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Direct Object Pronouns

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1 Direct Object Pronouns
Capítulo 6-2

2 Direct Object Pronouns
A direct object answers who or what receives the action of the verb. Comprendo la pregunta. I understand what? . .. the question (la pregunta)

3 Direct Object Pronouns
To avoid repeating a direct object, we often replace it with “it” in English. Do you understand the question? Yes, I understand it.

4 Direct Object Pronouns
Spanish works the same way. The direct object pronouns are:

5 Singular Plural Lo him/it Los them La her/it Las

6 Direct Object Pronouns
Direct object pronouns can refer to people or things. They agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace.

7 For example If Tomas were to be referred to as him, lo would be the pronoun we would use. Tomas = masc sing. Masc. singular d.o. pronoun = lo

8 Los huevos = Masculine plural Los = Masculine plural pronoun
For example If eggs were to be referred to as them, we would choose los. Los huevos = Masculine plural Los = Masculine plural pronoun

9 Direct Object Pronouns
A direct object pronoun is placed just before the conjugated verb. ¿Comes el pollo? - Sí lo como. ¿Quieres leche? - Sí la quiero.

10 What is the Direct Object. What DOP would replace it?
Frase Direct Object DOP Me encantan los cereales. Pongo las zanahorias en el refrigerador. Sacas el pollo del horno. Juan prefiere la manzana.

11 Abran sus libros a la página 60.
Practice Abran sus libros a la página 60. Hacemos la actividad 37.

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