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1 1 1 Progress Report 2011 Chinese Taipei EC/EDI Committee Taipei 2011 AFACT Plenary.

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1 1 1 1 Progress Report 2011 Chinese Taipei EC/EDI Committee Taipei 2011 AFACT Plenary

2 2 1. ICT Applications 2. Single Window 3. E-book

3 33 ICT Application Status ITEM Cell phone Penetration 2010 72.00% 26.60% 15.7% 5.1 % Source: III-FIND (2011) year Via WiFi 2011 Via 3G/3.5G 77.1%27.7%21.3% 1.1 %5.6 %

4 44 TW Global Ranking TW Global Ranking IndexSourceRanking Asia-Pacific Ranking Time Released Networked Readiness Index WEF 6 2 April 2011 Digital Economy Ranking EIU 12 5 June 2010 ICT Government Application WEF 2 2 April 2011 Global Competitiveness Index WEF 13 4 Sep. 2011 World Competitiveness IMD 6 3 May 2011 +5 + 4 Source: Compiled by III-FIND (Sep., 2011) + 2 +1 0

5 5 2.Single Window

6 6 Ubiquitous Economy & Trade Network Plan Ubiquitous Economy Trade Network Plan CMT Single Window Cargo Movement Security Inspection Technology Modernization Advance Cargo Information AEO Certification & Management CMT Single Window

7 7 The Goals of SW Sub-Plan Providing facile one-stop service Creating data warehouse of commodities Pushing ahead with international interface plan Establishing superior Single Window Harmonizing Trade & Economic data elements Integrating Customs, MT-Net & FT-Net information systems

8 8 System Framework and Services

9 9 9 Central Database (Cloud for Commodity Information) Information for Import/Export Customs Clearance Other Information for Import/Export Information for Industrial and Commerce Registration Information for Transit and Re-export Information for Trading Review Information for Shipping & Harbor Cargo Transportation Statistical Analysis for Import/Export Commodity Information Enquiry for Certificate of Origin Other Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis for Review Information Statistical Analysis for Customs Clearance Information Statistical Analysis for Trading Importer/ Exporter Governmental Organization General Publics Academic Research Institute Quicker Enquiry Service Flexible Enquiry Method Richer Enquiry Contents Multiple Enquiry Result Internet Single Signature Mechanism of Website for Customs, Habor and Trading of Single Window Central Import/Outport Database Service

10 10 Initial Phase (Maintenance) 2013/1/1~2015/12/31 Each institute joint together to become an operational management team of single window. Maintenance of expense execution for single window of customs and harbor as well as forecast cargo information setup Initial Phase (Maintenance) 2013/1/1~2015/12/31 Each institute joint together to become an operational management team of single window. Maintenance of expense execution for single window of customs and harbor as well as forecast cargo information setup Mid-term (Maintenance & Operations) 2016/1/1~2018/12/31 Outsourcing maintaining operation (operation management team) for public operation Government prepare for budget Promote value added service and application and start the trial operation. Coordinate with customs clearance network practitioner for charging the authorization expense Promote for outsourcing operation. Mid-term (Maintenance & Operations) 2016/1/1~2018/12/31 Outsourcing maintaining operation (operation management team) for public operation Government prepare for budget Promote value added service and application and start the trial operation. Coordinate with customs clearance network practitioner for charging the authorization expense Promote for outsourcing operation. Long-term (Self-Sustained Operatoins) 2019/1/1~ Start the outsourcing operations (operational monitoring team) Operators implement and promote the value added service and expand the business scope based on their needs. Operators self-financing Long-term (Self-Sustained Operatoins) 2019/1/1~ Start the outsourcing operations (operational monitoring team) Operators implement and promote the value added service and expand the business scope based on their needs. Operators self-financing Ensure Quality of Maintenance & Operations Ensure Quality of Maintenance & Operations Create Value Added Service Deepen and expand the service scope and function to shift to single window for economy and trade for supporting the industrial economy and trading development to further promote us to be the global important trading hub! CMT Single Window Development Plan

11 11 3. E-book

12 12 Reasons Behind Industry Promotion 12 IT competence Embracing the trend toward digital convergence Niche for Taiwan Prominence in the Chinese-language publishing industry SW/HW integration Increase global competitiveness Industry innovation Content + hardware + services High-quality Culture Safeguard IPR Creative culture Added-value innovations Information Circulation Easier to read at lower costs Carbon reduction and energy savings Reduces waste and inefficiency Source: MIC, 2009.5 Industrial National Cultural Social E-book

13 13 Current Developments in CT 13 CAGR = 16.53% The achievement of Industry Development (2002~2011)  5 Major Scopes: Digital Games, Computer Animation, Digital Audio and Video, e- Publishing and Digital Archiving, e-Learning  3 Related Areas: Content Processing Software, Mobile Application Services, Network Services Digital Content Industry

14 14 Industry Development Strategy 14 Readers e-paper Contents Content trading centers Innovative applications Contents + componentsApplicationsTerminal 1.To create industry value and become a vital part of the global industry. 2.To develop a society conducive to e-reading and take the lead in Chinese-language digital- publishing. Vision for 2013

15 15 Current Status 15 Smart Cultural Living: Integration of e-books and digital archives Pre-school & Primary Catalog of Digital Archives Junior & Senior High Univ & Adult Professionals Organizations Corpus and dictionary Textbooks and supplementary teaching materials Encyclopedias, academic writings Magazines and leisure reading Commercial documents, corporate training Publishers On-line bookstores ISPsPortals Telcom services E-book readers (HW + SW) E-book contents Digital archives Users E-book trading and dissemination  Relevant exhibits and forums are planned for Computex Taipei in June 2010.

16 16 Thank you for your attention !!

17 17 Current System Framework Current System Framework Customs Clearance VAN Port Authorities VAN’s Intranet Customs CCAS Customs Electronic Gateway Ship Arrival Notice Ports’ Authorities getting data of import/export manifests of sea cargo through Customs Electronic Gateway Lease Line (IP) EDI Message Internet ebXML Message FTNet Licensing Agencies Customs / Licensing Operators Transportation Operators

18 18 Problems We Face  Customs Automatic Clearance System, Maritime Network and Facile Trade Network not connected completely  Import/export cargo data elements not harmonized with WCO Data Model Ver 3.0  Other government agencies and port agencies have to pay large amount of transmission fees  Redundant entry of import/export cargo data  Workflow status of import/export application unable to be traced in one query  Lack of integrated commodity data warehouse  Not yet having cross-boarder connectivity and data exchange mechanism  Customs Automatic Clearance System, Maritime Network and Facile Trade Network not connected completely  Import/export cargo data elements not harmonized with WCO Data Model Ver 3.0  Other government agencies and port agencies have to pay large amount of transmission fees  Redundant entry of import/export cargo data  Workflow status of import/export application unable to be traced in one query  Lack of integrated commodity data warehouse  Not yet having cross-boarder connectivity and data exchange mechanism Establishing superior Single Window Creating One-stop service Environment Establishing superior Single Window Creating One-stop service Environment

19 19 Banker Warehouse Operator Forwarder Carrier Trader Customs Broker Inspection Broker Customs Operators BOFT BSMI IPO BAPHIQ IDB DOH EPA 、 COA NTA 、 NCC BOE 、 AEC CAA 、 EPZA 、 SPA,etc. Licensing Agencies Port Authorities FTNet Department of Navigation and Aviation, MOTC VAN’s Intranet Customs Clearance VAN New generation Single Window Central Repository Customs CCAS G2G (PKI) B2B B2G B2B B2G G2G (PKI) X801/X802 permit validating messages Customs data exchange (original electronic gateway) Advance CargoInformation Cargo Movement Security Authorized Economic(AEO)Certification & Management Internet Customs Broker, Forwarder, Trader, Individual, etc. B2G (PKI) online declaration ( web-based declaration/ duty payment ) National SW of other countries N2N (PKI) Cross boarder data exchange FDC,DOC,DOHR,etc (original electronic gateway) G2G cross government agency data exchange and query GSN Future System Framework Future System Framework B2G

20 20 Import/Export Operators and Related Parties Customs Clearance Network EDI/XML message Other Nation’s Single Window Internet Web Service Other Agencie s Financial Institute B2G Message Interface Service Application Service Query Service Web-based Application Service Web-based e-Payment Service Application-status Query Service Commodity Data Warehouse Query Service Cross-platform Interface Service G2G Compliance-check Message Interface Service G2G Cross-agency Data Exchange Service N2N Cross-boarder Data Exchange Other Business Information Query Service Internet Customs Interfaced integrated Port Authoritie s Licensing Authoritie s Interfaced Services Offered by Single Window Services Offered by Single Window Internal Planning Outsourcing Planning Implementing -- 20092011 20102012

21 21 CMT Single Window Project Plan 1.Establish working group 2.Collection for internal demand and evaluation analysis 3.Plan for outsourcing plan case RFP 專 案 管 理 Promotion for Maintaining Operations 1.Handle the online guidance and plan for publicity and promotion 2.Strengthen for maintaining operations of single window 3. Deepen and expanding single window Setup for Outsourcing Service 1.Tender for Outsourcing setup and case management 2. Setup and case management for single window development 3.Expect to complete the single window setup online at the beginning of 2013 Plan for Outsourcing Service 1.Tender for outsourcing plan 2.Plan for implement single window details 3.Plan for outsourcing setup case and case management RFP Internal Plan 2009-2010 Year 2010-2011 Year 2011-2013 Year 2013-2016 Year

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