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Staff Development Day March 16, 2012. Middle School Info: NYS Assessments * Administered April 25-27 * All 3 grade levels will have 3 books. CCLS field.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Development Day March 16, 2012. Middle School Info: NYS Assessments * Administered April 25-27 * All 3 grade levels will have 3 books. CCLS field."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Development Day March 16, 2012

2 Middle School Info: NYS Assessments * Administered April 25-27 * All 3 grade levels will have 3 books. CCLS field test questions will be embedded in MC questions. * Scoring May 4, 7, 8 * Scoring leader volunteers District Assessments * Cumulative district final exams will continue to count as 20% of the students’ 4 th quarter average. * Final exam grade will be on report cards. * Exams will be updated to reflect changes in post April curriculum.

3 Middle School Info: Acceleration * Algebra Readiness Assessment will be replaced with the Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) program. * Recommended minimum rubric score may need to be adjusted based on SMI assessment. * All students who enroll in MS Algebra will complete a course commitment form. * 8 th grade Algebra students will be tested on common core 8 th grade standards and 2005 Algebra standards in 2013.

4 Common Formative Assessments: * Quarterly CFA’s will be updated to reflect big ideas from common core curriculum. * How will CFA’s be modified as we implement CC. * Add pre-post-formative assessments based on specific learning targets for units. (Not to be scanned, just to inform instruction.) * Create learning target checklists to accompany each unit so students can track their progress.learning target

5 High School Info: High School Grading Policy * Performance Tasks (assessments, projects, assignments - quantitative) – At least 70% * Homework (assigned work completed outside of the classroom) – Not to exceed 25% * Responsibility/Participation (preparation for class) – Not to Exceed 15% HS Honors Policy * Students who enroll in honors will complete course commitment form

6 Technology Update: * SMI installed very soon at all 3 MS. Enough licenses for all 7 th grade students. * Fraction Nation being used to support 6 th grade AIS students. Eventually all 5 th grade students will be using the program. * Microsoft 2010 still being phased in. * High schools are wireless. * Infinite Campus - each building will have “coaches” who will be trained in August. Coaches will then train the rest of the staff on opening days.

7 Common Core Standards Where are we?

8 TimeframeDescription of Work March 2011 Philosophy of CCLS Implementation Timeline Assessment Timeline September 2011 Read the introduction to the common core standards for mathematics, the mathematics practice standards, the priorities and required fluencies. Read specific grade level/course content standards and the focus areas for the corresponding grade level. Began to make connections with current curriculum. November 2011 Created Fall/Spring common core aligned unit/lessons for each grade level/course using the district lesson plan template. Implement fall CCLS aligned lesson. CCLS Resources link added to district Math Webpage. District reps participate in BOCES DCA. February 2012 Secondary math curriculum committee studied the learning progressions for 4 of the focus areas to help identify focus areas for post-April 2012 curriculum in grades 5-7. Grade 6 committee reps to meet with grade 5 elementary committee reps to discuss transition.

9 Winter 2012 Staff Development class offered to deepen understanding of CCLS expectations. March 2012 Organize CCLS into units for grades 6-8, Algebra, Geometry. Sequence units and complete unit maps. District reps participate in BOCES DCA.BOCES DCA May 2012 Grades 6-8, Algebra half day curriculum mapping sessions (Identify learning targets for each unit, develop assessments aligned to the learning targets.) COII Proposal will be submitted to continue to add resources to the curriculum maps in NYLearns, including formative and summative assessments, exemplar lessons, links to videos of CCLS standards in action in the classroom. Summer 2012 COII work, if approved. Staff Development Class will be offered in a seminar format to help deepen understanding of CC math practice and content standards. Fall 2012 Ongoing professional development of instructional strategies aligned to CCLS and deepening of content knowledge. Continue to build strong, math learning communities within builings.

10 Common Core Standards Where is NYS?

11 11 as of 3/5/12; subject to revision NYSED is delivering Curricular Modules Aligned to the Core in ELA & Math Scope and Sequence available in July 2012 P-8 Modules begin arriving in quarter-length chunks beginning in August. 9-12 Modules begin arriving in quarter-length chunks beginning in October. Modules: ELA & Math

12 12 Video Exemplars 12 MaterialsJuly 2012 Fall/Winter 2012 Spring/Summ er 2013 Winter 2013/14 Common Core Shifts 2 7 11100 Videos Total Teacher Practice Videos 45 114227 Videos Total Principal Practice Videos 2768135 Videos Total Data Driven Instruction 261530 Videos Total Studio Videos24 Videos Total NYSED is delivering more than 500 videos to:  Exemplify CCSS aligned instruction from NYS teachers  Use for calibration of teacher and principal evaluation  Model data driven instruction cycles  Instruct and Inform regarding CCSS, DDI, TLE Videos delivery begins Summer 2012, Continues in Fall 2012 as of 3/5/12; subject to revision

13 13 New York State Assessment Transition Plan Shifts in AssessmentAssessment Transition Plan

14 There is a world of difference between a student who can summon a mnemonic device to expand a product such as (a + b)(x + y) and a student who can explain where the mnemonic comes from. The student who can explain the rule understands the mathematics, and may have a better chance to succeed at a less familiar task such as expanding (a + b + c)(x + y). Mathematical understanding and procedural skill are equally important, and both are assessable using mathematical tasks of sufficient richness. — CCSS (2010, p.4)

15 The Six Shifts in Mathematics * Focus * Coherence * Fluency * Deep Understanding Deep Understanding * Application * Dual Intensity

16 Mathematical Practice Standards 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

17 Tri-State Lesson/Unit Plan Rubrics – MathRubrics 17 Collaboratively built tools informed and approved by the authors of the CCSS, which evaluate the Common Core alignment of curricular materials.

18 How can all of this inform our lesson design process? What new focus can we bring to our instructional planning?

19 Small Group Work * Groups – grades 6, 7, 8, Algebra, Geometry * Checklist Crosswalk documents Unit Map * Whole group back together at 2:50pm

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