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Managed Access breakout group The main questions: What is data „access“ and what restricts it? What model should DIS follow for ensuring/inducing access?

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Presentation on theme: "Managed Access breakout group The main questions: What is data „access“ and what restricts it? What model should DIS follow for ensuring/inducing access?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managed Access breakout group The main questions: What is data „access“ and what restricts it? What model should DIS follow for ensuring/inducing access?

2 What is meant by „access“ or „availability“? „free“ vs. „full“ vs. „open“ vs. „unrestricted“  we understood it to mean without cost and accessible to everyone The DIS MUST ensure that investigators CAN make data accessible, consistent with the IPY data policy and within the framework for data distribution/archiving adopted by the DIS

3 What might restrict data access? legal or ethical restrictions (data that might cause harm) lack of motivation (intransigent scientists) logistical/technical – storage capacity and infrastructure Raw data vs. Value-added data? conflict with organisational data policy costs for the investigators or data centers cultural: different disciplines have different traditions with respect to data access scientists may not recognize importance of data access and preservation

4 What might restrict data access? DIS should develop a strategy that responds to various restrictions on making data freely and openly available.

5 Should DIS facilitate access to polar data that is not IPY-generated? The goal is to provide as much access as possible  part of the legacy could be tools and services for facilitating data access beyond IPY DIS should identify and work with IPY proposals that work towards data access goals.

6 Mark tried to get us to move beyond the policy, so.... IPY proposers HAVE aready checked off a data access policy agreement DIS should send an addendum to proposers updating them on data policy DIS should identify ways to inform funding organizations and national IPY committees of data policy

7 Do we really need a new World Data Center system? (rhetorical) should access be managed, facilitated or uncontrolled? distributed vs. centralized, hierarchy vs. Grid public information commons to give „open access“ a legal and formal structure

8 The DIS needs a strategy to maximize access through the use of agreements and contracts to accomodate the requirements of existing data providers

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