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Enrolling in SRE Special Religious Education. The enrolment form  Parents need to identify which religion they choose for their child on the school ENROLMENT.

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1 Enrolling in SRE Special Religious Education

2 The enrolment form  Parents need to identify which religion they choose for their child on the school ENROLMENT FORM.  If you choose “No Religion” then your child will not attend Special Religious Education (SRE) classes.

3 SRE and your Child  For the SRE classes available at this school see the back of the SRE and your Child pamphlet.

4 SRE and GRE  Christian Special Religious Education (SRE) classes introduce children to Jesus, the Bible and Christianity.  Children learn about other faiths and cultures in General Religious Education (GRE) which is part of normal classroom lessons.

5 Why choose SRE?  There are many benefits of choosing SRE

6 Benefit 1: Education  SRE helps parents educate their children in matters of faith.  SRE encourages children to embrace the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would have them treat you.  SRE teachers model what it means to live according to a faith.

7 Benefit 2: Spirituality  SRE classes are a place to ask the spiritual questions like: Is God real? Can I see God?  Sometimes parents and classroom teachers feel ill-equipped to answer these questions.

8 Benefit 3: People of faith SRE teachers are  generally enthusiastic volunteers  loving and respectful – good people for children to spend time with.

9 Benefit 4: Bible Literacy Bible stories  enrich our understanding of the English language and literature  explore the geography and history of the Middle East  illustrate the Christian values underlying Australian society.

10 Benefit 5: God’s love  The words of the Bible are known to bring comfort and challenge. They are heard at Anzac Day services, funerals and weddings.  During SRE lessons children will deepen their understanding of God’s love for them.

11 Benefit 6: Prayer  Children learn about prayer.  Other than church or Sunday School, which many children don’t get a chance to experience, SRE classes are a place where prayer can take place naturally as part of the lesson.

12 Who are the teachers?  SRE teachers are volunteers.  Some are priests, pastors and ministers.  All SRE teachers are members of local churches, often working together to teach a whole school.  It is a requirement that SRE teachers have child protection training.

13 What do the children learn?  The basics of the Christian religion.  They will hear the main stories of the Bible during their years in primary school.  Most teachers use educational curriculum professionally produced by church agencies.  Lessons include activities such as: Music and drama Storytelling and puppets Colouring in, puzzles and games.

14 How do I find out more?  You are welcome to ask the SRE teacher.  You can look at the material on display today.  You can attend special assemblies at Christmas and Easter.

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