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Session 3 The Law: How to Get Your ClassD Driver’s License.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3 The Law: How to Get Your ClassD Driver’s License."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3 The Law: How to Get Your ClassD Driver’s License

2 Who may apply for a Class D license? Be at least 16, but not over 18 Be at least 16, but not over 18 Hold a valid instruction permit for at least 12 consecutive months Hold a valid instruction permit for at least 12 consecutive months Meet all applicable requirements Meet all applicable requirements Are you familiar with Joshua’s Law? It’s a bill that changes the requirements that teen drivers must meet in order to obtain a Class D driver’s license. Are you familiar with Joshua’s Law? It’s a bill that changes the requirements that teen drivers must meet in order to obtain a Class D driver’s license.

3 What are the limits of a Class D license? No driving between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 A.M. No driving between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 A.M. Passenger limits—no more than 3 other passengers under age 21 in the vehicle, unless they are members of the driver’s immediate family Passenger limits—no more than 3 other passengers under age 21 in the vehicle, unless they are members of the driver’s immediate family

4 The Class C license Who is not eligible? DUI DUI Hit and run/leaving crash scene Hit and run/leaving crash scene Racing or reckless driving Racing or reckless driving Using a motor vehicle to flee from the police Using a motor vehicle to flee from the police Any traffic violations that add up to 4 or more points to driving record Any traffic violations that add up to 4 or more points to driving record

5 License suspension laws for persons under age 21 DUI with BAC between.02 and.08 DUI with BAC between.02 and.08 Using false ID or lying about your age to obtain alcohol Using false ID or lying about your age to obtain alcohol Purchasing alcohol Purchasing alcohol Racing or reckless driving Racing or reckless driving Hit and run/leaving scene of a crash Hit and run/leaving scene of a crash Using vehicle to flee from police Using vehicle to flee from police Any violation that adds 4 or more points to driving record Any violation that adds 4 or more points to driving record Any combination of offenses that adds 4 or more points to driving record (for under-18 drivers) Any combination of offenses that adds 4 or more points to driving record (for under-18 drivers)

6 How to replace a suspended license Complete a DUI Risk Reduction Program Complete a DUI Risk Reduction Program Complete a defensive driving program Complete a defensive driving program Pay a fee ($200 or more) Pay a fee ($200 or more) Retake required test Retake required test

7 One-year suspension BAC of.08 or higher BAC of.08 or higher 2 or more previous suspensions 2 or more previous suspensions

8 Sometimes… school suspensions = license suspension Making threats or harming Making threats or harming Possessing/selling alcohol or other drugs Possessing/selling alcohol or other drugs Possessing/using a weapon Possessing/using a weapon Dropping out Dropping out Having unexcused absences Having unexcused absences

9 BAC, your age and DUI Under 21 BAC.02+ = DUI 21 and older BAC over.05 and below.08 may be charged with DUI BAC.08+ = DUI

10 Implied consent You must submit to a BAC test or risk license suspension

11 Repeat offenders 12-month suspension 12-month suspension Must apply for 6-month permit Must apply for 6-month permit Clinical evaluation and treatment Clinical evaluation and treatment Proof of risk reduction program, clinical evaluation, ignition interlock device Proof of risk reduction program, clinical evaluation, ignition interlock device

12 More on repeat offenders Third offense Third offense Habitual violators Habitual violators

13 Imprisonment and fine First offense BAC of.08 or more BAC of.08 or more BAC of less than.08 BAC of less than.08 Second offense Third offense

14 BAC testing methods Intoxilyzer Intoxilyzer Blood and urine test Blood and urine test

15 Mandatory suspension laws (non-DUI) Homicide by vehicle Homicide by vehicle Felony involving a vehicle Felony involving a vehicle Dishonest use of/application for driver’s license Dishonest use of/application for driver’s license

16 Other mandatory license suspensions Possessing an illegal drug Possessing an illegal drug 1 st DUI within 5 years 1 st DUI within 5 years Driving without insurance Driving without insurance

17 State law requires drivers to be insured Can my insurance be cancelled Can my insurance be cancelled What if my insurance has been cancelled- what then What if my insurance has been cancelled- what then

18 Laws on purchase and possession of alcohol Under 21: no purchase Under 21: no purchase Under 21: no possession Under 21: no possession All ages: no open containers All ages: no open containers Illegal to misrepresent age Illegal to misrepresent age Illegal to purchase alcohol for minors Illegal to purchase alcohol for minors

19 Session 3 Review 1. The three test used to determine BAC are ____,____,and____. 2. If under 21, you will be charged with DUI if your BAC is __ grams or higher. 3. If under 21, the penalties for purchase/possession of alcohol are: __ days in jail and a fine of ____. __ days in jail and a fine of ____. 4. Your insurance company has the right to cancel your policy if: You have a bad ________ or _________ record You have a bad ________ or _________ record your license has been _________. your license has been _________.

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