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Orientation for the Resource Learning Center Day 1 Part 2 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation for the Resource Learning Center Day 1 Part 2 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation for the Resource Learning Center Day 1 Part 2 2014-2015

2 Examples of good classroom citizenship Asking permission to leave your seat Asking permission to leave your seat Being in your seat when the bell rings Being in your seat when the bell rings Waiting for the instructor to dismiss you when the bell rings Waiting for the instructor to dismiss you when the bell rings Not marking on or playing with anything in the classroom. Not marking on or playing with anything in the classroom.

3 Examples continued Not reading magazines or wasting time in class Not reading magazines or wasting time in class Not wearing hats in class Not wearing hats in class Not allowing students who are not in this classroom in this classroom Not allowing students who are not in this classroom in this classroom Not passing notes Not passing notes Not copying another’s work Not copying another’s work Not using paper or spit wads Not using paper or spit wads

4 Examples continued Not having cell phone or other listening devises in class Not having cell phone or other listening devises in class Not playing with windows, thermostats, lights, or fans Not playing with windows, thermostats, lights, or fans Not having food or drink in class Not having food or drink in class Not chewing gum in way as to bother others Not chewing gum in way as to bother others Not having knives at school Not having knives at school

5 Continued examples Not having tobacco or chew at school Not having tobacco or chew at school Using time wisely in class Using time wisely in class Not bringing your book bag to class Not bringing your book bag to class Not talking without permission Not talking without permission Not asking to use the restroom during class Not asking to use the restroom during class Not sharpening your pencil during class time Not sharpening your pencil during class time Not coming into the room before class starts and then leaving Not coming into the room before class starts and then leaving

6 Continued examples Not streaming online with music or video Not streaming online with music or video Not having your classroom user policy on file Not having your classroom user policy on file Not being prepared for class before the bell rings Not being prepared for class before the bell rings Being on task which means you are working on either back work or today’s assignment Being on task which means you are working on either back work or today’s assignment Not sleeping in class Not sleeping in class Not being improper with comment or gesture Not being improper with comment or gesture

7 Continued examples Always doing your assigned class work first then other class’s assignments Always doing your assigned class work first then other class’s assignments Always maintaining a positive attitude I can do this Always maintaining a positive attitude I can do this Checking on and keeping track of your in class work and homework Checking on and keeping track of your in class work and homework Checking for all back work or do over work Checking for all back work or do over work Being on time to class Being on time to class

8 When may this orientation module be recopied? When it is demonstrated by the student that good citizenship skills need reinforcing When it is demonstrated by the student that good citizenship skills need reinforcing

9 How many times may this module be recopied? 1 time first offense; with conference with you the student 1 time first offense; with conference with you the student 5 times second offense; with conference with the your parents 5 times second offense; with conference with the your parents 10 times third offense; with conference with the principal 10 times third offense; with conference with the principal Fourth offense referral to the principal Fourth offense referral to the principal

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