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HHS Lacrosse Study Guide Created by Dr. Butler April 2013.

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1 HHS Lacrosse Study Guide Created by Dr. Butler April 2013

2 History of Lacrosse Oldest team sport in North America Evidence of games in late 1700s.

3 History of Lacrosse Traditional lacrosse games could be major events that could last up to 4 days. 100-1000 men from different villages or tribes would participate. Played in open plains, goals could be between 500


5 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Cradle An offensive strategy where the player with the ball twists the basket back and forth to use force to keep the ball from falling out.

6 Lacrosse Vocabulary - Marking A defensive strategy where one player guards another player.

7 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Agility Changing directions quickly. May be used with either offensive or defensive strategies.

8 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Interception A defensive strategy in which the ball is caught in the air by a defensive player when the pass was intended for an offensive player.

9 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Opposition Weight transfer from back foot to front foot in order to generate speed.

10 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Rotary Motion Rotating hips and shoulders when passing or shooting to generate speed and/or distance on the ball.

11 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Leverage A.Placement of hands on stick to generate power. B.Low center of gravity on face off to optimize power.

12 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Force Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement” Ex., Quickly snapping the wrist of the top hand and pulling the bottom of the stick towards you.

13 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Reaction Time The speed in which a person can respond to a stimulus. Ex., A goalie in lacrosse needs fast reaction time in order to successfully block shots.

14 Lacrosse Player Definition: Proprioception The signals the body sends the mind that an adjustment needs to be made. Ex., The player feels that the ball is about to fall out of the basket and makes an adjustment

15 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Checking Defensive strategy in which the defense tries to prevent offense from advancing and/or knocking the ball out of the stick.

16 Lacrosse Vocabulary: Specific Training Plan A.Athletes should train for strength, speed, agility cardiovascular endurance and anaerobic fitness. B.Mid distance running, sprints, plyometrics, strength exercises, and flexibility.

17 In order to pass the ball for distance, the following biomechanical principles should be used: A.Leverage B.Opposition C.Rotary Motion

18 Tactics for Defense: A.Marking B.Interception C.Zone (guard an area) D.Checking (knock the ball out of the basket)

19 Tactics for Offense: A.Move to Open Space B.Set Plays C.Give and Go (pass the ball to a team mate, run to open space, have the ball passed back to you, shoot)

20 A Lacrosse Player would need all of the below self responsibility skills to be successful? A.Motivation B.Determination C.“Can Do” Attitude

21 Leadership skills below needed for Lacrosse. A.Helps a novice learn how to play. B.Encourages teammates. C.Helps set up and put equipment away without being asked.

22 How to adjust a Lacrosse game for a group of 8 year old kids? A.Have them play with a softer ball. B.Use smaller sticks. C.Simplify the rules.

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