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Texas Fever People who came to Texas FarmersFarmers EuropeansEuropeans SlavesSlaves CherokeeCherokee.

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2 Texas Fever

3 People who came to Texas FarmersFarmers EuropeansEuropeans SlavesSlaves CherokeeCherokee

4 Push Factors Debts from the Panic of 1819 and the resulting crime, depression Inability of U.S. officials to collect debts or get fugitives in Texas

5 Pull Factors Cheap land Easy payment terms

6 G.T.T What does it mean When people left town owing money or accused of a crime, people would say they had G ONE T O T EXAS

7 G.T.T Why Settlers Came: escaping hard times, debtsescaping hard times, debts escaping criminal chargesescaping criminal charges U.S. creditors and authorities had no power in TexasU.S. creditors and authorities had no power in Texas Texas had cheaper land; easier payment termsTexas had cheaper land; easier payment terms

8 G.T.T How They Traveled on footon foot by covered wagonby covered wagon on horsebackon horseback by flatboats on riversby flatboats on rivers by ocean going steamshipsby ocean going steamships

9 Get to Texas Today

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