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Suicide Trends 1950-2002 Margaret Warner Manon Boudreault Lois A. Fingerhut Office of Analysis and Epidemiology APHA Washington DC 2004 National Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Suicide Trends 1950-2002 Margaret Warner Manon Boudreault Lois A. Fingerhut Office of Analysis and Epidemiology APHA Washington DC 2004 National Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suicide Trends 1950-2002 Margaret Warner Manon Boudreault Lois A. Fingerhut Office of Analysis and Epidemiology APHA Washington DC 2004 National Center for Health Statistics

2 Introduction Suicide was the 11 th leading cause of death in 2002. Suicide rates have declined since 1950. YearRate*Rank, cause of death** 200210.9 11th 1990 12.5 8th 1950 13.2 12th * Age-adjusted, per 100,000 resident population. ** Ranking is based on number of deaths (as opposed to rates).

3 Methods  Mortality data from the National Vital Statistics System 1950-2002  Resident populations from the US Census Bureau used to calculate rates  ICD external cause codes for suicide: ICD-10 1999-02*U03,X60-X84,Y87.0 ICD-9 1979-98E950-E959 ICD-81968-78E950-E959 ICD-71958-67E963, E970-E979 ICD-61949-57E963, E970-E979

4  For data years 1995-2001, the Dept. of Agriculture urban-rural continuum codes were used to differentiate between five levels of urbanization. Detail available with handouts.  The average annual percent changes in suicide rates were estimated using negative binomial regression models.  Where specified, rates were age-adjusted to the year 2000 standard population.

5  The ICD-9 and ICD-10 external cause of injury mortality matrices were used to classify the mechanism of suicide.  The comparability ratio (CR) for suicide between ICD-9 and ICD-10 was 1.00.  The three leading mechanisms of suicide, firearm, poisoning and suffocation also had CR’s of 1.00.

6  From 1950 to 1980, suicide rates among those ages 15-34 years increased and rates among those 45 and older decreased. Since 1980, the patterns have been less defined.  Between 1994-95 and 2001-02 suicide rates by single year of age decreased among those younger than 38 years; increased among people 39-59 years and decreased among people 60 years and older  Firearms are the leading suicide mechanism followed by poisoning and suffocation. Highlights: Age and Mechanism

7  Firearm suicide rates declined among all age and sex groups. Among persons 65 years and older, the 3 leading mechanism-specific suicide rates also declined.  Among 10-14 and 15-19 year olds, overall suicide rates decreased. With the decline in suicide by firearm, suicide by suffocation (hanging) became the leading mechanism for males and females 10-14 years and for females 15-19 years. Highlights: 1995-2002

8 Highlights: Urbanization  Suicide rates are higher in counties that are less populated and lower in counties that are more populated.  In 2001, as the level of urbanization decreases the percent of suicides involving firearms increases. A similar pattern was seen in1995.

9 Suicide rate by age and year of death 1950-2000 Deaths per 100,000 population Year of death Age at death (years) 65+ 45-64 35-44 25-34 15-24

10 Suicide rates by single year of age: 1994-95 and 2000-2002 Deaths per 100,000 population

11 Suicide rates by mechanism among those 10 years of age and over: 1980-2002 Deaths per 100,000 population Year Firearm Suffocation Poisoning Other

12 Average annual percent change in rates by mechanism, sex and age: 1995-2002 10-14 15-19 20-64 65+ Male Female change 10-14 15-19 20-64 65+ ns ns: Average annual percent change is not significantly different from 0. Poisoning not shown, unstable rates for all years. ns

13 Suicide rates, ages10-14 years: 1995-2002 Males Females Deaths per 100,000 pop AllSuffocationFirearm Unstable rate based on 20 or fewer deaths

14 Suicide rates, ages 15-19 years: 1995-2002 Males Females Deaths per 100,000 pop PoisoningAllSuffocationFirearm

15 Suicide rates,15 years of age and over by urbanization level: 1995-2001 Least Most Large Medium Small Non-micropolitan Micropolitan Decedent’s County of Residence Metropolitan Non- metropolitan County Population Deaths per 100,000 population (age-adjusted) Year of Death

16 Mechanism of suicide, 15 years of age and over by urbanization level: 2001 Firearm Suffocation Poisoning Non-Micropolitan Micropolitan Large MediumSmall Metropolitan Non-metropolitan Decedent’s County of Residence

17 For additional questions e-mail Margaret Warner at Manon Boudreault at MBoudreault Lois Fingerhut at

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