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Agricultural Solutions to Support Food Security, Sustainability & Animal Welfare Mia MacDonald COP 17 - Durban December 2, 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural Solutions to Support Food Security, Sustainability & Animal Welfare Mia MacDonald COP 17 - Durban December 2, 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural Solutions to Support Food Security, Sustainability & Animal Welfare Mia MacDonald COP 17 - Durban December 2, 2011

2 Climate Change and Ag./Food Estimated ONE-THIRD of all human-caused greenhouse gases (GHGs) result from agriculture and changes in land-use related to the production of crops and farmed animals

3 Climate Change & Animal Ag. FAO ‘06: Livestock sector (meat, dairy, eggs) emits 18% of human-caused GHGs: nearly ONE- FIFTH of global total More GHGs than world’s transportation systems combined (14%) About equal to GHGs from forest loss and degradation (17%)

4 GHGs & Animal Ag. GHGs from farmed animals, global % Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ): 9%, land changes: deforestation, expansion of feed crops, fertilizer production for crops Methane: 37%, digestive processes - mostly belching, also manure (23 x CO 2 ’s global warming potential) Nitrous Oxide: 65%, mostly manure (296 x CO 2 ’s global warming potential)

5 By the Numbers U.S.: 10 billion farmed animals raised and slaughtered each year (9 billion+ = chickens) Globally: 60 billion+ each year Average in U.S.: 200+ lbs. per capita of meat/year Rest of world: 70 lbs. of meat per capita per year... but rising

6 Livestock Sector Intensifying Globalization of Western production methods & diet; search for new markets Urbanization, growing middle class; status of meat Global South: meat production up 3 X in past 25 years (pigs, poultry) Rapid transformation of industry, livelihoods, diet, resource use; gender impacts


8 China 54 kgs of meat/year; dairy consumption rising Fast food gaining foothold & Tyson, Smithfield, Goldman Sachs active Manure = significant source of water pollution Farmland lost to urbanization, degradation; climate change; enough grain to feed animals & people? Leasing land elsewhere

9 India Top 5 producer of meat chickens: 2 billion+/year 300 mill. cows & buffalo: world’s largest share of methane from livestock Water, land, grain: resource pressure (Bank study); but seeks markets High child malnutrition; inequity in food access

10 Brazil More cows (190+ mill.) than people World’s top exporter of beef, poultry; 2 nd in soy Beef and soy: huge ecological, climate footprints in Amazon, Cerrado Cattle sector = 50% of Brazil’s GHGs

11 Ethiopia Africa’s largest livestock pop.: 40 mill. cattle; 23+ mill. sheep and goats; 35 mill. chickens; Continent’s top livestock producer & exporter; some industrial operations 1-2% of diet = animal protein; demand up among urban middle/upper class; driver: export markets Hunger still widespread; ecological deficits, climate change impacts intensifying (drought)

12 Food Security, Equity Land degradation, deserti- fication; water scarcity Livestock production is water intense; industry = largest global water polluter 2007-08: biofuel production = 100 mill. tons/cereals; but livestock feed = 756 mill. tons/cereals Demand for grain = food price rises; underfed and overfed, often side-by-side

13 By the Numbers: 2050? 120 billion farmed animals? 39% rise in GHGs from animal ag.; climate space? Projections aren’t destiny…

14 Reaching Limits “It’s going to be almost impossible to feed future generations the kind of diet we have now in western Europe and North America.” - Stockholm World Water Institute, 2004

15 Mitigation & Adaptation Policies Ag. & development policies w/priority on food security for all vs. creation of meat-centered diet/intensive animal ag. (focus on sustainable livelihoods: e.g., medium-sized, co-ops) Price and ensure payment for externalities of livestock production (land, forests, water, GHGs) National dialogue (gov’t, civil society) on industrial ag. & alternatives; develop plan for low-GHG food system; public education Priority on/incentives for less resource-intensive, more sustainable, equitable industries than livestock & feed crops

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