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New and Different Challenges Susan Byers, M.Ed., LPC.

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Presentation on theme: "New and Different Challenges Susan Byers, M.Ed., LPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 New and Different Challenges Susan Byers, M.Ed., LPC

2 Changing Needs:Parenting Changes Cheerleader and Encourager Counselor/Advisor/Consultant Record Keeper/Secretary Advocate Model

3 Cheerleader and Encourager Attend their functions as much as possible. Join Booster Clubs, PTA, volunteer if needed. Remind them they are okay and things will get better when they’re discouraged. Help them study if necessary. Be a listener. Praise their efforts and mention successes often.

4 Counselor, Advisor, Consultant Encourage them to take Tech-Prep, Advanced Placement or College Courses while in high school. Allow students to grow in independence Listen, state pros and cons of decisions, and let them make the final decision Never say: “I told you so”. Say: “You’ve learned what not to do next time”. Never say: “These are the best years of your life”. Say: “High school can be a great time, but it’s a stepping stone to what lies ahead in your future”. Don’t be a helicopter (hoverer) or drill sergeant(commanding) parent. Be the “consultant” who your student will turn to in a problem situation.

5 Record Keeper Keep records organized and help your student compile a history for each year of courses taken, grades, activities, clubs/organizations, extra-curricular, church and community involvement You can use the personal data sheet on website. Compile a list with your student of new skills acquired that would transfer to the job market Model organization and encourage them to copy the system and transfer it to their classes, etc.

6 Advocate Attend parent conferences Never approach teachers in public places Approach teachers with: Say: “What suggestions do you have that could help my student to improve his grade in Math?” “Are there ways I could help him?” If there is a problem, call the office to talk to the teacher; never go to the principal first.

7 Model Lead by example. Be the kind of person you want your child/student to become. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Pray for no life-changing consequences. Don’t panic!!!! (This stage will also pass.) Sit back and enjoy the ride!

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