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Published bySharyl Warren Modified over 9 years ago
Deputy General Director Airport Department of CAAC
China’s Airport Construction and New Development Trends in the Next Decade Diao Yonghai Deputy General Director Airport Department of CAAC May 13, 2010
CONTENTS Ⅰ Current Situation of Airports in Mainland China
Ⅱ Challenges to the Development of Airports in Mainland China Ⅲ Development Goals of China’s Airports in the Next Decade Ⅳ China’s Airport Construction and New Development Trends in the Next Decade
Ⅰ Current Situation of Airports in Mainland China
◆Number of Airports: Increasing By the end of 2009, number of civil airports in Mainland China reached 166, in which: 165 airports with scheduled services 163 scheduled services destinations 33 large airports with fields for B747 airport In 2009, 6 new airports in Mainland China: Foshan, Tengchong, Yushu, Jixi, Daqing, Yichun Newly increased areas of terminals: 600 thousand sq.m. Number of newly increased airports in 2010: 8 自上世纪九十年代以来,中国机场建设处于一个高速发展时期,新建、迁建约70个机场,并对80多个机场进行了改造或扩建。 截至2009年底,中国内地颁证运输机场达到166个,其中定期航班通航机场165个,定期航班通航城市163个,飞行区等级4E及以上(可起降B747飞机)的大型机场33个。 2009年,全国新增佛山、腾冲、玉树、鸡西、大庆和伊春6个机场,新建成航站楼的面积约60万平方米。 预计到今年年底,全年将有8个新机场建成并投入运营。
Ⅰ Current Situation of Airports in Mainland China
◆Scope of Airport Services: extending Taking 100 kilometers by ground traffic or 1.5 hours’ drive as service radius, China’s air service covers: ——55 percent of counties ——62 percent of population ——82 percent of national GDP 上图是目前中国内地运输机场的分布图,运输机场密度为每十万平方公里1.6个。机场数量和布局基本适应了国家和地区经济社会发展需要。 以地面交通100公里或1.5小时车程为服务半径,航空服务范围覆盖了全国55%的县、62%的人口和82%的经济总量产生区域。 Approximately 1.6 airports per 100,000
Ⅰ Current Situation of Airports in Mainland China
◆Traffic Capacity of Airports: advancing In 2009, these commercial airports reached: ——Passenger throughput: 4.86 billion person-times, with growth rate of 19.79% ——Cargo and mail throughput: 9.46 million tons, with growth rate of 7.04% ——Movements of flight: 4.84 million, with growth rate of 14.52% Total traffic (in million ton-km) Year-on-year growth rate(%) Passenger turnover (million passenger-km) Cargo turnover (million ton-km) 2009 42,707.29 13.4 337,487.85 17.1 12, 5.6 Jan.-Mar., 2010 12,317.40 32.2 94, 20.4 3, 66.3 2009年我国机场吞吐量各项指标再创历史新高,其中旅客吞吐量48,606.3万人次,比上年增长19.79%;货邮吞吐量945.6万吨,比上年增长7.04%;飞机起降架次484.1万架次,比上年增长14.52%。 下面的表格是去年和今年一季度的周转量数据,今年一季度国内机场客、货运都显示出良好的发展势头。
Ⅰ Current Situation of Airports in Mainland China
There are fourteen airports whose passenger traffic exceed ten million per annum. The passenger traffic of Beijing Capital International Airport was million, ranking 3th in the world. The cargo traffic of Shanghai Pudong International Airport was 2.54 million tons, still ranking 3th in the world. 截至2009年底,国内旅客吞吐量超过1千万人次的机场已达14个。其中,北京首都机场旅客吞吐量达到6537万人次,跃居世界第三位;上海浦东机场货物吞吐量为254.3万吨,继续保持世界第三。
Ⅰ Current Situation of Airports in Mainland China
Summary: numbers and density of airports increased type of airplane available for serving airports increased improved measures for maintaining safe operation airport facilities was modernized to a larger degree 经过三十多年大规模的建设,我国运输机场的基础设施条件得到明显改善:机场数量增加,机场密度有所提高;机场可使用机型不断加大;安全运行保障条件明显改善;机场设施的现代化程度有所提高。 在机场安全保障方面,技术设施水平、人员保障能力均有大幅提高,安全管理体系(SMS)已经确立并作为行业标准在全国机场全面推进。2007年,国际民航组织对我国机场进行了安全审计,安全标准符合率达到94.3%,是这一年国际民航组织安全审计的国家中符合率最高的。
Ⅱ Challenges to the Development of Airports in Mainland China
Short of airports, low density, uneven distribution 尽管中国内地机场得到了良好的发展,但在发展中还存在一些问题,面临一些挑战。 首先,从全国机场体系看,机场数量仍然不足、密度偏低。以美国为例,目前颁证民用运输机场为587个,每十万平方公里国土机场数量约为6.4,是我国的4倍。 此外,我国运输机场的布局也不均衡,东部地区每十万平方公里有4个机场,中部地区为1.6个,西部地区为1个,东部地区密度大,中西部地区密度小。因此近年来我们对中西部地区支线机场的建设加强了资金投入和政策扶持。 8 8
Ⅱ Challenges to the Development of Airports in Mainland China
The reasonable airports network has not formed lack of international big hub airports lack of regional hub airports unclear position and poorly operation of small airports Challenge 3: Reform of airport mangement system is in progress airport management mode is making experiment airports are gradually being transformed from operation type to management type
Ⅱ Challenges to the Development of Airports in Mainland China
Challenge 4: The operation and security capability of airport need to be improved rapid growth of civil aviation cause greater pressure to the safety of airport operation the support capability of small airports is more weak the support capability of aviation fuel and Air Traffic Management need to be improved synchronously development of airports in some area is restricted by limited airspace Challenge 5: How to achieve the sustainable development of airport? 中国民航的高速发展,给民用机场的发展带来了前所未有的机遇,但同时也使大中型机场普遍面临规模不断扩大、运行复杂性不断增加、设施容量日趋饱和等问题,给机场安全运行带来较大压力。同时,对空管、航油等配套行业的保障能力也提出了更高要求。据初步测算,目前全国有60多个机场的设施容量已经或即将达到饱和状态,亟需实施改扩建。
III Development Goals of China’s Airport In the Next Decade
1. Improve the number, layout and service capability of airport increase the number of airport, balance its layout, and extend service area improve the capacity of large and medium airport by means of extension and modification 根据《全国民用机场布局规划》,未来十年国内将新增70余个机场,其中绝大多数是小型机场,主要分布在中西部地区、东北地区及东部交通不便的地方。同时,充分利用现代科学技术,对趋于饱和的机场进行扩建和改造,提升机场的容量和保障能力,提高机场的现代化程度,使不良天气等原因对机场运行的影响明显降低,并使旅客在机场能够得到更加便捷、良好的服务,以适应未来航空运输发展的需要。
III Development Goals of China’s Airport In the Next Decade
2. Building reasonable, efficient and well-bedded airport network system Building top-ranking international hub airports (Global Strategy) Focusing on building regional hub airports Centering around hub airports, build the airport network system which “well connects hub and regional airports” (Popular Strategy) Building multi-airports system in metropolitan area of Eastern China where the density of airports is much higher 我们将按照“加强资源整合、完善功能定位、扩大服务范围、优化体系结构”的布局思路,重点培育国际枢纽、区域中心和门户机场,完善干线机场功能,适度增加支线机场布点,构筑规模适当、结构合理、功能完善的北方(华北、东北)、华东、中南、西南、西北五大区域机场群。通过新增布点机场的分期建设和既有机场的改扩建,以及各区域内航空资源的有效整合,机场群整体功能实现枢纽、干线和支线有机衔接,客、货航空运输全面协调,大、中、小规模合理的发展格局,并与铁路、公路、水运以及相关城市交通相衔接,搞好集疏运,共同构成现代综合交通运输体系。
III Development Goals of China’s Airport In the Next Decade
3. Accelerate the development of general airports 4.Deepen reform of the airport management system Strengthen the airport’s service function of public infrastructure, popularize the modes of franchise and monopoly, and propel the transition of airport management mode Accelerate the experiment for reform of the airport management system 5. Build “Green Airport”, to achieve sustainable development of airport 按照民航局发展通用航空的战略规划,我们将以改造升级现有通用航空机场和临时起降点为重点,加快通用机场基础设施建设,为通用航空在工、农、林、牧、渔等行业以及应急救援、抢险救灾、医疗救护等社会公益性服务方面充分发挥作用创造条件。
III Development Goals of China’s Airport In the Next Decade
By 2020, number of civil airport in Mainland China: 224 total turnover of air traffic: 84 billion tons air service will cover: ——80% of counties ——82% of population ——96% of national GDP 依据2008年发布的《全国民用机场布局规划》,至2020年,全国民用机场总数将达到244个,其中新增机场97个。 根据民航发展速度与GDP速度的实际比例推算,本世纪头20年航空运输的年均发展速度大约为10%,至2020 年运输总周转量将达到840 亿吨。 2020年,航空运输服务范围(以地面交通100公里或1.5小时车程为服务半径)将覆盖全国80%的县、82%的人口和96%的经济总量产生区域。
IV China’s Airport Construction and New Development Trends in the Next Decade
Three Trends: Centering around large and medium airport, build Comprehensive Transportation Hub (CTH) Develop the Airport Economy Zone, driving the development of economy and relevant industries around airport Research and Practice on “Green Airport”
IV China’s Airport Construction and New Development Trends in the Next Decade
1. Build Comprehensive Transportation Hub Hongqiao CTH kinds of Transportation means gathered: Hongqiao airport, high-speed railway, inter-city railway, expressway, Meglev, Subway, Bus and Taxi “zero transfer, Seamless connection”, traffic flow is rapidly collected and distributed 民航局将全力打造以大中型机场为核心的综合交通枢纽,把机场建设成为汇集各种交通运输方式的“零换乘、无缝隙”交通枢纽,方便客货流在机场的快捷集散。目前全国42个大中型机场都正在或即将开展综合交通枢纽的研究、规划与建设。 目前上海市正依托虹桥机场打造国内乃至世界上最大的综合交通枢纽——虹桥综合交通枢纽(见上图)。虹桥枢纽集民用航空、高速铁路、城际铁路、高速公路、磁浮、地铁、地面公交、出租汽车等多种交通方式于一体,可实现跨区域、大范围人流物流的快速集散,预计全部建成后日客流量将达到110万。该枢纽目前已部分建成投入使用,为正在召开的世博会提供着快捷、顺畅的运输服务。 West square High-speed rail Meglev East square Airport
IV China’s Airport Construction and New Development Trends in the Next Decade
2. Develop Airport Economy Zone Airport Economy Zone —— the new “Engine” for the development of regional economy 大型机场对周边地区经济发展的带动作用巨大,辐射能力强,因此,有学者提出了“临空经济”的概念。近些年,北京、上海、重庆、天津、郑州等地的大型机场陆续开始发展“航空城”、“机场城”、“空港经济区”、“空港保税区”、“空港经济开发区”等,有力拉动了周边经济的发展,成就显著。
Economy circle around airport
IV China’s Airport Construction and New Development Trends in the Next Decade Economy circle around airport 以北京为例,北京空港工业区成立于1994年。2000年,经国务院批准,在空港工业区基础上延伸建立了1.2平方公里的北京天竺出口加工区,这是全国首批、北京市唯一的国家级出口加工区,也是全国唯一设立在空港口岸的出口加工区。工业区、出口加工区两区总面积7.8平方公里。目前,空港工业区已经吸引了来自18个国家和地区的288家中外企业入驻,投资总额达264亿元。入区企业中有国际跨国公司64家,其中包括索爱、松下、空中客车、LG、SONY、JVC、PHILIPS等20家世界500强企业,形成了以国际跨国公司为主体、以电子信息产业为主导、以航空物流为特点的产业格局。 Beijing Airport City
IV China’s Airport Construction and New Development Trends in the Next Decade
3. Research and Practice on “Green Airport” Economical Eco-friendly High-Tech Humanistic Four Elements of Green Airport 为了切实贯彻科学发展观和节能减排战略,从机场自身建设与发展的内在需求出发,民航局提出建设“绿色机场”,拟通过科研与建设实践,最终确立中国未来机场建设的“绿色”标准和规范体系,实现机场的可持续发展。并于2007年将昆明新机场作为试点工程开展实践探索,将其建设成为节约型、环保型、科技型和人性化的现代化国际机场。
“Green Airport” Project:Kunming New Airport
Planting soil “zero emission” Economize environment aggregate Garbage plant for processing and recycling Explosion project Sewage treatment station technology Road side traffic organization humanization Concrete mixing station center Baggage system domestication terminal Green slope GPU Garbage transport Aviation pantry Air traffic management project Western airfield Asphalt pavement Parking Recycled water agricultural irrigation Eastern airfield 绿色昆明新机场建设目前处于施工阶段,已取得阶段性成果。 Permeable pavement Energy center Taxiway encoding Clean energy vehicle Special clean energy vehicle Airside sustainable development Air cargo area Maintenance area Airline base Solar water heating Airplane oil project “Green Airport” Project:Kunming New Airport
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