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Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Air Force Contracting Officer Warrant Procedures Soraya Randle WR-ALC/PKCA 20 Jan 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Air Force Contracting Officer Warrant Procedures Soraya Randle WR-ALC/PKCA 20 Jan 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always Air Force Contracting Officer Warrant Procedures Soraya Randle WR-ALC/PKCA 20 Jan 2010

2 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always OVERVIEW  Air Force Policy  Warrant Requirements  Contracting Officer’s Warrant Test  Warrant Board  Grandfather Provisions  Special Topics  Summary 2

3 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always POLICY  SAF/AQC Policy Memo 90-C-04, Dated 4 Jan 2010  AFFARS Interim Change 5301.603 Effective 4 Jan 2010  AFFARS Mandatory Procedures (MP) 5301.603 Dated Dec 2009 3

4 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always SELECTION REQUIREMENTS  AFFARS 5301.603-2  GS-1102 or AFSC 64PX/6C0X1  Unlimited Level II or Level III APDP Certification in Contracting  Limited Level I APDP Certification in Contracting WR-ALC/PK Selects, Appoints & Terminates Warrants 4

5 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always AF CONTRACTING OFFICER TEST  Applies to Any Warrant > Simplified Acquisition Threshold (MP 3.3)  Computer Generated Test (MP 3.3.2) 50 Randomly Selected Questions FAR, DFARS and/or AFFARS True/False Multiple Choice  Open Book/Open Computer  Bound/Published Copies of FAR/DFARS Permissible  Notes or Electronic Devices Prohibited into Test Location Cell Phones, Blackberries, etc  5

6 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always AF CONTRACTING OFFICER TEST - SCORING  Four (4) Hours Allotted to Take Exam  Applicants Must Successfully Complete the Warrant Test Pass/Fail Minimum Score - 85% (MP 3.3.6) Passing Score Does Not Guarantee a CO Warrant  Test is Automatically Scored (MP 3.3.8) Proctor Validates Incorrect References  Specific Scores are Provided Only to the Candidate 6

7 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always AF CONTRACTING OFFICER TEST - SCORING  Correct Answer + Correct Reference = 2 Points (MP 3.3.7) Reference Must be Cited at Paragraph Level – FAR 15.403-1(b)  Correct Answer + Incorrect Reference = 1 Points  Incorrect Answer + Correct Reference = 0 Points Failure to Understand the Regulation 7

8 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FAR 6.302-2 -- Unusual and Compelling Urgency. (a) Authority. (1) Citations: 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(2) or 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(2). (2) When the agency’s need for the supplies or services is of such an unusual and compelling urgency that the Government would be seriously injured unless the agency is permitted to limit the number of sources from which it solicits bids or proposals, full and open competition need not be provided for. (b) Application. This authority applies in those situations where (1) An unusual and compelling urgency precludes full and open competition, and (2) Delay in award of a contract would result in serious injury, financial or other, to the Government. 8

9 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FAR FAR DivisionFAR # Title Part 6Competition Requirements Subpart6.3Other Than Full and Open Competition Section6.302Circumstances permitting other than full and open competition Subsection6.302-2Unusual and compelling urgency, etc Paragraph 6.302-2(a) Authority 9

10 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always AF CONTRACTING OFFICER TEST - SCORING  Candidates Who Do Not Pass 1 st Attempt Retake Test At Next Offering – Space Availability – Supervisor Approval  Candidates Who Do Not Pass 2 nd Attempt Retake Test in 6 Months WR-ALC/PK May Waive Waiting Period When Appropriate  “Practice” Test – Once Per Qtr Supervisor Approval Required 10

11 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always INITIAL SCREEN 11

12 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always SAMPLE SCREEN - QUESTION 12

13 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always SAMPLE SCREEN - SCORING 13

14 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always SAMPLE – FINAL CHECK 14

15 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always WARRANT BOARD (MP 3.5) 15  The Board Must Have a Minimum of 5 People  Questions Posed to Determine Depth, Judgment & Problem Resolution  Minimum 5 Scenario-Type Questions Posed to Candidate At Least (1) Scenario Question on Pricing & Fiscal Law Issues

16 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always WARRANT BOARD (MP 3.5) 16  A Formal Warrant Board is Required for ALL Unlimited Warrants  A Formal Warrant Board is Required for Limited Warrants >$5M  A Formal Warrant Board for Limited Warrants >SAT<$5M - Discretion of the SCCO

17 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS  Warrants Issued Prior to Test Requirement (MP 2.7) Contracting Officers are not Required to Be Tested, Re- boarded or Reappointed to Retain Their Existing Warrant  Limited Warrants <$5M (MP 2.7) Test & Warrant Board Required If Warrant Threshold is Increased >$5M 17

18 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always MODIFYING LIMITED WARRANTS  Limited Warrants Issued IAW New Procedures (MP 2.4)  Request Processed as New Appointment  2 nd Warrant Test Not Required  Warrant Board Required Increase >$5M for Limited Warrant Issuing Unlimited Warrant 18

19 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always REINSTATEMENTS of AF WARRANTS (MP 2.5)  Individual Previously Held AF Warrant That Was Terminated Based Upon Reassignment from Position Requiring Warrant Termination of Employment w/Org That Issued Warrant – Includes Transfers from AF Agency to Non-AF Agency/Org Retirement Unsatisfactory Performance  Warrant Application Submitted to WR-ALC/PK thru WR- ALC/PKC  Warrant Test & Board Required Termination was for Cause Significant Amount of Time Has Elapsed 19

20 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always WARRANT ELIGIBILITY TRANSFERS (MP 2.6) Unlimited Warrant Eligibility  Individual Passed Warrant Board & Test  Eligibility is Transferrable Across AF Contracting Offices IF Orig Appointing Authority Certifies to Gaining Org that Candidate Maintained Proficiency in Previous Position Warrant was Issued IAW AF Mandatory Procedures 20

21 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always WARRANT ELIGIBILITY TRANSFERS (MP 2.6) Limited Warrant Eligibility  Individual Passed Warrant Test IAW Mandatory Procedures  Eligibility is Transferrable Across AF Contracting Offices IF Orig Appointing Authority Certifies to Gaining Org that Candidate Maintained Proficiency in Previous Position Warrant was Issued IAW AF Mandatory Procedures  If Local Procedures (Gaining Org) Require Limited Warrant Candidates (<$5M) to Meet Warrant Board, Then the Candidate Must Meet Local Warrant Board Before Receiving Warrant 21

22 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always WARRANT VALIDATIONS (MP 2.8)  SCCO or designee shall review all warrants biannually beginning January 2012 Validate Necessity Terminate Unnecessary Warrants Ensure CO proficiency is being maintained – Clearance reviews – USI, Operational Readiness or Compliance Reports – Other Interaction  Warrants May Be Suspended if Contracting Officers Do Not Maintain CLPs for APDP certification 22

23 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUCCESS  Be Familiar with Various Subjects & Applicable FAR Parts  Know How to Gain Access/Utilize FAR website 23

24 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center People First…Mission Always 24 QUESTIONS ?

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