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Movies Data: Mean Over n=97 Respondents GoneStar Raid Casa Rock Sound Jaw BigC BHill Gone - Star8.74 - Raidr8.50 4.11 - Casab1.58 7.61 8.06 - Rocky3.60.

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Presentation on theme: "Movies Data: Mean Over n=97 Respondents GoneStar Raid Casa Rock Sound Jaw BigC BHill Gone - Star8.74 - Raidr8.50 4.11 - Casab1.58 7.61 8.06 - Rocky3.60."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movies Data: Mean Over n=97 Respondents GoneStar Raid Casa Rock Sound Jaw BigC BHill Gone - Star8.74 - Raidr8.50 4.11 - Casab1.58 7.61 8.06 - Rocky3.60 7.90 6.04 4.30 - Sound1.25 8.71 8.63 2.55 3.16 - Jaws8.86 2.23 2.01 8.06 7.10 8.97 - BigC5.00 8.97 7.10 7.06 2.00 4.24 8.50 - BHills8.25 5.09 1.25 8.24 5.69 8.50 3.00 6.58 - Movies are: Gone with the Wind, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Casablanca, Rocky, Sound of Music, Jaws, Big Chill, Beverly Hills Cop.

2 Movies Data: SoundM GoneWind Casablanca BigChill Rocky Jaws StarWars BHills Raiders

3 Clusters Superimposed on MDS GoneWind StarWars SoundM Rocky Raiders Casablanca BigChill Jaws BHillsCop

4 Another Example Contour At stage 1, objects 1&2 form a cluster. Then at stage 2, 3&5 form a cluster, then 3,4&5, then 3,4,5&6, then the clusters joined. You could represent the solution in 1 of 2 ways: 1)dendrogram ("tree representation"): "stage“sequentially merging 2)in X 1 - X 2 plane (or in conjunction 3)with MDS I-II dims, for ex):

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