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Acrobat Pro XI an application software used to read, create, convert and edit files in PDF format.

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Presentation on theme: "Acrobat Pro XI an application software used to read, create, convert and edit files in PDF format."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acrobat Pro XI an application software used to read, create, convert and edit files in PDF format.

2 PDF “Portable Document Format” It is an open standard for electronic document exchange

3 Digital portfolio (aka ePortfolio) a digital collection of content managed by one person

4 Color model a group of colors identified in a way that computers can understand

5 Primary colors a basic color that cannot be created by mixing other colors

6 Secondary color a color created when two primary colors are mixed

7 Additive color mixing combining three different colors of light at different intensities to produce a whole range of colors

8 Subtractive color mixing mixing primary pigment colors to absorb different amounts of light and create a range of colors

9 Color mode a way to indicate to a computer what color model to use when representing color

10 RGB Triplet triplet - the combination of numbers indicating light intensity for the red, green, and blue primary colors in the RGB color model and representing a certain color within the model. Can be considered the "name" of a color in the RGB color model.

11 Hue the general color expressed by a value between 0 and 360 degrees

12 Saturation the intensity of a hue on a scale from 0 to 100%

13 Color theory a set of guidelines about how colors communicate feelings and how they combine to create the best look and feel for a project

14 Color wheel a visual representation of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors that can be useful for understanding and using basic concepts of color theory

15 Tertiary color the color created when a primary and secondary color are mixed

16 Neutral colors in color theory, black, white, and gray used to change the nature of hues, creating shades, tints, and tones (black, white and gray are not hues in color theory)

17 Shade a hue mixed with black

18 Tint a hue mixed with white

19 Tone a hue mixed with gray

20 Color theme a combination of different hues that work together to create a color harmony

21 Color harmony a cohesive and pleasing combination created by a group of colors.

22 Monochromatic includes a single color combined with shades and tints of that color

23 Complementary includes two colors that sit directly across from one another on a color wheel

24 Analogous includes colors that are next to one another on a color wheel

25 Triadic includes three evenly separated hues from a color wheel

26 Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) - a camera that uses a mirror system to capture an image.

27 Point and Shoot - a camera designed to be easy to use with preset functions.

28 Jog (or mode)dial - a type of wheel or dial on a camera that makes it possible to scroll through setting options by rotating. There is an indicator for the current selection.

29 Megapixels – a unit of measure equal to one million pixels. On a digital camera, the megapixels on an image sensor react to and record ight to produce an image. The number of megapixels indicates the maximum image resolution of a camera.

30 Candid photographs – non-posed, usually informal pictures

31 Photographic composition – the selection and arrangement of design elements within a photograph

32 Focal point – the element within an image on which the viewer’s eye focuses

33 Rule of Thirds – Principle of imposing an imaginary grid of nine equal spaces (like a tic-tac-toe grid) over a scene to be photographed, then positioning the most important elements of the image along the gridlines, most preferably at or near the intersection of two imaginary gridlines.

34 Framing – The use of elements within a scene to visually surround the subject and draw attention to it.

35 Leading Lines – Actual or suggested lines in an image that draw a viewer’s eye though an image in a specific direction, usually to the focal point.

36 Cropping – In photo composition, including all wanted elements in a photo and excluding all unwanted elements (aka "Filling the Frame")

37 Directional lighting – the direction of light falling on your subject affects photo composition by contrasting light and shadow. Front – when light shines from behind the camera and illuminates the front of the subject producing few or no shadows Side – light that shines from the right of left of the camera nd illuminates the subject from the side, creating more defined highlights and shadows Back – when light shines from behind the subject toward the camera, often casting all of the front details of a subject in shadow or silhouette

38 Illusion of depth – In photography, the effect of visual clues that make a viewer perceive an image as three-dimensional in a two- dimensional image

39 Perspective – In photography, what makes items look larger and closer or smaller and farther away; can be used to create depth and express a story about a subject

40 Angles – Impact perspective and depth by changing the angle of the shot

41 Foreground, Middle Ground, Background – Create depth in a photo by having elements in three dimensions: the background, the middle ground, and the foreground

42 Cropping is the process of removing portions of an image to create focus or strengthen the composition.

43 Non-destructive edit - a change made to an image that does not actually alter the original image's pixels

44 blog (short for "web log") - an online journal or personal webpage with multiple entries that usually appear in reverse chronological order. Anyone with an Internet connection and a Web browser can publish on a blog, and they can be set up so that more than one person can write entries on them. Blogs can contain words, photos, and links to other websites. The word blog can also be used as a verb.

45 permalink (short for "permanent link") - a permalink is a URL that links to a specific news story or Web posting.URL

46 photoblog (also called photolog) - a form of photo sharing and publishing in the format of a blog photo sharingpublishingblog

47 Selection tool – a type of tool used to select a portion of a raster image before modifying it.

48 Anti-aliasing – a raster-editing feature that softens the hard edges of a selection by adjusting the color of the pixels along the outside edge

49 Feathering - a raster-editing feature that softens the hard edges of a selection by adding a border along the outer edge that gradually fades into the background, creating a soft blur

50 Contiguous - linked or touching each other (in reference to parts of an image)

51 Layers – a raster-editing feature that enables one to control what is visible on a layer

52 Blending Modes – affect how a layer blends with the layers below it

53 Layer styles – special effects like drop shadows and glowing edges that you can add to specific layers in your image

54 Layer masks allow you to control a layer's level of transparency

55 Flatten - to merge multiple layers into a single layer; flattening can reduce file size, but should only be done after all editing is complete and is best done on a copy of the original file

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