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Common Core State Standards in Mathematics OVERVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core State Standards in Mathematics OVERVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core State Standards in Mathematics OVERVIEW

2 The Common Core State Standards define what students should understand and be able to do in their study of mathematics. Asking a student to understand something means asking a teacher to assess whether the student has understood it. But what does mathematical understanding look like? One hallmark of mathematical understanding is the ability to justify, in a way appropriate to the student’s mathematical maturity, why a particular mathematical statement is true or where a mathematical rule comes from. From “Introduction to the Common Core State Standards For Mathematics”

3 What are the Common Core State Standards? Why are they important? Why were they written? How were they developed? How will they be assessed?

4 Deepen Our Understanding Read Articles Identify Key Ideas Share learning


6 What do students have to know and be able to do? How will we know if students have learned it?

7 Common Core Mathematics Standards Standards for Mathematical Practice Standards for Mathematical Content

8 Mathematical Practice Standards Describe habits of mathematically expert students



11 History of Mathematics Standards





16 Principles of Common Core State Mathematics Standards Focus: Identifies key ideas, understandings and skills for each grade/course Coherence: Articulates a progression of topics across grades/course and connects to other topics

17 Standards for Mathematical Content Vocabulary Introduction Domain Clusters/Cluster Headings Content Standards Conceptual Category (High School)


19 EXAMPLES Focus: Cross Grade/Course Level Domains Coherence: Standards flow within and between Grade/Course Level




23 The Promise of Standards These Standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step. It is time for states to work together to build on lessons learned from two decades of standards based reforms. It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.


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