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Jon Schendt University of Wisconsin-Platteville Image Processing – A Computational Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Jon Schendt University of Wisconsin-Platteville Image Processing – A Computational Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jon Schendt University of Wisconsin-Platteville Image Processing – A Computational Approach

2 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

3 Overview of Image Processing

4 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

5 Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) AND Used for color filtering, as well as boolean noise reduction OR Used primarily to apply color filters XOR Used to flip bits. Great for inverse algorithms

6 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

7 Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Built on the fact that all images have “edges” Used in pattern-matching Needs to distinguish between background data and foreground data

8 Chain Codes Built on the presumption that images are digitalized, and have ‘Edges’ Distinguish from foreground and background

9 Chain Codes Chain Codes  {5,6,7,7}

10 Crack Codes Similar to chain codes, but with fewer possibilities Leads to possible “cracks” in the code Crack Codes  {3,2,3,3,0,3,0,0}.

11 Run Codes Great for brute-force pattern recognition Analyzes pixels, and creates rows based on parameters

12 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

13 Noise Filtering and Reduction SUSAN Weighting Pixels Preserves Edges, colors, while reducing overall noise Overall Algorithm Uses the weighting pixels algorithm to determine which color should be prominent Creates an image that is almost always free of scatter noise, while preserving quality and sharpness (no blurs)

14 Qualitative results of the SUSAN algorithm


16 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

17 Anti-Aliasing Works by creating a blur on objects Gives a “far away” look

18 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

19 Dithering Only necessary on computers with a small color palate Making intermediary colors through small pixels

20 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

21 Applications Games 2-D Games 3-D Games Medical Detecting tumors CT Scan analysis Automated devices

22 Applications cont. Military DARPA RADAR tools Corporate Autonomous robots Pattern-matching software Educational Machine Sight

23 Outline Overview of Image Processing Bit Operations (Boolean Logic) Chain, Crack, and Run Codes Noise Filtering and Reduction Anti-Aliasing Dithering Applications Demonstration

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