission critical job and see if you can interest them in working on developing their leadership potential to move to being a Consistent Star. Work collaboratively with them to create a development plan so they have no reason to leave the Mission. Expose them to the business of the Mission. Help them know themselves through assessments and regular feedback.

45 Which employees match your success profile? 45 FUTURE STAR: These are good performers and have potential for an excellent fit with your leadership success profile. They consistently meet and sometimes exceed expectations, have the capacity to take on new and different challenges on a consistent basis, and address new challenges and issues with ease. They quickly get up to speed when taking on a new assignment. Future Star Good Performance High Potential GROW SECOND

46 Which employees match your success profile? 46 How to identify Future Stars: Are solid performers; meet expectations Make a valuable contribution to the team Demonstrate capacity for advancement Frequently demonstrate behaviors associated with the Mission’s values and core competencies Regularly seek out new tasks, projects, and other opportunities for growth

47 Which employees match your success profile? 47 How to develop Future Stars: Affirm their good performance and high potential. Continue to provide them diverse developmental assignments. Work together to choose and debrief assignments. Discuss career aspirations regularly. Be sure they stay challenged so they stay with the Mission. Expose them to the business of the Mission. Help them know themselves through assessments and regular feedback.

48 Which employees match your success profile? 48 UTILITY PLAYER: These are good performers and have potential for a moderate fit with your leadership success profile. They meet the expectations of the role. They understand and know their current job well and continuously develop their skills within their current role and prepare for the future. They can adapt to new situations as necessary. Comfortable with new jobs or roles and performs them well in time. They are a jack of all trades. Utility Player Good Performance Mod Potential KEY PERFORMER GROW THIRD

49 Which employees match your success profile? 49 How to identify Utility Players: Current meet expectations; exhibit solid, consistent technical performance May lack demonstrated strategic thinking or relationship skills, may need additional time in their current role Minimally express interest in expanded opportunities Inconsistently demonstrate behaviours associated with the Mission’s values and core competencies

50 Which employees match your success profile? 50 How to develop Utility Players: Use in temporary and key positions until they show signs of becoming a Utility Pro, Future Star, or Consistent Star and a position is available. Have them work on a growth and development plan to try to move over to a Future Star or develop deeper skill and knowledge in his or her field to move to a Utility Pro.

51 51 Rough Diamond Poor Performance High Potential WAIT AND SEE Future Star Good Performance High Potential GROW SECOND Consistent Star Outstanding Performance High Potential GROW NOW Inconsistent Poor Performance Mod Potential WAIT AND SEE Utility Player Good Performance Mod Potential KEY PERFORMER GROW THIRD Utility Pro Outstanding Performance Mod Potential GROW SECOND Take Action Poor Performance Limited Potential MOVER Solid Performer Good Performance Limited Potential WELL PLACED KEEPER High Pro Outstanding Performance Limited Potential WELL PLACED KEEPER Long Term Leadership Potential Demonstrated Performance High/Highest Potential: potential to move up 2 – 3 levels Moderate/Growth Potential: potential to move up 1 level Limited/Plateaued: well placed in current role, needs development in current role, not acceptable in current role Poor/Inconsistently Achieves: received lower rating on last performance review Good/Achieves: received average rating on last performance review Outstanding/ Achieves with Distinction: received highest rating on last performance review Needs DevelopmentMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations

52 Which employees match your success profile? Both Rough Diamonds and Inconsistents are low performers but possibly for different reasons Might be in the wrong job or department. Might need more time to demonstrate good performance Provide a lot of support. Give feedback, coaching, and some time to improve performance. If possible, move to a new assignment better suited to their strengths. Provide support to learn in the next position so they can improve their potential. 52

53 Which employees match your success profile? These are consistent, reliable, and capable employees who know their jobs and produce results. They do not always easily adapt to new situations. 53 Solid Performer Good Performance Limited Potential WELL PLACED KEEPER High Pro Outstanding Performance Limited Potential WELL PLACED KEEPER High Pros: Affirm, thank, and reward them for their consistent high performance and being a key contributor to the Mission. Collaboratively create a development plan that will ensure they stay current in their field. Engage them in mentoring or coaching others. Solids: Recognize their stability and dependability. Keep them in similar type of role. Praise and thank them regularly.

54 Which employees match your success profile? TAKE ACTION: These employees are not delivering results as expected and cannot effectively adapt to new and different situations. How to identify them: Consistently underperform Have trouble keeping up with the demands of their current role Infrequently demonstrate behaviours associated with the Mission’s values and core competencies Are unwilling to take on additional responsibility 54 Take Action Poor Performance Limited Potential MOVER How to develop them: Take some action to remove them from the Mission or find a role that better suits their skill set.

55 8 things 55

56 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 56

57 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 2. Build a leader success profile. 57

58 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 2. Build a leader success profile. 3. Identify your emerging leaders by assessing them against your leader success profile. 58

59 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 2. Build a leader success profile. 3. Identify your emerging leaders by assessing them against your leader success profile. 4. Be sure your emerging leaders are successful enough in their current role or know if you have to do some reputation repair. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 59

60 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 2. Build a leader success profile. 3. Identify your emerging leaders by assessing them against your leader success profile. 4. Be sure your emerging leaders are successful enough in their current role or know if you have to do some reputation repair. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 5. Prepare your emerging leaders for the next level up and coach/mentor to ensure success. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 60

61 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 2. Build a leader success profile. 3. Identify your emerging leaders by assessing them against your leader success profile. 4. Be sure your emerging leaders are successful enough in their current role or know if you have to do some reputation repair. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 5. Prepare your emerging leaders for the next level up and coach/mentor to ensure success. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 6. Expose your emerging leaders to the whole business, not just their function. 61

62 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 2. Build a leader success profile. 3. Identify your emerging leaders by assessing them against your leader success profile. 4. Be sure your emerging leaders are successful enough in their current role or know if you have to do some reputation repair. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 5. Prepare your emerging leaders for the next level up and coach/mentor to ensure success. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 6. Expose your emerging leaders to the whole business, not just their function. 7. Help emerging leaders to “know thyself.” 62

63 8 things 1. Know your Mission’s development phase and strategic direction so you can choose essential leader capabilities. 2. Build a leader success profile. 3. Identify your emerging leaders by assessing them against your leader success profile. 4. Be sure your emerging leaders are successful enough in their current role or know if you have to do some reputation repair. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 5. Prepare your emerging leaders for the next level up and coach/mentor to ensure success. This relates to their specific function in the Mission. 6. Expose your emerging leaders to the whole business, not just their function. 7. Help emerging leaders to “know thyself.” 8. Recognize that leadership isn’t for everyone. 63

64 ‘Tis not too late... Courage my friends; ‘tis not too late to build a better world. ~ Tommy Douglas 64

65 Thank You Stacey Girdner Tweet your takeaway from this session #RussReidLive

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