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Arts and Humanities M. Cox Introduction to Humanities.

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Presentation on theme: "Arts and Humanities M. Cox Introduction to Humanities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arts and Humanities M. Cox Introduction to Humanities

2 What are the Humanities? Humanities is the study of Human activity.

3 Humanities These are the broad areas of human creativity and study, essentially involved with values and generally not using scientific standards Humanities are subjective Science is objective

4 Humanities In Medieval times, the term “Humanities,” distinguished that which pertained to human from that which pertained to God During this time, mathematics, sciences, the Arts, and philosophy were considered humanities.

5 Humanities Theology and related subjects were dealt with divinity These were the study of God.

6 Humanities Today the Humanities are those broad areas of human creativity that are distinct from mathematics and the “hard,” sciences.

7 Five Areas of Humanities Visual Art Drama Music Dance Philosophy

8 Aesthetics The study of the beauty of Art

9 Art Should clarify or reveal values As you deepen your understanding of values, you will deepen your understanding of what art is all about. Taste is an exercise in values.

10 Art The arts are a subset of the Humanities.

11 The Arts The arts are non-restrictive. They are communicative. They are entertaining.

12 Taste Taste is improved by education. You gain appreciation by understanding the background information about a work of art. A sensitivity to the art form will intensify your response.

13 What is a work of Art?

14 Subject The part of the work that can be easily recognized Subject can be a person or an object

15 Form The artists unique way of using the elements, principles and media in the work.

16 Content Most important part of any work. The message the artist is trying to communicate. The content may be an idea or a theme. Ex. Patriotism, love, anger

17 Theories of Judging Art

18 Imitationalism Thinks art should imitate what we see in the real world.

19 Formalism Feels that the elements and principles are the most important part

20 Emotionalism Believes that the art must appeal to the viewer through their emotions.

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