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Session VIII Environmental Dimensions Conservation and the Current Coffee Crisis.

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Presentation on theme: "Session VIII Environmental Dimensions Conservation and the Current Coffee Crisis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session VIII Environmental Dimensions Conservation and the Current Coffee Crisis

2 Where CI works

3 Biodiversity n We are consuming the natural habitats that support life n Forests: 50% gone n Coral reefs: 60% at risk n Consumers are concerned n Loss of rain forests a “serious problem”, rating higher than any other environmental issue

4 Meson-American Hotspot n 1,026,117 km 2 n 24,000 plants (5000 endemic) n 2,859 vertebrates (1,159 endemics)

5 Meson-American Hotspot n Only 20% original vegetation remains n 400,000 hectares lost each year n 50 hectares per hour

6 Coffee and Environment n Organic waste n Aquatic ecosystems n Impacts coffee quality

7 Coffee and Conservation n Habitat provided by fields n Habitat provided by farms n Habitat provided by adjacent forest

8 Coffee Crisis and Conservation n Loss of field diversity n Loss of forest on farms n Loss of adjacent forest

9 Conservation Actions Short-Term Impact n Declare new parks and reserves n Strengthen protected areas n Purchase farms adjacent to protected areas n Concessions and private reserves Private Reserves Agroforestry Reforestation

10 Conservation Actions Long-Term n Restoration of degraded lands n Diversification of coffee fields n Replant traditional varieties n Develop environmental services (water, carbon)

11 Conservation and Alliance Partners n GEF (World Bank, UNDP, UNEP) n IDB (Environment Programs, Multilateral Investment Fund) n International Conservation Organizations (WWF, TNC, CI etc.) n Private Foundations and Other Interested Donors

12 New Solutions Private Sector Producer Partners n Purchasing guidelines n Relationship coffees n Industry Standards

13 Solutions Credit and Financial Mechanisms n Financing with ecological returns n Reduce financing costs to increase profits n (example: IFC/GEF Credit Fund)

14 Parting Thoughts Trade-offsTrade-offs Not Good vs. Bad Not Good vs. Bad Real Costs Real Costs Who and how to pay Who and how to pay When will we pay When will we pay

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