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Increasing the Reliability of Wellness Metrics in Unique Groups 3 rd International Conference on Gross National Happiness Bangkok: 26 November 2007 Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing the Reliability of Wellness Metrics in Unique Groups 3 rd International Conference on Gross National Happiness Bangkok: 26 November 2007 Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing the Reliability of Wellness Metrics in Unique Groups 3 rd International Conference on Gross National Happiness Bangkok: 26 November 2007 Presented by Linda A. E. Nowakowski, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand

2 Development Human Development Index (HDI) Life span - objective Literacy - objective GDP - objective GDP

3 Gross National Happiness What is happiness? Subjective Cultural Linguistic Requires a degree of emotional/linguistic maturity How is it related to development?

4 What is development? Health of a country or group of people Economic Physical Mental Intellectual Social Spiritual Cultural

5 Regression – Why measure development? Report on who is better than whom? To assess areas that the people are doing well in and where they need work? Assist in guiding program development?

6 GDP Using GDP as the measure of development only tells you how much the country has participated in the western economic model.

7 HDI Gives you a measure of GDP Tells how you are doing in getting people to go to school Gives you a hint at the physical health

8 Gross National Happiness Provides some broad and fuzzy feeling of well-being. No indicators of the economy No indicators of health No indicators of education

9 Thailand’s GNH It has shown a decline over recent reporting periods. What does it mean?

10 Northern Uganda - 1980 The richest farmland in the country Large commercial farms Educated population

11 Northern Uganda - 2007 Civil war for the last 20 years People living in IDP camps External dependence for everything Child soldiers Broken educations HIV/AIDS pandemic Has killed XXXX people in YYYY years.

12 Peace on the horizon It is safe to return to their lands Land has been fallow for 20 years

13 Homes and equipment are gone

14 The people are gone Uganda has thousands of child-headed households Parents killed in the war Parents killed by HIV/AIDS

15 The children are gone Children who have not had the opportunity to play or learn Children who have been raped and forced to be soldiers Children who have had to assume the roles of adults Hurting children with the responsibility of raising other hurt children

16 The community wisdom is gone What crops grow best? What do you do about the local pests? What plants and herbs are safe to eat? What plants and herbs can be used as local medicines?

17 Opok Farms An Organically Grown Community

18 Sufficiency Economy Sufficiency entails three components: moderation reasonableness a self-immunity system, i.e. being able to cope with shocks from internal and external changes. Two underlying conditions are necessary to achieve this sufficiency: knowledge (breadth and thoroughness in planning, and carefulness in applying knowledge and in the implementation of those plans are required) morality (people are to possess honesty and integrity, while conducting their lives with perseverance, harmlessness and generosity)

19 Evaluating this development Sufficiency Economy models generate little to no GDP The children have broken educations Many of the children are already HIV positive

20 What is happiness here? These children will need to work for the first time in their lives These children have few adult role models These children have no money, no education, no vocational training and few skills These children must behave as responsible adults

21 Coming up with new metrics Maslow

22 Max-Neef Being (qualities) SubsistencePhysical and mental health ProtectionCare, adaptability, autonomy AffectionRespect, sense of humor, generosity, sensuality UnderstandingCritical capacity, curiosity, intuition, communities ParticipationReceptiveness, dedication, sense of humor LeisureImagination, tranquility, spontaneity CreationImagination, boldness, inventiveness, curiosity IdentitySense of belonging, self-esteem, consistency FreedomAutonomy, passion, self-esteem, open-mindedness

23 UN Millenium Development Goals Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Improve maternal health Achieve universal primary education Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Promote gender equality and empower women Ensure environmental sustainability Reduce child mortality Develop a global partnership for development

24 Health of a country or group of people Physical health – individual and family Mental / psychological health – individual, family and community Mental / intellectual health – individual, family and community Political health – community and nation Social health – family and community Spiritual health – individual, family and community Financial health – individual, family and community

25 Needs A list of indicators for each area Objective Subjective Specific Guidance for communities on how to set goals

26 Goals and toolbox – what next? Selection of indicators by the community based on the goals. Administration of the survey Evaluation

27 Sample list Physical health – individual: Adequate diet Calories Under-development Height Weight Access to health care Contraceptive use Infant mortality rate Low birth rate Children born with attending health care professional Availability of oral rehydration therapy (ORT) Immunizations – measles, tuberculosis Incidence of tuberculosis Number of children under 5 with fever receiving anti malarial drugs Days absent from school or work due to illness. Healthy life style Insecticide treated bed nets Sustainable access to clean water Sustainable access to sanitary CO2 emissions per capita Prevalence of smoking Prevalence of drinking Other Life expectancy Population growth rate Shelter – living in permanent shelter Clothing – changes of clothes and appropriateness

28 A toast: To a future of community defined, driven and evaluated development

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