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Breakout Remerge – Offline Breakout App. Usage To allow participants to take notes (updateable) for a specific breakout, for a specific round (of breakouts),

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Presentation on theme: "Breakout Remerge – Offline Breakout App. Usage To allow participants to take notes (updateable) for a specific breakout, for a specific round (of breakouts),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Breakout Remerge – Offline Breakout App

2 Usage To allow participants to take notes (updateable) for a specific breakout, for a specific round (of breakouts), and to a specific question. Each such combination is a bit like a note – this means that the information is retained during the lifetime of the app. I.e. ‘wiping’ data means just deleting all characters in the answer. All notes are sent to a admin backend where it’s the FACILITATOR who will trigger the sending of information to Remerge (http: Each note is tagged (one for each dropdown) meaning you can use the ‘tagging’ capability in remerge to create multiple simulateneous filters (i.e. show everything for breakout1, or everything from participant 1 or a combination there of).

3 Things to know Is a FULL app : – i.e. it is ANOTHER icon on the homescreen – It needs to be installed just like activities (just use, add to Homescreen) It is offline: – i.e. it must be online to be installed and be updated (with new questions, rounds, participants). Once offline nothing can be changed – Any changes to the structure means all iPads would need to be connected again to online to receive an update! This is MANUAL!

4 Structure The data used to generate the right dropdowns and questions is a code file called “data.php”. It is located in /offlinereporter/data.php Changing the data is not enough to trigger an update! (more later!)

5 Structure There are 4 dropdowns so 4 structures ($rounds, $breakouts, $questions, $participants). Each is a list of items that have a ‘label’ (what is shown on the ipad) and a ‘tag’ (what is used to ‘route’ the message to the write areas in Remerge) Breakouts has an extra session with questions which allows each breakout to have it’s own (or part reused) questions.

6 Structure Update Look at the pattern to update or add options. Also modify after each set of changes the version number in data.php (this will make it easier to check if the changes have been made on the iPad) IMPORTANT : even with the iPads connected the Breakout App will NOT update automatically (don’t ask: apple stuff). For that (and for each change or set of changes) you need to open the ‘manifest.appcache’ file and change the version number to something else then it was. Note this does not need to match the version number in the above file ;). Then ON EACH iPad press the breakout icon 2 times (again don’t ask ;). It takes time for the iPad to download the new files. Data.php Manifest.appcache

7 Structure Update To check if your app was in fact updated you can see the version number (taken from data.php) as the last number on the top right The other numbers represent in order: – How many updates still need to be sent to the backend (i.e. when offline this number can get big) – How many have been succesfully sent – Errors (this number will not be 0 as soon as you go offline as it considers it an error not being able to send an update) – Version number as before.

8 Backend min

9 Backend Works pretty much like comments. Answers will come in as the iPads connect abck to the WiFI (for each combination you will only see one result ever, empty answers are not shown either.). If the iPad is online already it will pretty much arrive immediately. To send an answer or all to the correct ‘Tagged Dialogs’ in Remerge (see later) press the send or send below buttons. You can resend any answer.

10 Remerge Add a dialog, select and press ‘T’ (for tag) A blue box will show beneath the title Type in the names of combination of tags you want this dialog to receive (comma seperated). I.e. q1, round1. You should read the ‘comma’ as AND. So q1, round1 will only accept answers send from the backend that have these 2 tags (they can have others as well). Hence an answer can appear in multiple dialogs as a basic one such as ‘round1’ will capture ALL replies to all breakouts from all participants. Once the answers are in the dialog they are exactly like anything else…

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