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RAPA 2014 Spring Meeting April 1, 2014. 2014 RAPA Spring Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions Organization Update Committee and Initiative updates.

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Presentation on theme: "RAPA 2014 Spring Meeting April 1, 2014. 2014 RAPA Spring Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions Organization Update Committee and Initiative updates."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAPA 2014 Spring Meeting April 1, 2014

2 2014 RAPA Spring Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions Organization Update Committee and Initiative updates  Audit Initiative  Data Quality Initiative  Education Initiative Treasurer’s Report Communications Committee Planning Committee Committee and Initiative breakout sessions Adjourn

3 Organization Update Incorporation Status Certificate of Incorporation filed October 21, 2013 as a 501(c)(6) with Delaware Costs for incorporation and tax exempt status are $5,500, primarily attorney and filing fees with Delaware and the IRS Costs to maintain incorporation are appx. $1,000 annually First meeting of Board of Directors to establish bylaws for the company was Sunday October 26, 2013. Voting members approved updated bylaws November 29, 2013. Updates primarily reflected the Delaware requirement of a Board of Governors, which is in the prior Executive Committee. Form 1026 filing as a 501c6 tax exempt corporation was filed February 28, 2014. We are awaiting approval from the IRS of tax exempt status.

4 Organization Update  Board of Governors Tom Hartlett – Chair Greg LaRochelle – Vice Chair Shaun Downey – Past Chair Kim Langstaff – Treasurer Susan Whitehead – Secretary Stephanie Williams – Planning Chair Anthony Rotondi – Communications Chair

5 RAPA 2014 Spring Meeting April 1, 2014

6 Initiatives Strategy Purpose: To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of RAPA member's reinsurance understanding and processes. The initiatives work streams provides the opportunity for members to work together on education, training, and to benefit from robust collaboration with industry experts within the working groups. Want to join an Initiative? Just contact one of the leads Education: Dalia Khoury, Optimum Re Data: Genevra Pflaum, Hannover Re Audit: Garfield McIntyre, Munich Re Thinking of a new initiative? Submit your suggestion to Tom Hartlett [] or Greg LaRochelle []

7 Audit & Compliance Initiative Purpose To develop tools and techniques to provide guidelines on reinsurance audit methodology and approach. This may include an update to the current available resources to reflect leading practices, develop a standard audit program that can be modified as needed, and providing relevant training on auditing techniques. Topics:  Reinsurance auditing trends  Leading reinsurance auditing practices  Update the available auditing resources (i.e. the “Operational Risk Management” book) in order to share relevant auditing methodology, leading practices, and tools.  Provide relevant training to auditors within the reinsurance industry using the framework within the “Operational Risk Management” book. Deliverables & Milestones 1)Intent is to brainstorm auditing trends and develop potential leading practices by 2Q – 3Q 2014. 2)Develop a standard audit program, that can be customized as needed during 3Q – 4Q 2014. 3)Align the Operational Risk Management book by updating it to reflect the latest auditing trends, leading practices, and available tools that are being used in the industry during 3Q2014 – 2Q2015. 4)Provide a break-out training session (2 – 4 hours) during the 2015 fall conference, and periodically going forward. *Note: The agreed deliverables and timeline will be determined after initial committee meeting(s) are held. Members (sub-groups)  Garfield McIntyre, Munich Re  Looking for volunteers Operational Risk Management

8 Data Initiative Purpose Create a document for Guidelines for Reinsurance Reporting, in essence a document of best practices for specific areas of reinsurance administration and data quality. The document will include information, samples and realistic scenarios. Topics:  Reporting Issues  Communication/Notifications  Data Quality  Conversions  Taking a Treaty from paper to system implementation  Treaty Compliance  Samples of typical reinsurance reporting, i.e. Policy Exhibit, Transaction files, etc Deliverables & Milestones 1)We have 5 sub groups tackling different topics. Each sub group is working on 2-3 topics to complete documentation on by April 2014. Other topics will be noted for future target dates. 2)Any additional topics will be decided on in the later part of 2014 Members (sub-groups)  Genevra Pflaum, Hannover Re  Rhonda Nielsen-Jackson, Hannover  Ellen Fedorowicz, Jackson National  Rajesh Kavuru, Swiss Re  Betsy Russell, Munich Re  Lisa Sher, Scor Re  Melinda Bynoe, Hannover Re  Robert McCloskey, RBC insurance  Par Kambo, RBC Insurance  Clay Fowler, Scor Re  Lynn Martone, Swiss Re  Laurie Barrett, Amica  Duane Pfaff, ING Re  Diana Aversa, Pacific Life  Grace Sirianni, Munich Re Guidelines Reinsurance Reporting

9 Education Initiative Purpose Develop training material in case study format to illustrate the impact of processing. The document will include real life examples with fictive names in order to keep the confidentiality of the material. Topics:  Financial Impact to Business Rules (System)  Financial Impact to Conversion Process (File Mapping) assumed side to retro Deliverables & Milestones 1)We have 2 to 4 sub-groups tackling different topics. Each sub group is working one topic to complete documentation on by June 2014. Other topics will be noted for future target dates 2)Any additional topics will be decided on in the later part of 2014 Members (sub-groups)  Dalia Khoury, Optimum Re  Looking for volunteers Business Rules Conversion Process

10 RAPA 2014 Spring Meeting April 1, 2014

11 Treasurer’s Report Reinsurance Administration Professionals Association Business Advantage Checking2014 Treasurer's Report as of March 31, 2014 Totals U$ Opening Balance $ 200.00 Income Deposits - Wire transfer of funds from Canadian Account $ 19,990.00 $ 20,190.00 Deposits - Wire transfer of funds from Canadian Account $ 5,374.16 $ 25,564.16 Offset of Bank Account Fees0.00 $ 25,564.16 Expenses Check: US Treasury for IRS Form 1024 filing fees $ 850.00 $ 24,714.16 Check: Bob Kennedy for reimbursement for Net Solutions web hosting fees $ 95.40 $ 24,618.76 Check card: GoDaddy Website Fees $ 498.56 $ 24,120.20 Check card: GoDaddy Website Fees $ 499.74 $ 23,620.46 Bank Account Fees0.00 $ 23,620.46 Totals $ 1,943.70 $ 25,564.16 $ 23,620.46 Created By: Kim Langstaff Treasurer

12 RAPA 2014 Spring Meeting April 1, 2014

13 Communications Social Media WebsiteMembership Started in Oct 2012 Allows for user updates and interaction Used to ‘push’ information to members Used to direct people to the website ‘somewhat’ successful Is the source of all RAPA information 3 areas for change… Usability Content (ie tool for sharing initiative and other information) Online annual renewal and conference registration Online payments Partially through the website, partially manual Issues with tracking, etc

14 Communications Social Media Website Membership

15 Communications What has been done / where are we now: Changing hosts to allow for more up-to-date functionality (Feb 2014) Adding pages which are required for online banking (Mar 2014) Approval from bank to proceed with online payments (Mar 2014) Next Steps: Work with the bank to make online payments available Ensure membership process is working and available to members Content

16 RAPA 2014 Spring Meeting April 1, 2014

17 Planning 2014 Fall Conference Sunday, October 19 th – Tuesday, October 21 st The Palms Hotel & Spa 3025 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, Florida City View Room: $220

18 Planning

19  Presentations Claims Administration  John Carroll – TAI Life Reinsurance Systems Accurate Cessions & Retrocessions  James McCormack – Transamerica Life Insurance Company  Dale Krause – Canada Life Assurance Company Treaty Provisions Panel  Moderated by Diane Hare – RGA International Reinsurance Company Limited Claim Trends and Social Media’s Influence on Claims Investigations  Kevin Glasgow – Munich Reinsurance Company of America Boosting Morale  Michael Pado – Aurigen Reinsurance Company of America

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