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Implementing A national ICT strategy for Scotland’s museums Dylan Edgar, ICT Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing A national ICT strategy for Scotland’s museums Dylan Edgar, ICT Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing A national ICT strategy for Scotland’s museums Dylan Edgar, ICT Adviser

2 Who was involved in the project?

3 What do we want to achieve? Increasing users Improving performance Building capacity Driving up quality

4 Four areas of priority We set strategic goals in each priority area… 1.Users 2.Infrastructure 3.Software systems 4.Skills

5 Implementing the strategy ICT strategy goals ---- --- ---- ----- Research (‘what’?) 3 year action framework Consult (‘how’?) Implement Actions 2007 2006200520042003 Outcomes Increasing users Improving performance Building capacity Driving up quality

6 Mapping ICT in the sector Web site Technical support Collections management Internet connection Access to training Broadband 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Local Authority museums Independent museums

7 Investing in skills and infrastructure 100% grants to small museums for ICT equipment and training Around £90,000 in total, distributed between 30 museums This has gone towards…  Computers  Internet connections  Digitisation equipment  Collections management software  General purpose software  Technical support  Training

8 Promoting and celebrating best practice Ensuring that technology has a positive impact Developing and sharing case studies Promoting best practice through SMC grant programmes

9 Sharing knowledge about collections Recognising levels of information about museum collections Piloting Collection Level Descriptions with museums Increasing access to collections management systems A national collections development strategy for Scotland’s museums

10 Promoting standards and building skills Guidance and support for museums on implementing technical standards Promoting standards through SMC grant aid MDA partnership agreement A workforce development strategy for the Scottish museums and galleries sector

11 Supporting learning and access A national learning and access strategy for museums and galleries in Scotland The SSDN

12 Dylan Edgar ICT Adviser, SMC 0131 476 8457

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