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Prompts for Good Planning What is their starting point? What do you want the most able to learn this lesson/in the forthcoming sequence of lessons? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Prompts for Good Planning What is their starting point? What do you want the most able to learn this lesson/in the forthcoming sequence of lessons? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prompts for Good Planning What is their starting point? What do you want the most able to learn this lesson/in the forthcoming sequence of lessons? What is the learning objective? Is it at the level of the most able? What new learning do you expect to see this lesson? What is the learning journey? What activities will be required for students to make maximum progress? What % of the lesson/activities will be at the next sublevel or higher? What prior knowledge is needed? What differentiation will there be? What activities will be required to support the more vulnerable students in achieving the objective? Who could be asked for ideas? What proportion of the time will students be actively engaged in learning in groups or alone? What questions will/could be asked to ascertain progress and understanding? How will tasks and explanations be reshaped to improve learning? How will learning be assessed throughout the lesson? What evidence will there be that will enable checking that all students have made progress? What are the tangible learning outcomes? How will teachers/students know that they have been successful? Check in no more than the first 5 minutes of lesson. Pitch learning at the most able to ensure sufficient challenge for all. Share with students. Use the Hamble formula, including Bloom’s, to get the pitch right. Share with students. How will the students meet the learning objective? What activities will they engage in that will help them understand and learn? Share the link between the activities and the learning with students. Students will have different needs and will need to approach the learning objective in different ways. Plan a range of support activities/materials. Students need to be working independently in the lesson so that we have the capacity to truly determine their understanding. Plan some of your questions to help you really probe understanding. Think about the alternative tasks and explanations you may need to provide. It doesn’t have to be complicated – careful and clever questioning might be it. Share with students. Plan a task that will allow you to check the learning and inform your next lesson. It could be simple – “Explain to a neighbour... “ Construct a task that will allow you to assess if the students have met the LO. It could be something simple like “Write a paragraph to explain... “. Share with students.

2 Activities that enhance progress, deepen understanding and allow learning to be assessed in the lesson. Presentations Carefully reasoned explanations – written and verbal Well-managed discussions Practical activities with a learning focus Skilful questioning – allow thinking time Responding to written feedback in books

3 Why isn’t progress being made? Task issues 1.Students do not know how to do the task. 2.The task is too complex. 3.The task is too tenuous. Knowledge issues 1.Students are lacking a key piece of knowledge (forgotten, not taught or not fully understood). Concept issues 1.Students have not understood the concept! Task issues 1.Stop class/group, question them to find out issue and re- explain/re-shape the task. 2.Stop class and suggest a less complicated task. 3.Reformulate the task to ensure direct link to learning or stop class and make purpose of task (in relation to learning) explicit. Knowledge issues 1.Question class to see if anyone has knowledge to share. 2.Stop class and teach missing knowledge. 3.Give class facilities to find out missing knowledge for themselves. Concept issues 1.Give alternative explanations, more thinking time and spend more time explaining!

4 The good lesson route map Learning objective, success criteria and learning journey communicated to students. Short discussion and/or explanation of task(s) (including purpose) Task(s) Progress checks Progress being made? Re-shape tasks/explanation Plenary and final progress check Learning objective achieved? Continue with next lesson in medium term plan Informs adjustments to medium plan and next lesson. Determine starting point and ensure all have required knowledge Increasing challenge to deepen understanding

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