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European Testbed PII, OneLab, and Federica 2008. 11. 03 Presented by Jaeryong Hwang.

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Presentation on theme: "European Testbed PII, OneLab, and Federica 2008. 11. 03 Presented by Jaeryong Hwang."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Testbed PII, OneLab, and Federica 2008. 11. 03 Presented by Jaeryong Hwang

2 Outline  Pan-European Laboratory Infrastructure Implementation(PII)  OneLab  Federated E-infrastructure Dedicated to European Researchers Innovating in Computing network Architectures(FEDERICA) 2

3 PII Pan-European Laboratory Infrastructure Implementation Anastasius Gavras Eurescom GmbH

4 Approach  Create a large scale testing and experimentation facility by integrating existing and emerging testbeds  Rationale for federating testbeds Large-scale testbeds are needed for integrating and validating next-generation network technologies. The federation of distributed test laboratories and testbeds enables end-to-end interoperability testing of platforms, networks and services. The federation of laboratories and testbeds helps to reduce the risks and costs of large-scale network infrastructure testing. 4

5 The Panlab project  Main goal: Develop a vision, roadmap, and legal/administrative framework for the Pan-European Laboratory  Background: The idea for the Pan-European Laboratory was born in the context of Eureka Cluster Celticas a way for effective pre-commercial end-to-end testing of services and products European competitiveness in ICT is at stake, as the US (FIND/GENI) and others are developing large testing facilities for the future Internet respectively next-generation networks 5

6 Panlab project details  Panlabconsortium-11 organisations: Eurescom (coordinator -supported by Eureka Cluster Celtic), France Telecom, Telefónica, Italtel, Thomson, Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia, Fraunhofer Fokus, DIMES, RAD, University of Quebec  Supported by the EC as a Specific Support Action under FP6: Budget:1.3 million euro Effort:134 person months Start:June 2006 Duration:24 months 6

7 Building the Pan-European Laboratory 7

8 Implementation phases 8

9 Discover, compose, provision testing services 9 TEAGLE a dedicated web-based tool for federated testing operated by the organisation’s office(Responsible for the testbed resource coordination and the long term evolution of the federation) using Teagle, customers can define and locate specific testbed facilities suitable to their testing needs

10 10  Octopus Network is a combination of pioneering wireless testbeds based in Oulu  With world-class partners like Nokia, Intel and Alcatel-Lucent, Octopus Network is a global wireless hotspot  Testing will be a globally increasing business area in the future. We want to provide our customers cost effective access to the latest wireless technologies in closed testing environments  The core of the Octopus service is a closed operator environment Remote secure access: VPN,IPSec,SSH  Octopus services A real, operator-level IMS infrastructure for third party testers (max. 500 000 subscribers simultaneously) Development and testing Application testing Interoperability testing in an authentic operator environment Technology consultation Octopus Network

11 11 Beta platform  provide support and infrastructure for the interconnection of testbeds and demonstrators  This project is an outcome of the first "IT-summit" ("IT-Gipfel") held end of 2006. Since then, mainly driven by Deutsche Telekom Laboratories  The Beta Platform is targeted at creating a marketplace for service development and testing  In contrast to other distributed labs like PlanetLab or EmuLab, the distributed testbeds created by way of interconnecting existing labs are not open to the Internet

12 12 Open IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) Playground  Open testbeds have ever since played a major role for our research activities in terms of result validation and prototype development It is OPEN in a sense that it is in a constant process of evolving. It is open to new partners, new components, new technologies, as well as new concepts and paradigms.  Our aim is to facilitate the usage of latest technologies in the field of IMS, NGN, SOA, and IPTV  Type of organisation: Academic institute  the services offered: Deliver prototype component implementations Instantiation of the Open IMS Playground Interconnection of testbeds Demo development Unique offering: Open Source IMS Core and build the community around it

13 13

14 14 Panlab assures connectivity to any possible technology provided by the Panlab community Panlab assures connectivity to any possible technology provided by the Panlab community

15 OneLab Serge Fdida Université Pierre et Marie Curie Laboratoire LIP6-CNRS An Open Networking Laboratory Supporting Communication Network Research Across Heterogeneous Environments

16 OneLab  An open federated laboratory, built on PlanetLab Europe, which supports network research for the future internet  Goals Extend – Extend PlanetLab into new environments, beyond the traditional wired internet Deepen – Deepen PlanetLab’s monitoring capabilities Federate – Provide a European administration for PlanetLab nodes in Europe 16

17 Extend and Deepen  OneLab’s New Environments WiMAX (Université Catholique de Louvain) UMTS (Università di Napoli, Alcatel Italia) Wireless ad hoc networks (France Telecom at Lannion) Emulated (Università di Pisa) Multihomed (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)  OneLab Monitoring Components Passive monitoring (Intel Research Cambridge) Track packets at the routers Topology monitoring (U. P. & M. Curie) – Provide a view of the route structure – Build on Scriptroute to provide scalable active measurements 17

18 Federation  Set up a functional PlanetLab Central in Europe to manage European sites  Create a federation between PlanetLab Europe and PlanetLab Central at Princeton  The federated structure will allow: – PlanetLab Europe to set policy in accordance with European research priorities, – PlanetLab Europe to customize the platform, so long as a common interface is preserved  Requirements Universal agreement on minimal core(narrow waist) Allow independent pieces to evolve independently 18

19 The OneLab vision 19

20 Building on PlanetLab Europe  64 nodes at 22 sites  Growing Join us!  Part of the global PlanetLab test bed Used by thousands of researchers We co-develop the architecture We have federated with the USA. Next to federate: Japan, China, … 20

21 OneLab :  STREP : IST-2006-034819 A STREP (Specific Targeted Research Project) funded by the European Commission start: September 2006, duration: 2 years Funding 1.9 M€, Total budget : 2.86 M€  Consortium Project leader: Univ. P. & M. Curie tightly with INRIA Partners: Intel Research Cambridge Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Université Catholique de Louvain Università di Napoli France Telecom Università di Pisa Alcatel Italia Telekomunikacja Polska 21

22 22

23 Federated E-infrastructure Dedicated to European Researchers Innovating in Computing network Architectures Mauro Campanella – GARR FIRE Launch Event Paris, September 10th, 2008 CONVEGNO "Incontro con l'Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni” Firenze, June 18th, 2008

24 FEDERICA at a glance  What: European Community co-funded project in its 7th Framework Program in the area “Capacities - Research Infrastructures” 3.7 MEuro EC contribution, 5.2 ME budget, 461 Man Months  When: 1st January 2008 - 30 June 2010 (30 months)  Who: 20 partners, based on stakeholders on network research and management: 11 National Research and Education Networks, DANTE (GÉANT2), TERENA, 4 Universities, Juniper Networks, 1 small enterprise (MARTEL), 1 research centre (i2CAT) - Coordinator: GARR (Italian NREN)  Where: Europe-wide e-Infrastructure, open to external connections 24

25 FEDERICA Objectives 25

26 26

27 FEDERICA Principles  1. Create an agnostic and neutral (transparent) infrastructure  2. Create “slices” which are a set of (virtual) network and computing resources according to user’s request and are “disruptible”  3. Provide to the user complete control within a slice down to the lowest possible layer (in particular allow any application and protocol)  4. Strive/engineer for reproducibility of experiments, i.e. given the same initial conditions, the results of an experiment are the same  5. Allow slices (if requested) to connect to the general Internet, to access external services/nodes (e.g. for content/delivery, specialized HW)  6. Ensure isolation between slices maintaining the possibility to cross- connect slides on request  7. Allow simultaneous use without conflict  8. Force/be exposed to topology changes (various level of resiliency)  9. Open to interconnect / federate with other e-Infrastructures  10. Access granted through a User Policy Board 27

28 Access and Use Policies  Usage of a FEDERICA slice will be free of charge if no additional equipment is requested  Interconnection with other infrastructures (e.g. labs) is possible. The cost has to be defined case by case.  A User Policy Board will receive and approve projects for the use of the infrastructure  Access to the infrastructure is subject to the signature of an “Acceptable User Policy”, which includes providing feedback  The time duration of a single experiment will be in principle limited to facilitate turnover (3 months initially, extension possible)  Access is open to research groups from academia and private sector with priority to European Community funded projects.  The code and tool bench produced will be Open Source 28

29 FEDERICA Activities 29

30 Topology version 8.7 30

31 Conclusion  European Testbeds for Future Internets(NGN) PII OneLab FEDERICA  Keyword: Federation!! Existing and emerging testbeds Raising the critical issue of Governance Management 31

32 References  PII Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom The role of NGN Testbed Federations Workshop on IMS, Berlin, 15-16 November, 2007 The role of NGN Testbed FederationsIMS Panlab - Federating European networking testbeds. Challenges and experiences 3rd concertation meeting on e-Infrastructures, Helsinki, Finland, 20 November 2006Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom (presented by Yuri, Gittik, RAD) Panlab - Federating European networking testbeds. Challenges and experiences  OneLab ONELAB-Federating test beds for experimentally driven research PanLab Seminar 2008, May 13-14, 2008, Dinard, Serge Fdida  FEDERICA Federated E-infrastructure Dedicated to European Researchers Innovating in Computing network Architectures FIRE Launch Event Paris, September 10th, 2008, Mauro Campanella – GARR CONVEGNO "Incontro con l'Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni“ Firenze, June 18th, 2008, Mauro Campanella – GARR 32

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