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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641999. ProSUM Information.

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Presentation on theme: "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641999. ProSUM Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641999. ProSUM Information Network Launch Introduction and objectives for the day 23 rd April 2015 Brussels Pascal Leroy

2 2 ProSUM Prospecting Secondary raw materials from the Urban mine and Mining wastes I am useful

3 3 Objectives for today Introduce you to the project and the consortium Identify your expectations Discuss data availability Invite you to join the Information Network

4 4 The Information Network Coordinate with a wide range of stakeholders to enhance access to and dissemination of current and future data to improve the knowledge base Support access to and the availability of data and intelligence on secondary raw materials, particularly critical raw materials Improve understanding of the availability of secondary raw materials relative to primary sources in the EU

5 5 Background - Secondary Raw Materials Inventory Waste 4c Scope – Establishment of an EU Network of relevant institutions To enhance knowledge in order to improve the supply of raw materials through an inventory Data and information on secondary raw materials, particularly CRMs Flows, maps and evaluation of European Stocks Shall support implementation of the EIP 5

6 6

7 7 External Expert Advisory Board IndividualOrganisation Katerina AdamNational Technical University of Athens Olov BomanBoliden Christian DworakBSH Christer ForsgrenStena Metall Andreas KlossekKIC on Raw Materials Barbara ReckYale University

8 8 Agenda 10.10The ProSUM Project – objectives, approach and deliverables 10.25The Minerals 4 EU Knowledge Data Platform and Intelligence Network – the model for secondary raw materials. 10.45Taking Inventory - break out groups discuss stakeholder expectations. Boost break available on the patio 11.30Feedback to plenary 12.00The Work Packages – introduction to the afternoon breakout groups. 12.45Lunch at OO! 13.30Break out groups – please register your preference 14.45Boost break on the patio 15.00Feedback and plenary discussion 15.50The Information Network – next steps 16.00Networking cocktails on the patio

9 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641999. The ProSUM Project Information Network Launch 23 April 2015 Brussels Jaco Huisman

10 10 This is not the biggest threat to ‘circular economy’…

11 11 EU Recyclers … this is:

12 12 From: ‘Where are the products’ to ‘where are the materials?

13 13 Table of Contents 1.Background 2.Objectives 3.Approach → Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes.


15 15 ProSUM Objectives Objective 1 ‘Coordinate’ Coordinate with a wide range of organisations involved to improve the knowledge base on CRMs in secondary sources Objective 2 ‘Collect’ Collect, describe and compile currently available data and trends for CRMs Objective 3 ‘Collate’ Collate and harmonise existing data and develop a sampling strategy to model historic and future stocks of CRMs Objective 4 ‘Construct’ Construct the EU-UMKDP as the Inventory and Portal providing state-of-the-art data for the four waste groups Objective 5 ‘Communicate’ Communicate and disseminate results and recommendations via the Information Network (IN) to support full access to CRM information

16 16 COORDINATE – To establish the network Improve the knowledge base Enable coordination Raise awareness Facilitate standardisation Support policy dialogue Support further research

17 17 COLLECT: This is the Urban Mine Total: > 79 EEE products + 47 Lamps/Luminaires + 36 EEE per HH outside home (B2B) Total Stock = 263 kg/inh. Attic : 1.0 Central Heating/ boiler 0.03 Sunbeds 2 Other Lamps 1 Energy saving lamp 2 TL lamps 3 Luminaires Work/ hobby room 6.0 Mice, keyboards, external drives, etc. 0.8 Desktops0.8 Laptops/tablets 1.1 Printers1.4 Phone sets 3.5 Mobile phones0.4 CRT Monitors 0.7 LCD Monitors1.1 Cameras 2 Other lamps1 Energy saving lamps 3 Luminaires0.2 Exercise equipment `Bed roomKids room 0.9 CRT TVs2 Other lamps 2 Other lamps1 Energy saving lamp 1 Energy saving lamps 3 Luminaires 3 Luminaires5.2 Electr. Toys 1 Smoke alarm0.5 Game Consoles 0.7 Smoke alarms Bath room 5.9 Shavers, elec. toothbrushes hairfohns, etc. 2 Other lamps 1 Energy saving lamps 3 Luminaires 1.3 Thermometers/ bloodpressure meters Living room 0.07 Aircons5 Small households appliances: Clocks, adapters, chargers, etc. 2.2 Remote Controls, headphones, etc. 2.2 Radio’s/Mp3 4.0 Audio/HiFi compon. 1.9 DVD/ VCRs2.3 Speaker sets 0.9 LCD TV’s4 Other lamps 2 Energy saving lamps6 Luminaires Kitchen 0.6 Dishwashers0.8 Ovens/furnaces 1.1 Ventilators/ hoods1.0 Magnetrons 1.4 Fridges 0.1 Icemakers, etc. 6.8 Small kitchen appliances: Blenders, mixers, frying pans, cooking plates, grills, toasters, etc 2.0 Coffee/ water cookers 2 Other lamps 1 Energy saving lamp3 Luminaires SculleryGarden/garage 1.0 Washing mach. 2.2 Other lamps 0.6 Dryers3.7 Energy sav. lamps 0.6 Freezers 3.2 Luminaires 3.9 Irons, scales, 6.6 Drills, lawn adapters, etc.mowers, saws, 1.6 Vac. cleanershedges, high pressure 2.8 TL lampscleaners, etc.

18 18 COLLATE – To enable EU harmonisation

19 19 CONSTRUCT – To construct EU Knowledge Base 19 Web- based portal Automated report generation & visualisation Interoperability with the EU-MKDP

20 20 COMMUNICATE – To inform all stakeholders

21 21 WP5 Knowledge Base (BRGM) WP3 Stocks and flows Characterisation (UNU) WP1 Project management (WF) WP6 Exploitation (WF) ProSUM Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes WP2 Product Characterisation (Empa) Information Network Components CRM POM Products CRM Stocks Fractions CRM in Waste WP4 Waste Characterisation (TUB)

22 22 Deliverables – Year 1 Data Screening Identification of CRM parameters in products Assessment of current stocks of products Inventory of waste flows Granularity of data required by end users

23 23 Deliverables – Year 2 Characterisation and Inventory CRM characterisation of products Factors that affect CRM parameters for products and components Trends for CRM in products and components Procedures to select suitable data for the EU-UMKDP Stocks and Flows Model

24 24 Deliverables – Year 3 Building and Updating the Data Models Recommendations for sampling and analysis of products, components and wastes Improving Data Reliability, Quality Assessment Protocols Harmonisation of national and EU Datasets Recommendations Report: also international EU-UMKDP Code Lists and Data Models CRM Inventory: Availability and Maps Metadata for structured and non-structured data

25 25 Expected Impact Better informed decision making EU, MS and by Industry Increased materials knowledge and transparency Boosting the raw material sector by allowing the matching of supply and demand Improving availability of raw materials Contribute to the EIP 25

26 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641999. Thank you! For more information: Jaco Huisman Email: 23 April 2015 Brussels Jaco Huisman

27 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641999. ProSUM The EU-UMKDP (Urban Mining Knowledge Data Platform) 23 rd April 2015 ProSUM Information Network 1 st Meeting, Hotel Bloom, Brussels Daniel Cassard and the WP5 Team BRGM, CBS, CGS, Chalmers, C-tech, GeoZS, GEUS, Recharge, TUB and UNU

28 28 WP5 Objectives 28 Based on: 1 - a careful identification of end-user requirements for an inventory on secondary raw materials database on CRMs, 2 - an exhaustive inventory of existing datasets and their harmonisation in terms of format with those produced in this project, To develop: for offering a full and seamless access to all the information related to both primary and secondary mineral resources – with a focus on critical raw materials (CRMs) in WEEE, ELVs, Batteries & Mining wastes - in a single place. the EU-UMKDP which represents one of the bricks of the future European Geological Data Infrastructure. The proposed technical solutions assure an effective and sustainable system designed for facilitating data updates and maintenance, and for offering a full and seamless access to all the information related to both primary and secondary mineral resources – with a focus on critical raw materials (CRMs) in WEEE, ELVs, Batteries & Mining wastes - in a single place. INSPIRE compliant

29 Web Services Web Services REE Info REE Info Wastes Info Web Services Web Services Non-, semi- & structured / standardized information related to wastes: knowledge extraction, indexation… EU-UMKDP Web Portal New knowledge produced by all work packages Information Factory data filtering, advanced search, statistics computing, report generation Layers Web Services Web Services Pertinent available layers from geological surveys and EU projects and other institutions (geological, geographic, political maps ) … … Y Y X X … … YY XX Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Based on OGC standards Web Services General simplified architecture of the EU-UMKDP WEEE, ELVs, waste batteries and mining wastes Agencies, institutes, professional associations …, able to provide structured data Documents & Metadata Structured data provided by the project REE Info REE Info Mining Wastes Info Mining Wastes Info Web Services Web Services EU-MKDP Information Factory Web Services Documents & Metadata EU-MKDP Web Services Web Services

30 Web Services Web Services REE Info REE Info Wastes Info Web Services Web Services Non-, semi- & structured / standardized information related to wastes: knowledge extraction, indexation… EU-UMKDP Web Portal New knowledge produced by all work packages Information Factory data filtering, advanced search, statistics computing, report generation Layers Web Services Web Services Pertinent available layers from geological surveys and EU projects and other institutions (geological, geographic, political maps ) … … Y Y X X … … YY XX Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Based on OGC standards Web Services General simplified architecture of the EU-UMKDP WEEE, ELVs, waste batteries and mining wastes Agencies, institutes, professional associations …, able to provide structured data Documents & Metadata Structured data provided by the project REE Info REE Info Mining Wastes Info Mining Wastes Info Web Services Web Services EU-MKDP Information Factory Web Services Documents & Metadata EU-MKDP Web Services Web Services A sustainable system always kept up to date:  adoption and development of a distributed architecture. A system fully INSPIRE compliant:  based on INSPIRE v.3 and EarthResourceML (ERML) v.2 data models.

31 Web Services Web Services REE Info REE Info Wastes Info Web Services Web Services Non-, semi- & structured / standardized information related to wastes: knowledge extraction, indexation… EU-UMKDP Web Portal New knowledge produced by all work packages Information Factory data filtering, advanced search, statistics computing, report generation Layers Web Services Web Services Pertinent available layers from geological surveys and EU projects and other institutions (geological, geographic, political maps ) … … Y Y X X … … YY XX Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Based on OGC standards Web Services General simplified architecture of the EU-UMKDP WEEE, ELVs, waste batteries and mining wastes Agencies, institutes, professional associations …, able to provide structured data Documents & Metadata Structured data provided by the project REE Info REE Info Mining Wastes Info Mining Wastes Info Web Services Web Services EU-MKDP Information Factory Web Services Documents & Metadata EU-MKDP Web Services Web Services Management of: -Non-structured data, always accompanied by their metadata -Structured data Management of: -Non-structured data, always accompanied by their metadata -Structured data A Central Database to minimize the drawbacks of the distributed architecture:  improves the performance, reduces the risk in case of server crash.

32 32 Provider’s own format ETL process Harvesting DB (+ quality control) Web Services Web Services Project DB Harvesting DB (+ quality control) Diffusion DB (+ diffusion optimizations) Documents & Metadata Web Services (WMS/WFS) Web Services (WMS/WFS) Web Services (Search engine) Web Services (Search engine) Web Services (Stats, auto report, filtering…) Web Services (Stats, auto report, filtering…) DB SYNCHRONIZATION Standardized data models and formats to be defined for urban wastes Harvesting mechanism (ETL process) INFORMATION FACTORY The EU-UMKDP detailed architecture EU-UMKDP Web Portal Web Services Web Services Provider DB Web Services Web Services Provider DB Indexation Portrayal MICKA Catalog (CS/W) MICKA Catalog (CS/W) Deegree 3 Creation of new data models, incl. the extension of ERML for mining wastes

33 33 Provider’s own format ETL process Harvesting DB (+ quality control) Web Services Web Services Project DB Harvesting DB (+ quality control) Diffusion DB (+ diffusion optimizations) Documents & Metadata Web Services (WMS/WFS) Web Services (WMS/WFS) Web Services (Search engine) Web Services (Search engine) Web Services (Stats, auto report, filtering…) Web Services (Stats, auto report, filtering…) DB SYNCHRONIZATION Standardized data models and formats to be defined for urban wastes Harvesting mechanism (ETL process) INFORMATION FACTORY The EU-UMKDP detailed architecture EU-UMKDP Web Portal Web Services Web Services Provider DB Web Services Web Services Provider DB Indexation Portrayal MICKA Catalog (CS/W) MICKA Catalog (CS/W) Deegree 3 Creation of new data models, incl. the extension of ERML for mining wastes A professional architecture:  A Central Harvesting Database synchronized with a Central Diffusion Database. The first one controls data quality and the second one is optimized for diffusion. Synchronization is made using SQL scripts.

34 34 Structuring data = CRM hotspots Functional compound Material compound Single material Product group Category UNU + BAT + ELV key (car market segment) Device type/ Battery type/ Car model

35 35 In summary: The EU-UMKDP Web Portal will provide, in a single place, all data and information related to urban wastes – WEEE, ELVs, spent batteries – and mining wastes. The EU-UMKDP Web Portal will also be ‘connected’ to other Mineral Resources portals currently being developed, e.g., the IKMS (for REEs) and the EU-MKDP (all mineral resources), allowing thus to combine data related to wastes with primary raw materials data. Web-based portal Data filtering capability Advanced search capabilities Statistics computation Automated report generation & visualization Interoperability with the EU-MKDP

36 36 Services on top of the Diffusion DB 36

37 37 Powerful search capabilities 37  The Search facilities will allow the user to search in the Diffusion Database, in some other databases (manually plugged into the Indexation Engine) and in documents added to the EU-UMKDP using a dedicated interface. The user will be able to search (i) using full text or (ii) using a specific interface dedicated to the concept he is looking for. Mock-up based on Minerals4EU

38 38 The EU-UMKDP is connected The EGDI (European Geological Data Infrastructure) The The IKMS (Integrated Knowledge Management system) (REEs) The EU-MKDP (Minerals Knowledge Data Platform) The EU-UMKDP (Urban Mining Knowledge Data Platform) Mining wastes data The EU-RMICP (Raw Materials Intelligence Capacity Platform) Shared harvesting system WMS Dynamic Decision Graph EUrare Minerals4EU ProSUM MICA proposal ProSUM & Minerals4EU NETWORKS The EURMKB (European Union Raw Materials Knowledge Base)

39 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641999. Thank you! Daniel Cassard 23 rd April 2015 ProSUM Information Network 1 st Meeting, Hotel Bloom, Brussels Daniel Cassard and the WP5 Team BRGM, CBS, CGS, Chalmers, C-tech, GeoZS, GEUS, Recharge, TUB and UNU

40 40 Taking Inventory – Breakout Groups What should the project deliver? What data can you contribute? What do you want to get from the Information Network?

41 41 Break Out Groups Shown on your delegate list Group 1 Forum A (in here) Dave Peck Group 2 Forum B Claude Chanson Group 3 Consilium A Agata Wolk-Lewanowicz Group 4 Consilium B Anders Hallberg

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