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DATA RETREAT Direct Access to Achievement Welcome! This training is made possible through a partnership between Oregon Department of Education and your.

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Presentation on theme: "DATA RETREAT Direct Access to Achievement Welcome! This training is made possible through a partnership between Oregon Department of Education and your."— Presentation transcript:

1 DATA RETREAT Direct Access to Achievement Welcome! This training is made possible through a partnership between Oregon Department of Education and your ESD, and supported by a Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

2 When our efforts aren’t integrated and aligned…how likely is our actual progress?

3 The likelihood of progress increases when we integrate essential elements of new initiatives using a systems approach to align our efforts.

4 Strategically Supporting Student Learning Select Effective Practices Train Teams Capacity Investment Sustain Oregon’s DATA CCSS Educator Effectiveness RTI Be selective about who is trained Be clear about your purpose for the training Start with willingness Have a roll- out plan Determine how to get coaching support and feedback Administration, Build Capacity, Monitor, Support, Data

5 Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training Outcomes Training Components Knowledge of Content Skill ImplementationClassroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 0% 60% 60% 5% 95% 95% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002

6 OUTCOMES (% of Participants who Demonstrate Knowledge, Demonstrate new Skills in a Training Setting, and Use new Skills in the Classroom) TRAINING COMPONENTS Knowledge Skill Demonstration Use in the Classroom Theory and Discussion 10% 5%0%..+Demonstration in Training 30% 20% 0% …+ Practice & Feedback in Training 60% 5% …+ Coaching in Classroom 95% Joyce and Showers, 2002 Staff Coaching

7 Day 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strengthen your process for turning training knowledge into practice Identify effective team processes and know what you need to do to improve them Make connections between data and instruction Explore tools to interpret data Day 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave breakout sessions with the information you need to support your team Use rubric to determine next steps Schedule follow-up coaching Objectives

8 Step 1: On a 3x5 index card, write 3 things you know about data teams, data-driven decision making 2 tools you feel confident using to analyze data 1 burning question you want answered during this training 3-2-1 Exercise

9 Step 2: Get up and share information with people you don’t know Round 1: Share the 3 things you know Round 2 (new partner): Share your 2 tools Round 3: Share your 1 burning question (does your new friend have the answer?) 3-2-1 Exercise

10 Step 3: Debrief at your table Take turns introducing yourselves, and sharing your burning question. Did it get answered? If not, can your table friends help? Post unanswered questions in the Parking Lot. 3-2-1 Exercise

11 Mickey Garrison, ODE Megan Monson, Direct Access to Achievement Penny Grotting, Columbia Gorge ESD Marianne Oakes, Lane ESD Missi Thurman, Centennial SD Analicia Nicholson, Douglas ESD Jane Osborne, Hood River School District Chad Putnam, Coos Bay School District Laurie Nordahl, North Bend School District Dawn Bennett, Brookings School District Bryan Toller, ODE (Day 2) La Grande School District team (Day 2) Meet your trainers!

12 8:30-8:40 Welcome & Overview of Direct Access to Achievement 8:40-9:10 Identifying Effective Team Practices 9:10-10:05 6-Step Data Team Process 10:05-10:15 Break 10:15-11:056-Step Data Team Process, continued 11:05-11:30 Exercise & Overview of Breakout Sessions 11:30-12:30 Lunch 12:30 -2:00Gradual Release for Data Teams: A Shared Experience 2:00-2:15Break 2:15-3:00Dear Facilitator Exercise 3:00-3:15Plus/Delta Day 1 Agenda

13 Day 2 Agenda 8:30-8:50 Welcome & Breakout Session Review Note: All sessions will be available in all time slots. 8:55-10:05Session 1 10:05-10:15Break 10:15-11:25Session 2 11:25-12:25Lunch 12:25-1:35 Session 3 1:35-2:45Session 4 2:45-2:55Break 2:55-3:20Goal setting & next steps 3:20-3:30Closing and Feedback

14 The data team process Step 6: Monitor and Evaluate the Results

15 VENN DIAGRAM The data team process Venn diagram

16 Observation form Identify strengths and weaknesses Use breakouts to fill in the gaps

17 Reflection Form Use to identify breakout sessions for each of your team members

18 TEAM ASSESSMENT RUBRIC The purpose of the TEAM ASSESSMENT RUBRIC is to learn where your teams are and to determine next steps. For each of the questions, read the characteristics of the four data team/PLC stages and determine where your team fits. Each stage has “Next Steps” identified that will help advance your team to the next level. Use these “Next Steps” to craft a plan of action for your team.


20 Breakout sessions  PLC Boot Camp for Team Leaders and Coaches  Tools of the Trade: Using Process Tools to Dig into Your Data  Making the Connection: How to Use Assessments to Increase Student Learning  Getting Down to Brass Tacks: Building and Sustaining Your Classroom, Building, and District PLCs  Cause Data: Moving from What to Why  Working Smarter: The March to Next Generation Assessments

21 2013-2014 Webinar schedule Oct. 30, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Initiative Integration: Getting the Most Out of CCSS and Educator Effectiveness Feb. 26, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Making it Stick: Going from Training to Implementation Practice April 23, 3:30-4:30 p.m. What Difference Is this Making? Evaluating Program Effectiveness and Fidelity of Implementation For connection information, visit the Oregon DATA Project page,


23  Complete a plus, delta before you leave: + What worked to support your learning and doing today?  What changes would improve your learning and doing tomorrow? +, 

24 DAY 2

25 DATA RETREAT Coos Bay training Oct. 28-29, 2013 Direct Access to Achievement Welcome! This training is made possible through a partnership between Oregon Department of Education and your ESD, and supported by a Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

26 DAY 2: +,  results +  Working through data team process sheet  Having website with all handouts available online  Spending time in teams  Aimed at both teachers and administrators  Learning how to work through data process  Listening to examples from other districts

27 DAY 2: +,  results   Lack of secondary examples  Need to work with real data for our own school  Need more examples of daily schedules that support data-driven schools  Assumed we knew more than we did  Need training in our PLC for follow up

28 Day 2 Agenda 8:30-8:50 Welcome & Breakout Session Review Note: All sessions will be available in all time slots. 8:55-10:05Session 1 10:05-10:15Break 10:15-11:25Session 2 11:25-12:25Lunch 12:25-1:35 Session 3 1:35-2:35Session 4 2:35-2:45Break 2:45-3:15Goal setting & next steps 3:15-3:30Closing and Feedback

29 Breakout sessions  PLC Boot Camp for Team Leaders and Coaches  Tools of the Trade: Using Process Tools to Dig into Your Data  Making the Connection: How to Use Assessments to Increase Student Learning  Getting Down to Brass Tacks: Building and Sustaining Your Classroom, Building, and District PLCs  Cause Data: Moving from What to Why  Working Smarter: The March to Next Generation Assessments

30  At the end of the day, please complete the survey at The link is also posted on the Oregon DATA Project website, Survey

31 Please visit the Direct Access to Achievement website to access Data Retreat materials, as well as resources from prior trainings.

32 TEAM ASSESSMENT RUBRIC The purpose of the TEAM ASSESSMENT RUBRIC is to learn where your teams are and to determine next steps. For each of the questions, read the characteristics of the four data team/PLC stages and determine where your team fits. Each stage has “Next Steps” identified that will help advance your team to the next level. Use these “Next Steps” to craft a plan of action for your team.


34 We will send the link to you by email, and it is also posted on the Oregon DATA Project website, Survey reminder

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