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1 Re-greening the Sahara… …using renewable energy for desalination Incoteco (Denmark) ApS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Re-greening the Sahara… …using renewable energy for desalination Incoteco (Denmark) ApS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Re-greening the Sahara… …using renewable energy for desalination Incoteco (Denmark) ApS

2 incoteco 2 The Sahara Just 5000 years ago, most of this was a great grass land, supporting a wide variety of life. Archeological remains show that much of the area that is now desert once supported great cities

3 incoteco 3 Climate Change was rampant.......causing the great drought and the formation of the desert Carthage was not built for its desert views!

4 incoteco 4 CONTEXT - technical There has been a considerable increase in efficiency and reduced specific cost during last 15 years of:  Wind energy  photovoltaics  seawater desalination, especially reverse osmosis  arid land agronomy Market value of fossil fuel has risen by factor of 3 since 2000

5 incoteco 5 CONTEXT Environmental World-wide increase of:  Atmospheric CO 2 has increased from 280 to 370 ppm in last 50 years  Desertification, continuing 5000 year old trend  Population rises to 9 billion by 2020  Water shortages  Loss of arable land Low cost oil and gas depletion makes renewables competitive

6 incoteco 6 CONTEXT - Political  Potentially lethal pressure caused by a growing population in Africa and lack of: – industry – Water, exacerbated by frequent drought – Affordable, non-polluting energy – Arable land – Food  “Keep-out” mind set of developed nations towards the misery and poverty of Africans Parallel problems exist in other desert regions, eg Mexico/USA

7 incoteco 7 Context - Resources  Thousands of miles of undeveloped littoral, close to over-developed Europe – For tourism – Agriculture – Fish farms  Large and growing population  Unique solar resource  Lots of wind, some of it excellent  Some oil wealth  Shared cultures and language

8 incoteco 8 Re-green the Sahara Why Not? Starting around the cities, aim to deliver more renewable energy, balanced by existing fossil plants and the increasing use of desalination. The Arabian Peninsula, once green can also be re-greened

9 incoteco renewable capacity builds fertile strips with a common grid, deepen into desert Inter-connect North African power grid and export CO 2 -free energy to Europe thro’ Spain and Italy Links with Great man-made river

10 incoteco 10 Economic Returns Wealth is created by:  Tourism  Real estate appreciation  Agriculture and aquaculture  Food processing  Sale of CO 2 -free power to Europe  Industrial development  Export of know-how to other arid regions  Etc., etc. Region becomes economically attractive and growing

11 incoteco 11 A PROPOSAL This proposal must be driven by Africans for Africans  Each nation to be responsible for financing and developing its own solutions  Employ the widest possible range of technical solutions  From all over the Globe Seed capital supplied from oil revenues?

12 incoteco 12 Proposal - Moving Forward 1.Present concept to regional leaders 2....who can commission a... 3....Preliminary study – 6 to 12 months 4.This is presented to Regional Governments who pass enabling legislation that allows... 5....privately financed development groups to realise early projects

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