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 Debating the Case Mikaela Malsin, Univ. of Georgia DUDA 2012

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1  Debating the Case Mikaela Malsin, Univ. of Georgia DUDA 2012

2 Partner kitties Work together! Partner kitties Work together!

3 Glossary  Case – Arguments presented by the affirmative in favor of a particular plan of action  Advantage – a benefit to doing the plan, or set of reasons the plan is a good idea  Offense – why something is actively good or bad  Aff offense vs. neg offense  Defense – minimization of the other team’s offense  Card – piece of evidence read in support of an argument  Analytic – argument made by the debater without written evidence

4 The Stock Issues  S – Solvency  H – Harms  I – Inherency  T – Topicality  (S) – Significance  Debating the case usually means debating the first 3, often mostly the first 2

5 Stock issues kitty Needs all 4 legs of the table

6 What is the goal? – AFF  For the Aff, the case is…  DEFEND THE HOUSE  Stock issues  Defeat negative objections  Outweigh the negative’s arguments (offense)  Debating the case begins in what speech?  Importance of the flow (Pre-flow!)

7 Watermelon helmet kitty Knows how to defend the house

8 What is the goal? – NEG  Stock issues in reverse – try to create doubt on every level  Minimize AFF to maximize your arguments (make NEG offense outweigh)  Diversity [HSR example – competitiveness advantage)  Give yourself many options – then collapse  One option – turning the case (impact turning or link turning)  Debating the case begins…  Importance of the flow

9 Laser eyes kitty Sees his opponent’s arguments in advance

10 Importance of the Case  “Policy” debate – what is the policy?  Foundation of the debate  All arguments trace back to the case – is it a good or bad idea?  Point of comparison

11 1AC – 1AC CX  What does the 1AC say? What is the goal?  1AC has built-in responses to the 1NC [HSR – climate change example]  All 4 debaters working during this time  1AC CX – goals for the 2N, 1N


13 1NC – 1NC CX  How much time on case?  Structure – alternate evidence with analytics  Arguments from 1AC cross-ex  Cover every advantage + solvency  Diversity – various types of ways to answer S, H  Again, all 4 debaters working  Cross-ex – goal of the 1A?

14 2AC – 2AC CX  Case goes ON TOP – why?  Answer 1NC arguments in order; keep flow organized  Use the 1AC – built-in answers!  2AC blocks – not just for off-case  Time allocation; efficiency  Add-ons  What are all 4 debaters doing?  Job of the 1N in 2AC CX

15 2NC/1NR  Extending 1NC arguments  Answering 2AC responses  Begin making choices, both strategic and substantive  Reading more evidence – when? Why?  Discussion of impacts  Block division  Making the 1AR difficult

16 1AR  Order – still first  Difficulty of the 1AR  Job of the 1AR – DEFEND THE HOUSE  Make choices – this doesn’t mean drop arguments  The beauty of cross-application  Time allocation, efficiency  Goal = give the 2AR the tools they need

17 2NR  This speech is all about making choices  What case arguments to extend?  Depth vs. breadth  Covering advantages, solvency  Why still important in the 2NR?

18 2AR  Order – still first  Most important part of the 2AR  Assess the threat  Choose your route to victory – which impact(s)?  Assessment  Write the ballot for the judge (“the case outweighs because…”)

19 Jumping kitten Is running off to write blocks

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