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Other useful information about the presentation ECE 6612 Kyle Koza.

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Presentation on theme: "Other useful information about the presentation ECE 6612 Kyle Koza."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other useful information about the presentation ECE 6612 Kyle Koza

2 Georgia Tech CyberSecurity  What do you think we do?

3 What do you think the bad guys want?  Your email account For phishing Send spam  Your access to journal articles  Your paycheck

4 How do we protect the Institute?  Education and Awareness  Intrusion Detection (and Prevention)  Vulnerability Scanning  Incident Response  Policy and Compliance  Things come up…

5 Phishing: What is it? Phishing is a fraudulent activity that attempts to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card numbers by masquerading as a trustworthy and legitimate entity

6 Phishing: Why does the scam work?  Users are trusting of technology (especially email).  Users get a LOT of email and move quickly.  Bad guys are convincing.  Bad guys use your lack of knowledge to their benefit.  Bad guys only have to be right one time. You have to be right every time.

7 What can you believe about an email? From Name Date / Time From Address Message Links

8 What can you believe about an email? From Name Date / Time From Address Message Links

9 Verify a message in 3 easy steps 1. Check the web address (URL) 3. When in doubt, stop and ask!! 2. Watch for red flags / trust your gut

10 Desktop/Laptop: Verify the Link Hover your mouse over the link until the real link pops up.

11 Browser: Verify the Link Hover your mouse over the link; check the bottom of the screen

12 Mobile: Verify the Link Hold the link with your thumb until the real link pops up.

13 Identify the real domain last two words, before first single slash

14 iTunes Email: Is it Phishing?

15 iTunes Phishing

16 UPS Email: Is it Phishing?

17 UPS Phishing

18 Georgia Tech Phish

19 h/

20 Red Flags Note: Red flags would indicate a possible problem. The lack of red flags does not validate a message. Email contains: information contrary to what you know is true misspellings / improper grammar a request to click on links / attachments a sense of urgency an appeal to greed or fear a request for sensitive data a link to non-Georgia Tech websites asking for your GT account information

21 The bad guys want:  Your email account For phishing Send spam  Your access to journal articles  Your paycheck

22 Logging and Network Analysis  Logging Authentication System events and host intrusion detection IDS/IPS Alerts  Network Analysis Firewall events Netflow Packet capture DNS queries Network Antimalware

23 SIEM  Security Information and Event Management Consolidate Correlate Search Store Act

24 Correlate  Logins across different geographic locations Haversine formula  Firewall Denies Darknets Multiple Firewalls

25 Firewalls  600+ firewalls Border firewall Firewall in front of each VLAN  Types Packet filtering Stateful Next-Gen (Application)

26 Intrusion Detection and Prevention  IPS (Active) Cisco IPS FireEye OSSEC  IDS (Passive) FireEye Suricata Damballa

27 Problems with Security Systems?  Base-Rate Fallacy  Alert overload  Cost

28 Vulnerability Scanning  Qualys Nessus OpenVAS Nexpose  Rolling scans of our entire network  Send vulnerability reports to IT staff  Clean scans required to manage firewall

29 Antimalware  Host Defense in depth Microsoft SCEP MalwareBytes  Network FireEye Damballa Suricata

30 Incident Response  Sometimes things go wrong…  Prevent  Detect  Contain  Eradicate  Recover

31 Phishing Quiz

32 Situation: You received an email. In a hurry, you clicked the link. You were taken to a webpage. You must now decide whether or not to proceed.

33 Gone Phishing? OK to Proceed?YES!

34 Gone Phishing? OK to Proceed?NO!

35 Gone Phishing? OK to Proceed?NO!

36 Gone Phishing? OK to Proceed?MAYBE…. When in doubt.. ASK! Username:_____________________ Password:_____________________ [SUBMIT]

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